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6 Cards in this Set

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Distinguish between active versus passive transport

While active transport requires energy and work, passive transport does not. There are several different types of this easy movement of molecules. It could be as simple as molecules moving freely such as osmosis or diffusion.

Describe the direction water or solutes will travel in a hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solution

Hypertonic solutions will have a higher concentration of solute than than the solution its being compared to. Hypo means that it is below than normal. isotonic is the case where both solutions have equal concentration.

Distinguish between endocytosis and exocytosis

-Active transport
-Membranes fold inward to bring in large molecules by forming a vesicle
-3 different types: phagocytosis, pinocytosis, receptor-mediated endocytosis

-A vesicle fuses with the membrane and expels its contents
-Used to move large molecules or large amounts of liquids

Describe how the maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment is required for survival.

our cells always need to be able to get rid of carbon dioxide, gain oxygen, have the right amount of glucose and water.

Without these things we just wouldn't work well, would get ill etc so homestasis is vital for our survival.

e.g. homestasis helps us to get rid of excess CO2 and gain O2 when exercising. If it didn't, we would become poisoned by a build up of lactic acid in our blood and would not be able to supply our msucles with energy.

Describe cell specialization in multicellular organisms.

It's when cells differentiate - into different cell types - to perform specialized functions.

The specialization of a multicellular organism is that they live longer than single celled organisms do with just one job.

List the level of organization in eukaryotes beginning with organelles and ending with an organism.

Organelles, cells, tissue, organs and organ systems.