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139 Cards in this Set

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Fixed action pattern
sequence of unlearned acts that is essentially unchangeable and once initiated usually carried to completion
change in activity or turning rate in response to stimulus
Example: pill bugs (more active in dry areas/less in moist)
an oriented movement toward or away from a stimulus
Example: fish facing into current
Innate behavior
behavior that is developed mentally fixed and under strong genetic control; exhibited in virtually the same form in all members of a population.
Example: canine play bow
modification behavior based on specific experiences
Example: young chimpanzee termiting
loss of responsiveness to stimuli that convey little or no new information
Example: urban coyotes
formation of a certain stage in life of long lasting behavioral responses to specific individuals or objects
Example: birds and songs
Associative learning
acquired ability to connect one environmental feature to another.
Example: poison arrow frogs
Operant conditioning
type of learning in which an animal learns to associate a behavior with a reward or punishment and acts accordingly.
Example: trial and error learning
no strong pair bonds or long lasting relationships
Example: warthogs
strong pair bonds; remain together for long periods
Example: birds
an individual of one sex mating with multiple members of the opposite sex
Example: lions
Sexual dimorphism
significant differences between the secondary sexual characteristics of males and females
Example: lions, some birds
Inter-sexual selection
individuals of one sex (females) actively choose their mates form the opposite sex
Example: peafowl
Intra-sexual selection
individuals of one sex (males) compete for mate of the opposite sex
Example: lions
Agonistic behavior
ritualized contests that determine which competitor wins; usually by size, strength or effective use of available weapons.
Example: bighorn sheep
Kinesis can be studied using :
crustacean in the order isopoda called isopods
Other common names for pill bugs are:
wood lice, sow bugs, and roly-polies
They’re terrestrial, behavior is involved to :
avoid desiccation
Collected in warm weather under
What were the materials used in the Pill bug experiment?
1. Pill bugs
2. 2 large petri dishes
3. Filter paper
4. Squirt bottle of water
What was the Hypothesis about the Pill bug experiment?
pill bugs will be more active in dry areas and less active in moist areas
What was the prediction of the Pill bug experiment?
if pills bugs are more active in dry areas than they will circle and turn more
Kinetic response to varying moisture in the environment is called hygrokinesis. What other environmental factors might influence the behavior of pill bugs?
-Looking for mates
- sunlight
- temperature
List 4 factors that might initiate kinesis in pill bugs and predict their response to each. What possible adaptive advantage could this behavior provide?
-Looking for moisture

