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30 Cards in this Set

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There are 6 themes that unify all branches of biology. These themes include:
. Cell structure and function
. stability and homeostasis
. reproduction and inheritance
. evolution
. interdependence
. matter, energy and organization
The ____ is the basic unit of life
only one cell
Unicellular organisms
more than one cell
Multicellular organisms
The cells of multicellular organisms undergo _______________ to become different types of cells
Although there are different types of cells, they are similar because they have ____ _________ and _______ ___
cell membranes and contain DNA
All living things maintain very stable ________ __________
internal conditions
The stable level is known as ___________
All organisms produce new organisms like themselves in the process of ____________
organisms transmit hereditary information in the form of a large molecule called _______________ ____ to offspring
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
A short segment of DNA that contains the code for the development of a specific trait is a ____
In ______ ____________, hereditary information from two organisms of the same species is combined
sexual reproduction
In _______ ____________, a single cell divides into two cells, each with an identical copy of the genetic code of the parent
asexual reproduction
Advantages of Asexual Reproduction:
Rapid reproduction
Does not rely on outside forces
Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction:
Defects found in parents are found in offspring
Advantages of Sexual Reproduction:
Genetic recombination
Disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction:
Longer reproductive cycle
Organisms ______, or change, over generations
According to the theory of ________ _________, organisms that have certain favorable traits are better able to successfully reproduce than organisms that lack these traits
natural selection
The survival of an organism with favorable traits causes a gradual change in the population over generations
descent with modifications
To fully understand the biological world, scientists study the interactions of organisms with one another and their environment
To survive, organisms need _________, _____, and _____ ____ ___ ___________
nutrients, gases and water from the environment
The stability of the environment depends upon the _______ ___________ __ ___ _________ __ ___ ___________
healthy functioning of the organisms in the environment
Almost all energy on Earth comes from the ___
Through ______________, most plants and some unicellular organisms capture energy from the sun and change it into a useable form of energy
obtain energy by producing their own food
obtain energy by consuming autotrophs
All living things:
Are made of the same basic chemical substances
Are composed of cells
Require water and a source of energy
Can reproduce and grow
Have limited lifespans
Can respond to their surroundings
Have the ability to move
Are able to repair injuries to self
Undergo change over time
Of the 40 million living species on Earth, only _ _______ have been identified
2 million
Adult body is composed of approximately __ ________ cells
50 trillion