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31 Cards in this Set

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The process by which green plants manufacture food

What is the equation for photosynthesis

6H20 + 6CO2= C6H12O6 + 6O2

Where does The light dependent stage of photosynthesis occur


Where does the light independent stage of photosynthesis occur?

In the stroma

Give five adoptations of the leaf for light absorption

- plants exhibit phototropism

-leave have a large surface area

-the palisade mesophyll are packed with chloroplast

-leaves have a transparent cuticle

Give four adoptations of the leaf for obtaining and removing gases

-leave are thin and facilitate fast diffusion

- the presence of many stomata

-spongy mesophyll has many air spaces which facilitates gaseous exchange

What is energy transduction

Changing energy from one form to another

What is another name for the light independent stage

Calvin cycle

What are photo systems made from

Several hundred chlorophyll molecules plus accessory pigments

What is The main photosynthetic pigment

Chlorophyll A

Define the term pigments

Molecules that absorb a particular wave length of light

Why do plants appear green

Because the major photosynthetic pigment, chlorophyll A, absorb light in the violet, blue and red regions while reflecting green, hence, plants appear green

What colour Does carotenoids absorb

Violet blue and green and reflect yellow / orange

What happens in the light dependent stage of photosynthesis

Chlorophyll converts light energy into chemical energy( ATP / NADPH)

What is phospherelation

The addition of a phosphate group to a molecule

Give a detailed over view of the light dependent stage of photosynthesis

What type of phosphorelation occurs in the light dependent stage

Non cyclic

What are the products of the light reaction


What are the products of cyclic phospho


Why is it called cyclic

Because the electrons are returned to the initial chlorophyll A molecule

In the Calvin cycle NADPH acts as a:

Reducing agent

What are the three essential stages of the Calvin cycle

- CO2 fixation: co2 combines with RuBp to form and unstable six carbon compound which breaks down to form two Glycerate 3 phosphate molecules this is catalysed by rubisco

-the reduction stage: glycerate 3 phosphate is reduced to trios phosphate.

-Regeneration of rubp : this is regenerated from glyceraldehyle 3 phosphate and requires energy in the form of ATP

What is a limiting factor

A factor in a reaction which is closest to its minimun

What four factors affect the rate of photosynthesis

Carbon dioxide


Light intensity


What is the level of Co2 required for efficient photosynthesis


How does inorganic ions affect photosynthesis

They are key components of chlorophyll and therefore lacking them would affect chlorophyll formation and the Rate of photosynthesis

What is Cholosis

Yellowing of plant leaves due to a reduction in the amount of chlorophyll present

Limiting factors and productivity

What is ATP made from

A sugar called ribose, a nitrogenous base called adenine and 3 phosphate groups

What is glycolysis

The oxidation of glucose to pyruvate

What are the three main stages of cellular respiration


-Krebs Cycle

-oxidative phosphorelation