This question needs 4 look it up
What were the materials in the Siamese fighting fish experiment?
1.Male Siamese fighting fish in 1 – 2L flat-sided fish bowl
What were the main thing to obsearve during the Siamese fighting fish experiment?
frontal approach, broadside display, undulating movements, increased swimming speed, and enhanced coloration in tail, fin or body.
What was the hypothesis of the Siamese fighting fish experiment?
-Siamese fighting fish will behave as if seeing another male betta
What was the Prediction of the Siamese fighting fish experiment?
-If the Siamese fighting fish behaves as if seeing another male betta then it will act aggressively
Label the Fish
Label the Fish
1. Caudal FIn
2.Dorsal Fin
3.Pectoral Fin
4.Ventral Fin
5.Anal Fin
1. Caudal FIn
2.Dorsal Fin
3.Pectoral Fin
4.Ventral Fin
5.Anal Fin
Do you conclude that agonistic behavior in Siamese fighting fish is an example of this type of behavior? Why or why not?
- Yes it is a fixed action pattern, because they think it’s another betta fish, they look for long fins and once initiated they follow through to completion
What is the obvious adaptive advantage of complex agonistic displays that are not followed by damaging fights? Are there advantages that are not so obvious?
- Both have a chance
- Maintain gene pool
- Everybody survives that’s healthy
Name several other animals that demonstrate a strong display that is seldom followed by a damaging fight.
- bighorn sheep
- camilians
Name several animals that do engage in damaging fights.
- dogs
- coyotes
- giraffes
Autotrophic way of Feeding:
Heterotrophic way of feeding
depend on others for food
What is primary production?
amount of energy stored by autotrophs
autotrophs protists
 Example: diatoms
autotrophs protists
Example: diatoms
heterotrophic protists
heterotrophic protists
the uptake of large particles or whole organisms by the pinching inward of the plasma membrane
Example: dog
capable of photosynthesis and ingestion
Example: euglanoids
Label the Amoeba
Label the Amoeba
3.plasma membrane
3.plasma membrane
Label the Spirogyra
Label the Spirogyra
1. Chloroplasts
4.Cell Wall
1. Chloroplasts
4.Cell Wall
Label the Paramecium
Label the Paramecium
1. Cell Wall
2. Nucleus
3.Cell Membrane
1. Cell Wall
2. Nucleus
3.Cell Membrane
How do you think amoeboid organisms with skeletons such as the radiolarians, move food to their cell bodies?
- Thread-like pseudopodia
Compare the appearance and rate of locomotion in amoeboid, flagellated and ciliated organisms observed in this exercise.
- Amoeboid: lobe-like pseudopods
- Flagellated: whip-like motion
- Ciliated: rowing motion
Compare dinoflagellates and diatoms. What important ecological role is shared by these two groups?
- Primary producers
4. Slime molds were once place in the kingdom fungi. What characteristics suggest that these organisms are protestant?
-	Phagocytosis
- Phagocytosis
5. What important ecological role is shared by the macroscopic algae (green, red and brown)?
- Primary producers
6. What characteristics of green algae have led scientists to conclude that this group includes the ancestors of land plants, most likely the charophytes?
-	Photosynthetic
-	Cell walls
-	Chloroplasts
- Photosynthetic
- Cell walls
- Chloroplasts
Example: Trypanosoma Levisi
characteristics: Micro Flagellated,parasitic, heterotrophic

Ecological Role: Parasitic 

Economic Importance: Lives in blood of rats
characteristics: Micro Flagellated,parasitic, heterotrophic

Ecological Role: Parasitic

Economic Importance: Lives in blood of rats
Example: Paramecia
characteristics:Single-celled; Micro
Hetero, alveoli under cell membrane 

Ecological Role:Food for microscopic consumers in plankton and some animals 

Economic Importance: Only in role as food for larger organisms
characteristics:Single-celled; Micro
Hetero, alveoli under cell membrane

Ecological Role:Food for microscopic consumers in plankton and some animals

Economic Importance: Only in role as food for larger organisms

characteristics:Micro; Single-celled
Auto; cell wall in plates

Ecological Role: Primary Producer

Economic Importance: Secretes Toxins that kill fish in red tides
Example: Diatoms
characteristics:Micro; auto; cell wall of silica; pinnate or centric forms 

Ecological Role:Primary producer 

Economic Importance: Diatomaceous earth has commercial uses
characteristics:Micro; auto; cell wall of silica; pinnate or centric forms

Ecological Role:Primary producer

Economic Importance: Diatomaceous earth has commercial uses
Examples: Foraminiferans
characteristics: Mirco; ameboid; hetero; thread like pseudopodia; secret calcium carbonate tests

Ecological Role: Food for larger organisms in plankton

Economic Importance : Form limestone deposits in ocean floor
characteristics: Mirco; ameboid; hetero; thread like pseudopodia; secret calcium carbonate tests

Ecological Role: Food for larger organisms in plankton

Economic Importance : Form limestone deposits in ocean floor
Examples: Radiolarians
characteristics: Mirco; ameboid; hetero; thread like pseudopodia; secret calcium carbonate tests

Ecological Role: Food for larger organisms in plankton

Economic Importance :Form silicon deposits in ocean floor
characteristics: Mirco; ameboid; hetero; thread like pseudopodia; secret calcium carbonate tests

Ecological Role: Food for larger organisms in plankton

Economic Importance :Form silicon deposits in ocean floor
Example: Amoeba
characteristics: Micro; ameboid; lobe-shaped pseudopodia; hetero

