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14 Cards in this Set

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A protein disk that attaches two chromatids to each other in a chromosome is called
What are the chromosomes in your body?
23 pairs, two sex chromosomes and 44 autosomesa
A student can study a karyotype to learn about the
number of chromosomes in a body cell
The diploid number of chromosomes in a human skin cell is 46. How many chromosomes are in a human egg cell?
Which stage of the cell cycle occupies most of the cell’s life?
What is the correct sequence of the cell cycle?
The phase of mitosis that is characterized by the arrangement of all chromosomes along the equator of the cell is called
The “father” of genetics was
Gregor Mendel
Mendel obtained his P generation by allowing the plants to
The first filial (F1) generation is the result of
crosses between individuals on the parental generation
Mendel’s finding that the inheritance of one trait had no effect on the inheritance of another became known as the
law of independent assortment
To describe how traits can disappear and reappear in a certain pattern from generation to generation, Mendel proposed
law of segregation
What is the phenotype of an organism?
Reflects all the traits that are actually expressed.
If an individual has two recessive alleles for the same trait, the individual is said to be
homozygous for the trait