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13 Cards in this Set

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Structure: Special Nuclear Membrane, contains Nucleolus, largest organelle, provides information on making proteins.

Function: Contains nucleic acids such as DNA and RNAthat code in the human body for certain amino acids

Structure: Flattened Membranes - extension of nuclear membrane, transports systems in the cell between nucleus and ribosome.

Function: Made of lipids (fat) doesn't dissolve in water

Golgi Apparatus

Structure: Stacks membranes that carry proteins throughout the cell.

Function: Proteins finish their final form in the Golgi apparatus. Some proteins cannot be released from the cell.


Structure: Several folds inside to increase the efficiency. Known as power plant of cell. Energy is made through cellular respiration.

Function: Breaks down Glucose when oxygen is present, which releases carbon dioxide and molecules called ATP.


Structure: Glucose is made in a process during photosynthesis. Process needs sunlight and chloroplast has a stroma and pigments that capture light energy.

Cell Membrane (Plasma)

Structure: Controls what leaves and is in cell, allows materials to move in and out through openings. Molecules can grab materials and force them out of the cell.

Function: Made of 2 layers with lipids. Proteins are embedded in lipids, which control what goes through it

Cell Wall

Structure: protects cell. Helps hold water in cell. Also maintains shape of cells plants, bacteria, and fungus.

Function: Inside fungus and bacteria cells, also made with other chemicals. Inside plants. Made of cellulose embedded in matrix of protein


Structure: Bubble bound to membrane. Can contain water and important chemicals. More than 1 type of Vacuole and each vacuole has a specific job.

Function: Has some enzymes, mostly H20. Protects cell from harmful chemicals.


Structure: Membrane that can digest things inside membrane bubble. Helpful for disposing dead cells.

Function: Digestive enzymes that break protein to amino acids


Structure: Divides DNA. Works with spindle fibers.

Function: Made of proteins called actin and myosin that react to each other, which creates movement. Same proteins that make muscle


Structure: Helps maintain cell shape and allows cell to move. Made of complex fibers

Function: Made of several proteins that make micro tubes. H20 binds with Cytoskeleton and turns inside of cell into gel-like substance.


Structure: Site where proteins are created

Function: Made of RNA and proteins. Amino Acids put together in a certain way to create certain protein. Protein are then used for structure and enzyme building.

Cytoplasm / Cytosol

Structure: Semi- Fluid that surrounds all other organelles.

Function: Contains enzymes, water is repelled by lipids, and mostly H20 must have this for most reactions to create