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43 Cards in this Set

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plastid containing chlorophyll which is the site of photosynthesis
short hairlike organelles on the surface of a cell responsible for cell movement (ex, paramecium) or the movement of particles over the surface of a cell (ex, cells lining the respiratory tract)
endoplasmic reticulum
a system of membrane-bound tubules in the cytoplasm which:
1) may have ribosomes attached (RER) and is the site of the synthesis of certain proteins or
2) is w/o ribosomes (SER) and is the site of metabolism of certain drugs like barbiturates, tranquilizers and alcohol and the synthesis of certain lipids.
long whip-like organelle responsible for cell motility in certain single-celled organisms (ex, Euglena) and sperm cells.
Golgi Bodies
organelles important in processing molecules for export from the cell.
organelle containing enzymes (organic catalyst, usually a protein that speeds up a reaction in cells due to its particular shape) capable of digesting the contents of the cell.
organelle responsible for producing the usable energy (ATP) for a cell.
organelle containing the genetic information (DNA) of the cell
organelle that is the actual site of protein synthesis
membrane-bound sac within a cell used for various purposes (food digestion, water expulsion and storage.
the structural and functional units of living organisms are cells. Cells come in many different shapes and sizes, but they share many general characteristics.
the smallest living organisms consisting of a single cell.
in multicellular organisms, there are several different cell types, each performing a specific function.
on the basis of their internal organization, all cells can be categorized into two basic types, one being prokaryotes. prokaryotic cells lack a defined nucleus, but do have DNA. prokaryotic cells are lacking membrane-bound organelles but do have ribosomes. certain unicellular organisms, bacteria and cyanobacteria or "blue-green algae" are prokaryotic.
Eukaryotic cells are usually larger than than prokaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells have a true nucleus. Eukaryotic cells have organelles. many unicellular organisms and all multicellular organisms are eukaryotic.
a membrane-bound structure containing DNA, the genetic information of the cell.
"little organs", that have specialized jobs in eukaryotic cells to carry out. organelles vary in size, and with a few exceptions (nucleus, chloroplasts, mitochondria) are so small that they cannot be seen with the compound microscope. some organelles are- nucleus, mitochondria, edoplasmic reticulum, golgi bodies, ribosomes, lysosomes, vacuoles, chloroplasts, cilia, and flagella.
Cell membrane
an outer boundary surrounding cells, which regulates the passage of molecules into and out of the cell.
contents of a cell between the nucleus and the plasma membrane that contains the organelles. within a cell, a "cell sap", a clear semi-fluid matrix; various organelles are embedded in cytoplasm.
Cell Wall
in addition to a cell membrane, plant cells have a cell wall that is exterior to the cell membrane. cell walls serve to support and protect the cell but do not interfere with movement of molecules across the membrane.
Are bacteria pro or euk cells?
Are Protists (amoeba, paramecium, euglena) pro or euk?
Are plants (elodea, potato) pro or euk?
Are animal cells (cheek cells) pro or euk?
unicellular. Although bacteria are perceived as being harmful, they are important for proper body function (digestion) the environment, antibiotics, yogurt, sour cream. Have three shapes: bacilli or rod shaped, cocci or spheres, and spirilli or spirals.
protist, and a unicellular organism that can be found in fresh water streams and ponds.
amoeboid movement
cell that moves and engulfs debris with pseudopods.
cytoplasmic streaming
the movement of the fluid substance (cytoplasm) within a plant or animal cell. The motion transports nutrients, proteins, and organelles within cells.
"engulfing prey"
"false feet", in both movement and engulfing its prey, the amoeba forms cytoplasmic extensions, and captures its prey by surrounding it with the pseudopodia and then digests its food within the membrane bound food vacuoles.
food vacuoles
The Amoeba captures its prey by surrounding it with the pseudopodia and then digests its food within membrane bound food vacuoles. found in protazoans
process by which amoeboid cells engulf large substances, forming an intracellular vacuole.
contractile vacuole
an organelle that pumps water out of the cell.
What are the steps of the life of an amoeba, and describe the steps.
1) amoeboid movement and cytoplasmic streaming
2) pseudopodia
3) food vacuoles
4) phagocytosis (process of steps 1-3)
5) contractile vacuole
single celled. The paramecium is a protozoan that has some of the same features as the Amoeba- it moves, ingests food particles, digests food in vacuoles and removes excess water via contractile vacuoles. BUT- it is covered with cilia, short hairs that enable this organism to move and feed. it has a flexible pellicle formed from protein just inside the cell membrane.
thin protective membrane in some protozoa. formed from protein just inside the cell membrane.
unicellular alga which has both plant-like and animal-like characteristics, and is a common inhabitant of pond water. They have a red eyespot. If Euglena is kept in the dark, it can live by ingesting food particles by phagocytosis similar to the Amoeba. For its movement, Euglena rely on a long whip-like flagellum. euglena lacks a cell wall, but has a flexible pellicle formed from protein just inside the cell membrane.
pigment spot that allows it to recognize the direction of light so that it can carry out photosynthesis in its chloroplasts.
process by which plants and algea make their own food using the energy of the sun.
an aquatic plant that's commonly grown in aquaria. looking under the scope, one should see:
cell wall, chloroplasts, chlorophyll, detect cyclosis, and see a vacuole surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm though both is clear.
green pigment that captures solar energy during photosynthesis.
the movement of cytoplasm and organelles with the cell. Ex, can be seen in the elodea plant cell
starch grains
within the cytoplasm of the potato cells, they are colorless oval structures.
cheek cells are epithelial, which occur in epithelial tissue. a type of tissue that lines hollow organs and covers surfaces; also called epithelium.