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70 Cards in this Set

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signal transductiion of GF

through membrane receptors to:

1. ion channels (according to gradient)

2. G proteins (activ. of mem. enzymes)

3. receptor kinases (direct. activ. signalling cascase)

ion channels

free flow of small inos according to concentration gradient

can open and close according to stimuli

G protein signalling

alpha+beta+gamma subunits

mediate cell response to extracellular stimuli

extracellular transcription signals


2. notch

3. FGF

4. Wnt

5. hedghod

no. of genes encoding to PTK (protein tyrosin kinase)

58 genes

strictire pf tyrosin kinase

1. extracellualr domain

2. intracellualr domain

3. transmembrane domain

action of tyrosin kinase receptor

1. ligand activated

2. dimerization

3. intracellualr domain get closer

4. autophosphorolation

5. triggers downstream signalling cascase

6. activation of multiple signal molecules

canonical signalling pathway

1. FGF attached to FGF receptor

2. activated

3. initiates Ras\Raf pathway

genetic abnormalities in the FGFr

1. cancer

2. chromosmal transclocation

3. gene amplification\ overexpression

4. mutation activation

FGF10 ligand codes for

limb bud growth

Vegfa codes for?



GF of mesenchymal proliferation,

builds limb bud


receptor of FGF

malfunction- giant individual

indian hedghod


shutting fown will lead giaganitism

criteria of stem cells

1. self renewal

2. differentiation

what kind of division does the embryonic stem cells go through?

symmetrical division

what kind of division does the feotal and adult stem cells go through?

asymmetrical divisio

type of totipotency


type of pluripotency

embryonic SC

type of multipotency

hematopoeitic SC

type of oligopotency

gastrointestinal SC

type of unipotency

prostate SC


presence of several types of supportive cells and signalling molecules

induced pluripotency

by transcription factors





where can embryonic stem cell proliferate?

in vitro

in vivo

characteristic of adult stem cells

residue in several organs

have self renewal capitability

can generate differentiation

commitment of stem cells

the differentiation is restricted to a specific cell in the future

autonomous scecifity of stem cells

no need for external signal to differentiate (embryonic stem cell)

conditional specification

in adult cells

gets external signals from neighbohrong cells to how to differentiate


organ bud grown in vitro


an abnormal number of chromsomes in cell (45\47)


having a complete extra set of chromsomes

transition mutation

switching of purin with another purin (or pyrimidin with another pyrimidin)

tranverstion mutation

switching of purin with pyrimidin and vice versa

exogenous DNA alternation sources





ionizing radiation



endogenous DNA alternation sources

replication errors

spontaneous DNA alternation

alkylating agents

what kind of damage does UV cause?

covalent bond btw neighborhing Thymin (thymin dimers)


base exchange



intercalating mutagenes

are "like base" and fit btw adjacent base pairs

lead to transitional frameshifts

how many mutation occurs per day in a cell


how many cell division occurs during life


base excision repare

1. DNA glycosylase recognizes a wrong base

2. DNA glycosylase removes the wrong base

3. AP nuclase stays on the gap created

4. DNA pol. fills the gap with the correct base

5. DNA ligase connects the adj. parts of the same strand

nucleotise excision repaire

dimers occuring btw same strand

1. uvrA+uvrB recognize mistake

2. uvrB remaines attached to mistake

3.uvrC attaches to the area

4. uvrC cuts one strand away from mistake

5. hilcase separates the 2 strands

6. DNA pol. III fills the gap

7. DNA ligase connects the same strand

mismatch repair

when wrong base are paired (during replication)

1. Muts recongnizes mismatch

2. MutH creates a "nick" in the new strand

3. exonuclease removes the new and marked strand

4. DNA pol. builds new strand

5. ligase

falconi anemia

from bad double stranded break without repair

benign tumors


in invasion

no penetration to basement membrane

malignant tumors

invade tissues

make metastases

source of carcinomas

epithelial tissues

source os squamous cell carcinomas

from epithelia of protective layer


from secretory epithelia


from connective tissue (liposarcoma...)

is only one mutation sufficient for tumor development?

no, at least 4

somatic mutation

de novo, passed in daughter cells, but not to next generations

germ line mutations

in the sperm\egg\ gonads

can be inhereted

proto oncogen

if activated-> can cause cancer

in genes that are responsible for the cell growth\ differentiation

any mutation\ increased expression-> increased activity of cell-> proto oncogen-> oncogen e

Myc, Ras, Src, HER2,

tumor suppressor genes

their function is usually lost in cancer

they "block" the growth and survivial of not so good cells

some genes can also induce "fixing" of DNA

p53, p16, Rb, APC, MLH1, MSH2,

what are the requests a cell must have in order to achiave "cancer mode"

1. self sufficiency of GF

2. insensitivity to anti GF

3. tissue invading\ metastasis

4. limitless replications potentials

5. sustained angiogenesis

6. evading apoptotsis

in the abscence of GF\ presence of anti GF

cells leave cell cycle and moves to G0

TGF mutation

are receptors -> cancer cells are insensitive to anti growth signals


remain viable, but do not replicate (left the cell cycle phase)

philadelphia chromsome

translocation of chromsome 9 and 22 leading to a fused chromsome and higher chances of CML

loss of EMT

loss of epithelial gene expression -> cells migrate (metastases)

ras activation

oncogenic blocks the hydrolysis of GTP and thus it is always active

raf kinase

is rare

when mutates it leads to malignant melanoma

transcription factors overexpression

are difficult to inhibit since they are enzymes

since thye bind to DNA -> if amplified ther are more copies of genes=> more copies of genes responsible for the division-> cancer

n-myc = childhood neuroblastime

also Burkitt's lymphoma (EBV+ malaria-> overexpression of nmyc)

stochastic model

all tumor cells can proliferate and make new tumor cells

cancer stem cell model

only a few cells can form new tumors

therapuatic viruses contains

therapuetic genes

and psi genes for packaging

helper virus contains

genes for replication