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30 Cards in this Set

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The _____ used by archaea for transcription and translation are more similar to eukaryotes than bacteria


How are halophiles able to survive in such salty environments

Halophiles accumulate a variety of organic molecules in their cytoplasm. By creating a high solute concentration inside the cell, they maintain osmotic balance. Osmosis is the flow of water from high concentration to low concentration. Since there is a balance, the salt water is not pulled into the cell

What cellular characteristics do both bacteria and archaea lack that eukaryotes posses?

Bacteria and Archaea both lack defined, membrane bound nuclei and organielles

In which of these environments might you find Methanogens

an environment with low O2 levels

A common type of archaean extremophile that inhabit regions of very high temperature


how are methanogens unique archaean organisms

considered extremophiles meaning they thrive in extreme environments like high temps or acidic pH levels. Methanogens are unique to the extremophiles because they do not commonly inhabit extreme environments. instead these organisms generate methane from reducing carbon dioxide with elemental hydrogen

Thermophiles habitat

regions with very high temps


Halophiles habitat

environments with high salt concentrations

H=high S=salt

Acidophiles habitat

places where pH is very low

Acidity=low pH

Methanogens habitat

Envrionment with low O2 levels


where do methanogens live in humans

in the guts of humans, where they produce the methane that creates belches and flatulence

describe halophilies and the processes they perform to survive in their environment

live in areas with high salt concentration. to survive in these conditions, some halophilies synthesize or acquire small organic compounds in order to maintain the osmotic balance in their cells. Other halophilies take up potassium chloride, which balances the high sodium chloride concentration outside the cell

Because oxygen stops methanogens metabolic processes, what are they almost always?


Explain one way archaea are like bacteria and one way they are like eukaryotes

both bacteria and archaea are prokaryotes and they are always single cell organisms. The transcription and translation process of archaea is more similar to eukaryotes than they are to bacteria

Which is not an example of an extromophile?

Pressophile- can tolerate high pressures

Examples of extremophilies

can tolerate low pH, high salt concetrations, and high temps

Methanogens habitat consists of

swamplands, marshlands and the gut of humans

which group of microorganisms is most likely to spoil tuna preserved with salt


which of the following types of microbes might be found in the Dead sea


Archaeans are known for their ability to

survive in extreme environments

Bacteria and archaeans both lack

nuclei and other membrane bound organelles but differ in metabolism and membrane structure

Some Halophilies synthesize or take up a variety of _________ such as amino acids, sugars and alcohols, which accumulate in their cytoplasm and maintain the appropriate ________.

Small organic compounds, Osmotic balance in the cell

Intracellular solutes create

solute concentration within the cell that is nearly equal to the solute concentration outside the cell

how to produce methane gas

reducing carbon dioxide with elemental hydrogen

Methanogens are almost always

obligate anaerobes because oxygen stops their metabolic processes

Methanogens do not commonly inhabit

extreme environments, a distinguishing characteristics from many other archaeans

Describe how a select group of halophilies utilize a more radical approach to increasing their internal osmolarity.

They take up potassium chloride (KCl) from the environment until it is as concentrated as 4 M KCl inside their cell. This balances the high sodium chloride (NaCl) concentration outside the cells.

Describe osmosis

water travels to areas of higher solute concetrations;thus when a cells internal solute concentration is equal to that outside the cell; no net water is lost by the cell.


an organism that thrives in the environment that are at low pH, typically pH 5 to 1


the end