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46 Cards in this Set

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What is Kingdom Protista made up of?
microorganisms that are eukaryotic.
What is a eukaryotic cell?
membrane-bound organelles
What are eukaryotic cells required to do to stay alive?
each organelle performs its own set of tasks and must be able to work together as a group
What are the two main groups in Kingdom Protista?
protozoa and algae
What is protozoa?
individual single-celled creatures that are heterotrophic and have a means of locomotion
What is algae?
forms colonies and are most-likely autotrophic. most simply float on or near the top of a body of water
What are the four major phyla in subkingdom Protozoa?
What are the five major phyla in subkingdom Algae?
What are some characteristics of phylum Sarcodina?
have no standard body shape.
enclosed in flexible membrane that allows for shape change. have pseudopods. ex: amoeba
What is a pseudopod?
a temporary foot-like extension of a cell, used for locomotion or engulfing food
What is a nucleus?
the region of a eukaryotic cell that contains the cell's main DNA
What is a vacuole?
a membrane-bounded "sac" within a cell
What are the two types of vacuoles that an amoeba has?
food vacuole and contractile vacuole
What is a food vacuole?
holds and stores food while its being digested
What is a contractile vacuole?
regulates the amount of water in a cell
What is ectoplasm?
the thin, watery cytoplasm near the plasma membrane of some cells
What is endoplasm?
the dense cytoplasm found in the interior of many cells
What is a flagellate?
a protozoan that propels itself with a flagellum
What are some characteristics of genus Euglena?
have the ability to produce there own food via photosynthesis. they also ingest and decompose the remains of dead organisms. have a nucleus, contractile vacuoles, and a pellicle
What is a pellicle?
a firm flexible coating outside the plasma membrane
What is a chloroplast?
an organelle containing chlorophyll for photosynthesis.
What is chlorophyll?
a pigment necessary for photosynthesis
What is an eyespot?
a light sensitive region in certain protozoa
What are some other characteristics of Euglena?
contain chlorophyll, chloroplasts, an eyespot, and reproduce asexually
What is African Sleeping sickness?
a disease carried by a tsetse fly. one bite and the disease travels thru the bloodstream and most often ends in death.
What is symbiosis?
a close relationship between two or more species where at least one is benefiting
What are three different types of symbioses?
What is mutualism?
a relationship between two or more organisms of different species where all benefit from the association.
What is commensalism?
a relationship between two organisms of different species where one is benefited and the other is neither harmed nor benefited
What is parasitism?
a relationship between two organisms of different species where one benefits and the other is harmed
What are some characteristics of phylum Ciliophora?
have cilia, mostly live in fresh water, has a macronucleus and a micronucleus, have a contractile vacuole, food vacuole
What is cilia?
hairlike projections that extend from the plasma membrane and are used for locomotion
What is a macronucleus?
controls the parameciums metabolism
What is micronucleus?
controls reproduction
How does the paramecium eat?
has an oral groove that is lined with cilia, these cilia sweep food into the gullet through the oral pore. once full the gullet becomes a food vacuole and travels thru the cell, floating in the cytoplasm. what is not digested is sent thru the anal pore.
What are some characteristics of phylum Sporozoa?
no means of locomotion, parasitic, form spores
What is a spore?
a reproductive cell with a hard, protective coating.
What is malaria?
the deadliest disease to human kind and is carried by a mosquito
What is alternations of generations?
different generations that alternate between spore formation and other modes of reproduction.
What are some characteristics of subkingdom algae?
often called "grass of the water", photosynthetic, major food source for many aquatic organisms, exist as individual cells, but form colonies, reproduce asexually and sexually
What is plankton?
tiny organisms that float in the water.
What are the two types of plankton?
zooplankton and phytoplankton
What is zooplankton?
tiny floating organisms that are either small animals or protozoa
What is phytoplankton?
tiny floating photosynthetic organisms, primarily algae
What is a thallus?
the body of a plant like organism that is not divided into leaves, roots, or stems.
What is an algal bloom?
when the algae take over its habitat and make the water appear the same color as themselves.