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46 Cards in this Set

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Abiotic factors

Non living factors


The fall of leaves, repressed by auxins

Acetyl coenzyme A

From link reaction in respiration


Addition of acetyl group e.g. histone modification in translational control

Action potential

Charge in potential difference across the neurone membrane when stimulated (+40mv)

Active transport

The movement of particles across a plasma membrane, using energy e.g. reabsorption in PCT

Adenosine diphosphate

ADP, formed by hydrolysis of ATP e.g. muscle contraction

Adenosine triphosphate



Chemicals that cause pathogens to clump together


Bitter tasting compounds in plants, can effect metabolism


Version of a gene

Allopatric speciation

Speciation occuring as a result of a physical barrier

Amino acid

Monomer used to build polypeptides and proteins


Conversion of nitrogen compounds into ammonium compounds

Anabolic steroids

Drugs which increase muscle mass


Metabolism reaction constructing molecules from smaller units

Analogous structures

Structures that have adapted to the​ same function from different origins


3rd stage where chromatids are separated to opposite poles


Y-shaped glycoproteins made by B cells against antigens

Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)

Increases permeability of DCT and collecting duct, released from pituitary gland


Identifying chemical on th surface of a cell, triggering immune response

Antigen - antibody complex

Complex formed when an antibody binds to antigen

Antigen presenting cell (APC)

Cell which displays foreign antigens with major histocompatibility complex on their surface e.g. macrophage

Antisense strand

DNA strand that is complimentary to sense strand and acts as a template


Chemicals that bind to toxins from pathogens so they no longer have an effect

Apical dominance

Growth and dominance of the main shoot over lateral shoots via auxin


Cell walls and intracellular space in plant cells

Apoplast route

Movement of substances through the cell wall/spaces through diffusion


Controlled cell death e.g. removal of skin from between fingers


Abnormal rhythm of the heart


Objects created​ created through processing of the specimen

Artificial active immunity

Immunity from safe exposure to pathogen e.g. vaccines

Artificial passive immunity

Immunity from exposure to antibodies from another animal e.g. tetanus from horse blood

Artificial twinning

Process of producing monozygotic twins artificially

Aseptic techniques

Used to culture organisms in sterile conditions to avoid contamination

Asexual reproduction

Production of genetically identical offspring to parents


Products of photosynthesis that are transported around a plant e.g. sucrose

Atrial fibrillation

Abnormal rhythm of the heart where atria beats very fast

Atrioventricular node

Stimulates the ventricles to contract after the atrial contraction

Autoimmune disease

Illness resulting from autoimmune response

Autoimmune response

Where immune system acts against own cells and destroys healthy tissue e.g. diabetes type 1, rheumatoid arthritis

Autonomic nervous system

Nervous system under subconscious control

Autosomal linkage

Genes present on the same, non-sex chromosome


Organisms that synthesise complex molecules from inorganic sources e.g. sunlight


Plant hormones used in cell elongation, inhibit lead fall, apical dominance, fruit ripening

Anticodon loop

Loop of 3 bases complimentary to codon