Ecological Role: Food for larger organisms

Economic Importance :Some may be parasitic
characteristics: Micro; ameboid; lobe-shaped pseudopodia; hetero

Ecological Role: Food for larger organisms

Economic Importance :Some may be parasitic
Example: Physarum
characteristics: Ameboid plasmodium; hetero

Ecological Role: Feeds on bacteria

Economic importance :  Sold in biological supply houses
characteristics: Ameboid plasmodium; hetero

Ecological Role: Feeds on bacteria

Economic importance : Sold in biological supply houses
Chloropyta and Charophyta
Example: Green algae: spirogyra, Ulva, Chara
characteristics: Micro and Macro; store amylase; chlorophyll a and b pigments 

Ecological Role: Primary producer

Economic Importance : Food for humans and livestock and proposed medicinal app.
characteristics: Micro and Macro; store amylase; chlorophyll a and b pigments

Ecological Role: Primary producer

Economic Importance : Food for humans and livestock and proposed medicinal app.
Alternation of generations
a common sexual reproductive life cycle
a common sexual reproductive life cycle
the sexual form of a plant in the alternation of generations
the sexual form of a plant in the alternation of generations
the form of a plant in the alternation of generations that produces asexual spores.
the form of a plant in the alternation of generations that produces asexual spores.
apable of giving rise to a new individual either directly or indirectly.
apable of giving rise to a new individual either directly or indirectly.
a protective, non-reproductive jacket of cells
a protective, non-reproductive jacket of cells
a mature sexual reproductive cell that unites with another cell to form a new organism.
a mature sexual reproductive cell that unites with another cell to form a new organism.
What is this?????
What is this?????
Archegonia of a Moss(male)
Archegonia of a Moss(female)
What is this????
What is this????
Antheridia of a moss (female)
Antheridia of a moss (male)
Megasporangia and Microsporangia of Selaginella:
Megasporangia and Microsporangia of Selaginella:
: a male reproductive structure producing gametes, occurring in ferns, mosses, fungi, and algae.
: a male reproductive structure producing gametes, occurring in ferns, mosses, fungi, and algae.
the female reproductive organ in ferns, mosses, etc.
the female reproductive organ in ferns, mosses, etc.
a)	Seedless non-vascular plant 
b)	Habitat is limited in damp areas
c)	Gametophyte generation is dominant 
d)	Examples: liverworts, hornworts
a) Seedless non-vascular plant
b) Habitat is limited in damp areas
c) Gametophyte generation is dominant
d) Examples: liverworts, hornworts
a)	Seedless vascular plant
b)	Sporophyte generation is dominant 
c)	Habitat is limited in damp areas
a) Seedless vascular plant
b) Sporophyte generation is dominant
c) Habitat is limited in damp areas
Are the spores produced by the moss sporophyte formed by meiosis or mitosis? Are they haploid or diploid?
- Meiosis/haploid
Do the spores belong to the gametophyte or sporophyte generation?
- Sporophyte
Are the gametes haploid or diploid? Are they produced by meiosis or mitosis?
- Haploid/mitosis
Is the dominant generation for the mosses the gametophyte or the sporophyte?
- Gametophyte
Can you suggest any ecological role for mosses?
- Primary producers
What feature of the life cycle differs for bryophytes compared with all other land plants?
- Gametophyte generation is dominant
Are these leafy plants part of the sporophyte or the gametophyte generation? Do you have any evidence to support your answer?
- Sporophyte: if mega or micro sporangium is present then it’s a sporophyte
What features would you look for to determine if this were a seedless vascular plant?
- If it has spores
Are the microspores and megaspores produced by mitosis or meiosis?
- Meiosis
Will megaspores divide to form the female gametophyte or the sporophyte?
- Gametophyte
Are the spores produced by the fern sporophyte formed by meiosis or mitosis?
- Meiosis
Do the spores belong to the gametophyte or the sporophyte generation?
- Sporophyte
Are the gametes produced by meiosis or mitosis?
- Meiosis
Are the archegonia and antheridia haploid or diploid? This about which generation produces them.
- Haploid: gametophyte generation
15. Is the dominant generation for the fern the gametophyte or the sporophyte?
- Sporophyte
Can you suggest en ecological role for ferns?
- Primary producers
Do you think that non-vascular plants could ever have been large sized plants?
- No because they don’t have vascular tissue
What is the significance of chemotaxis to fern reproduction?
- So the sperm can find the egg
What is this?
What is this?
Staminate cone
Staminate cone
What is this????
What is this????
Ovulate cone
Ovulate cone
Label the Flower:
Label the Flower:
1. Sepal 
2. Ovule
4. Pedal
5. Filament 
6. Anther
7. Stigma
1. Sepal
2. Ovule
4. Pedal
5. Filament
6. Anther
7. Stigma
What is the function of the wings on the pollen grain?
- Wind dispersal
Why is wind dispersal an important phenomenon in the evolution of plants?
- No longer need water for reproduction
Are microspores and megaspores produced by mitosis or meiosis?
- Meiosis
Can you think of at least two ways in which pine seeds are dispersed?
- Wind

