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64 Cards in this Set

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"what is the purpose of the ovule in plants
In seed plants, the ovule is the structure that gives rise to and contains the female reproductive cells
which generation is found in the seed of gumnosperm and angiosperm plants
seed plants
what is gymnosperm
a seed plant with the ovules borne on the surface of a sporophyll
what are microspores
The smaller type of spore, bearing male gametes
what are megaspores
the larger type of spore bearing female gametes
What is the difference between pollination and fertilization?
Pollination is the spreading of pollen from the male to the female part of a flower.

Fertilization is the sperm and egg joining to form a zygote.
What Is An Example Of Angiosperms?
daisy rose any flowering plant
what is an example of gymnosperm plants
conifers, cycads, ginkgoes, and gnetophytes
what are monocots
flower parts in threes or multiples of three, herbaceous, parallel venation, never woody
what are eudicots
flowering parts in fours or fives, woody or herbaceous, net venation, can be woody
what is double fertilization
egg & polar body/nucleli are fertilized
what is the endosperm
is the tissue inside the seeds of flowering plants at the time of fertilization
what is the embryo sac
produces the egg cell for fertilization
what are the three parts of the seed
seed coat, embryo & endosperm (3n)
what is chemosynthetic
a bacteria able to make organic molecules utilizing in organic molecules
what is the scientific name for the organism that couses black death
Yersinia pestis
waht is saprotrophic
most bacteria. they send out digestive enzymes in to the environment & take up the resulting nutrient molecules
what is a colony
cells that decended from an original cell
what does an endospore contain and what is it incased in
contains a copy of the genetic material incased by heavy protective spore coats
what are the tree taxonomic domains
bacteria, archaea & eukaryotes
which domain to bacteria belong to
what are the differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
prokaryotes have no nucleus or membrane and they have bound organelles
what are three techniques used to identify bacteria
staining technique (gram stain), shape, & colony morphology
what is the name used for round bacteria
what is the name used for rod bacteria
what is the name used for spiral bacteria
what color do gram positive bacteria stain
what color do gram negitive bacteria stain
which domain do protists belong to
which protist organism may be the ancestor to the first plants
green algae
what type of reproduction is used by volvox
sezually & asexually
are doughter colonies produced sexually or asexually
what is the cell wall of diatoms impregnated with
which organism is responsible for red tides
dino flagellates
what three forms of locomotion are used by protozoa
psuedopods, cilia, flagella
what is evolution
the process by which life has changed through time
what is a species
a group of similarly constructed organisms that share common genes
what is a population
all members of a species living in a particular area
what is a fossil
remains or ecidence of some organism that lived long ago
what are the three types of evidence that suggest various types of organisms are related through common descent
fossil record, comparative anatomy & biochemical comparison
how is the age of a fossil measured
relative and absolute dating
how does the process of dating work
doesnt give exact date just dates that this one died before that one
what is the difference between homologous and analogous structures
homologus come from the same embryo tissue analogous does not come from the same embry tissue
what structures are used to indicate an evolutionary relationship
what happens to the paired pharyngeal pouches in aquatic animals
become functunal gills
what happens to the paired pharyngeal puches in humans
1st pair becomes the cavity of the middle ear & auditory tube. 2nd pair becomes tonsils. 3rd & 4th pairs become the thymus & parathyroid glans
gram negitive baccilli
gram positive cocci
amoebozoa amoeba proteus
amoebozoa entamoeba
apicomplexans plasmodium
ciliata paramecium
cyanobacteria gloeocapsa
cyanobacteria oscillatoria
cynobacteria anabaena
dinoflagellates ceratium
dinoflagellates peridinium
gram negitive bacilli.jpegs
Gram positive cocci
spirogyra desmids