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25 Cards in this Set

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What is segregation

To seperate

What is Chiasmata

To cross over

What is prophase 1

Chromosomes thicken and n.e dissolved

What is telophase 2

N.e reformed and random selection of haploid, genetic variation

What is prophase?

Chromosomes thicken and n.e dissolves

What is metaphase?

Spindle fiber forms, moves to middle

What is anaphase

Goes from two end to one end, they pull apart

What is telophase?

N.e reforms, cell membrane starts to divide

What is cytokinesis?

A complete n.e and complete cell membrane

What is Interphase?

Duplicates itself, they growth in synthesis

What is centromere?

It is the middle part of wings

What are chromatids?

It is when DNA protect this, uses wings

What comes first during meiosis I?

Prophase 1

What is Metaphase 1

Second event of meiosis I, spindle fiber forms, they lined up in the middle

What is the third event during Meiosis I?

Anaphase I

What is Anaphase I?

Diploids got pulled away

What is Telophase I?

New cells split apart, nuclear envelope reforms

What is Prophase II?

First event in Meiosis II, n.e dissolves and chromosomes denses

What is Metaphase II?

Spindle fiber forms, chromosomes lined up in the middle

What is Anaphase II?

Goes from two end to one end, opposite sides of the cells that pulls apart

What are 2 ways that meiosis creates genetic variation?

They cross over from Prophase 1, random selection of haploids from Telophase 2

What are the two events during mitosis?

Chromosomes divide, growth in repair

What two events occur during homologous chromosomes?

Separates in Meiosis 1, they are similar but not identical

What two events occur during sister chromatids?

They divide in Meiosis 2, two copies of the same chromosome s

What happens during chromosome structure?

Condense during mitosis, makes chromatids called dna