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15 Cards in this Set

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What is the order of blood vessels?

Arteries ( carry blood away from heart) ➡️ Arterioles ➡️ Capillaries ➡️ Veins (carry blood back to heart)

What are the features of Arterioles?

•Thick muscle layer - restricting blood flow

•Thin elastic layer - blood pressure low

What are the features of Arteries?

• Thick muscle layer - constrict and dilate to control volume of blood

• Thick elastic layer - maintain high blood pressure

• high thickness of wall- resist vessel bursting

• No valves - high pressure, no back flow

What's a double blind test and what's the advantage of it?

Neither doctor nor patient knows who has the drug and who has the placebo

Prevent bias

What's a double blind test and what's the advantage of it?

Neither doctor nor patient knows who has the drug and who has the placebo

Prevent bias

Why is this investigation a good model?

• Smooth lining

• No valves

Why is the investigation a bad model?

• No elastic layer

• No pressure from the heart

Why is it useful to have the same age group when investigating risk of CHD?

• Risk of CHD increases overtime

Why is it useful to have the same age group when investigating risk of CHD?

• Risk of CHD increases overtime

Why use healthy patients when investigating risk of CHD?

• To out rule any other factors which increase the risk of CHD

• e.g. Smoking, high saturated fats in diet

What human errors could make the investigation unreliable?

• Reaction time of starting/stopping stop watch

• The rate it takes to pour the water through the tube

What human errors could make the investigation unreliable?

• Reaction time of starting/stopping stop watch

• The rate it takes to pour the water through the tube

Why could the results be inaccurate?

• Stopwatch may not be accurate

• Not sure wherever all the water would flowed through

• Use a measuring cylinder

Why is it inaccurate to do a histogram with < and > data?

You don't know the width of the bars

Also the data overlaps

Is it bad if your estimation 1+- on measuring cylinder?

•No because it's only 1% difference

• Some things have bigger errors