- Animals
Plants have evolved a number of characteristics that attract animals and ensure pollination, but what are the benefits to animals in this relationship?
- Fruit and nutrition
6. Why is internal fertilization essential for true terrestrial living?
- Protection against water
7. Explain how the rise in prominence of one major group does not necessarily result in the total replacement of a previously dominant group?
- They have different habitats
What is the problem with your neighbors rose garden?
- She killed the pollinators
Label the  Anatomy of a Colus Stem Tip
Label the Anatomy of a Colus Stem Tip
1. Leaf Primordia
2 Undifferentiated vascular tissue 
3. Apical meristems 
4. Axillary bud primordia 
1. Leaf Primordia
2 Undifferentiated vascular tissue
3. Apical meristems
4. Axillary bud primordia
Name the Stem Anatomy
Name the Stem Anatomy
1. Epidermis
2. Cortex (choenchyma )
3. Fibre Cap (slerenchyma)
6.Pith (parenchyma)
7. Vascular Bundle
1. Epidermis
2. Cortex (choenchyma )
3. Fibre Cap (slerenchyma)
6.Pith (parenchyma)
7. Vascular Bundle
Label the Root Anatomy
Label the Root Anatomy
1. Epidermis
2. Vascular Bundle
1. Epidermis
2. Vascular Bundle
Label More Root Anatomy
Label More Root Anatomy
1. Pericycle
2. Endodermis
3. Phloem
4. Xylem
1. Pericycle
2. Endodermis
3. Phloem
4. Xylem
Label the Root
Label the Root
1.Root Cap
2. Root Tip ( Longitudainal Section)
3. Zone of Cell Division
4. Zone of Elongation
5.Zone of Maturation
6. Epidermis Root Hair
7. Vascular Cylinder
1.Root Cap
2. Root Tip ( Longitudainal Section)
3. Zone of Cell Division
4. Zone of Elongation
5.Zone of Maturation
6. Epidermis Root Hair
7. Vascular Cylinder
Label the Leaf Anatomy
Label the Leaf Anatomy
1. Upper Epidermis
2. Mesophyll
3. Xylem
4. Phloem
5. Lower Epidermis
1. Upper Epidermis
2. Mesophyll
3. Xylem
4. Phloem
5. Lower Epidermis
Label the Leaf
Label the Leaf
B) Cuticle 
C) Xylem
D) Phloem
E) upper Epidermis
F) vascular bundle
G) lower epidermis

J) guard cell
k) stomata
B) Cuticle
C) Xylem
D) Phloem
E) upper Epidermis
F) vascular bundle
G) lower epidermis

