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15 Cards in this Set

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growth period, chromosomes duplicated (majority of time), carries out metabolism (cell cycle)
Cellular Transport chap 8, p. 210
nuclear division, process forming two daughter cells. (cytokinesis follows mitosis). 1. prophase, 2, metaphase, 3. anaphase, 4. telophase. (cell cycle)
Cellular Transport chap 8, p. 210
subset of mitosis (step 1) - chromatin coils to form visible chromosomes (nucleus disappears) (cell cycle)
Cellular Transport chap 8, p. 212
sister chromotid
The two halves of the chromosome; exact copies of DNA; formed during the prophase stage of mitosis; the halves are held tegether by a centromere (cell cycle)
Cellular Transport chap 8, p. 212
holds sister chromotid together and plays a role in movement of chromosomes
Cellular Transport chap 8, p. 212
help chromatid separtion, small, dark made of microtubulars - just outside of nucleus; duplicate during interphase and move to opposite ends of the cell during prophase. (cell cycle)
Cellular Transport chap 8, p. 214
separate sister chromatids during mitosis; thin fibers of microtubulers; form between the centrioles during prophase and shorten during anaphase, pulling apart sister chromotids (cell cycle)
Cellular Transport chap 8, p. 214
subset of mitosis (step 2) - the chromosomes move to the equator of the spindle and chromatids are attached by centromeres to a separate spindle fiber. (cell cycle)
Cellular Transport chap 8, p. 214
subset of mitosis (step 3) - centromeres split and sister chromotids are pulled apart to opposite poles of the cell. (cell cycle)
Cellular Transport chap 8, p. 214
subset of mitosis (step 4 - final phase) - two distinct daughter cells formed, chromosomes uncoil, spindle breakdown, nucleolus. (cell cycle)
Cellular Transport chap 8, p. 215
different between plants and animals - animals pinch, plants (ridgid wall) no pinch; following meiosis or mitosis. (cell cycle)
Cellular Transport chap 8, p. 215
performs specific functions - groups of cells that work together
Cellular Transport chap 8, p. 216
complex roles, tissue organized to form organs
Cellular Transport chap 8, p. 216
organ system
multiple organs working together
Cellular Transport chap 8, p. 216
final stage of mitosis; end with two distinct daughter cells formed.
1) chromosomes uncoil (coiled in prophase
2) spindle breaks down (grew in prophase)
3) nucleolus reappears
4) new nuclear envelope forms around each set of chromosomes
5) new double membrane forms between 2 new nuclei
Cellular Transport chap 8, p. 210