J) guard cell
k) stomata
Which are larger and more distinct, xylem cells or phloem cells?
- Xylem
What is the function of the xylem and phloem?
- Xylem: transports water and minerals from the roots to leaves
- Phloem: transports nutrients from the leaves to roots
Suggest that the advantage of taproots and of fibrous roots under different environmental conditions
- Taproots: desert, because they have to ravel deeper down to find water
- Fibrous: moist areas, because in moist areas water stays at the surface
Compare the structure and organization of roots and stems. How do these two organs differ?
- Roots: absorbs water and nutrients
- Stems: transports nutrients up and down
Note that the epidermis of the root lacks a cuticle. Can you explain why this might be advantageous?
- Prevents desiccation
- Strong need to absorb water
Describe the functions of leaves
- Photosynthesis
Provide evidence from your observations of leaf structure to support the hypothesis that structure and function be related. Be specific in your examples.
- Wide, flat, lots of surface area
- Leaves are widely spread
- Green
- Stomata
8. Explain the observation that more stomata are found on the lower surface of the leaf than on the upper.
- Keeps it from drying out
What has happened to the several years of phloem tissue production?
- Phloem gets pushed outside
Based on your observations of the woody stem, does xylem or phloem provide structural support for trees?
- Xylem
Cells of the epidermis frequently retain a capability for cell division. Why is this important?
- Protect against damage
Why is the endodermis essential in the root but not in the stem?
- To filter everything it absorbs
Using your knowledge of the dual functions of guard cells relative to water retention and uptake of carbon dioxide, explain the reduction in photosynthetic productivity.
- Guard cells closed, stops intake of CO2 and water
Hypothesize about the trends in stomatal density that might be expected in response to climate change and increased carbon dioxide concentration.
- Decrease number of stomata as CO2 increase
The belt buckle of a standing 20 year old man may be a foot higher that it was when he was 10, but a nail driven into a 10 year old tree will be at the same height 10 years later. Explain.
- Because a tree grows from the top up
What special feature of plants provides for this incredible longevity? How do plants differ from animals in their pattern of growth and development?
-	Some plants have indeterminate growth
-	Animals have determinate growth
- Some plants have indeterminate growth
- Animals have determinate growth
threadlike individual filaments
threadlike individual filaments
organs organized into the body of the fungus
organs organized into the body of the fungus
round structures that hold spores
round structures that hold spores
a closed spherical structure that develops a pore at the top for spore dispersal.
a closed spherical structure that develops a pore at the top for spore dispersal.
Zygomycota (zygote fungi
examples:  rhizopus

Sexual reproductive structures: Zygote sporangia produce spores

Asexual reproductive structures: Sporangia and spores
examples: rhizopus

Sexual reproductive structures: Zygote sporangia produce spores

Asexual reproductive structures: Sporangia and spores
Ascomycota (sac fungi)
examples: Peziza penicillium 

Sexual reproductive structures: Ascocarp ascospores 

 Asexual reproductive structures:  conidia
examples: Peziza penicillium

Sexual reproductive structures: Ascocarp ascospores

Asexual reproductive structures: conidia
Basidiomycota (club fungi)
examples: Coprinus 

Sexual reproductive structures: Pseudocarp pseudio spores

 Asexual reproductive structures:  Conidia
examples: Coprinus

Sexual reproductive structures: Pseudocarp pseudio spores

Asexual reproductive structures: Conidia
Label the Parts of a Mushroom
Label the Parts of a Mushroom
1. Pileus
2. Gills
3. Stipe
1. Pileus
2. Gills
3. Stipe
Know the symbiotic relationships of lichens
- The fungus of lichens has a mutualistic symbiotic relationship with algae. The fungi provide protection and moisture to the algae, and the algae feed the fungi with photosynthetic nutrients.
Imagine an ecosystem with no fungi. How would it be modified?
- Breaking down death and decaying nutrients
- Mutualistic provide nutrients
- Recycle nutrients
Speculate about a possible evolutionary advantage to the fungus for the following:
A) Penicillium makes and secretes an antibiotic
- Reduces competition
B) Ergto fungus produces a chemical that is toxic to animals.
- Prevents it from being eaten by animals
- Reduces competition
Fill in the blanks
Fill in the blanks
Fill in the blanks
Fill in the blanks