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89 Cards in this Set

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what are four criteria for life?
sense of change and response to the change, contains DNA, extracts energy from their surroundings and covert it for use, and reproduces
define autotroph
able to make their own food
define heterotroph
depends on other organisms for their food
define producers
produces their own food
define consumers
breaks down dead remains of other organisms
define hypothesis
an educated guess that attempts to explain an observation
define theory
a hypothesis that has been tested with a significant amount of data
define scientific law
theory that has been tested by and is accurate with generations of data
name the classification groups in our hierarchical classification scheme, in correct order
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
whats the difference between aerobic and anaerobic processes
aerobic uses oxygen, anaerobic does not
what do most bacteria use for locomotion
what is the main mode of reproduction in bacteria
what does a plasmid do
passes a trait from one bacteria from another by a small strand of DNA during conjugation
even though conjugation among bacteria does not result in offspring, it can significantly affect the population of bacterial growth. why
if the trait is passed in conjugation it allows bacteria to survive when they usually wouldnt, it will increase the population of bacteria
what are technical names of the three common bacterial shapes
bacillus, coccus, spirillum
what is the function of a contractile vacuole
it collects excess water in a cell and expels it to reduce the pressure inside the cell
define pathogen
an organism that causes disease
what are the pathogens from kingdom protista
entamoeba histolytica, balantidium coli, trypanosoma, toxoplasma, plasmodium.
define mutualism,
a relationship between two or more organisms of different species where all benefit from the association
define symbiosis
a close relationship between two or more species where at least one benefits
define parasitism
a relationship between two organisms of different species where one benefits and the other and the other is harmed
what are the greatest producers of oxygen in creation and to what phylum do they belong
diatoms, chrysophyta
fungi have four different specialized hyphae, what are they and what are their functions
1) stolon (asexual reproduction)
2) sporophore (releases spores for reproduction)
3) haustorium (invades the cells of a living host to absorb foor directly)
4) rhizoid hyphae (supports the fungus and digests food
define lichen
a mutualistic relationship between an alga and a fungus where one organism produces food for both and the other provides support and protection
which phylum is composed of algae that contain chloroplasts and what are these algae called
chlorophyta. and they are called green algae
how do you turn a gas to liquid
remove energy
what determines the cast majority of characteristics in an atom
the number of electrons it has
how do the number of electrons and the number of of protons compare in an atom
they are equal in number
define and understand osmosis
the tendency of a solvent to travel across a semipermeable membrane into areas of higher solute concentration
how many total atoms are in the molecule C(v)6H(v)12O(v)6
look a the subscript!
it has 6 carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms, and 6 oxygen atoms, for a total of 24 atoms
what does the pH scale measure and what does the scale indicate
measures the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. pH7 is neutral. lower than 7 is acid and higher than 7 is alkaline
what are the basic building blocks of proteins
amino acids
how does DNA store information
as a sequence of nucleotide bases
what are the four stages of cellular respiration, and which one doesnt require oxygen
the electron transport system
the formation of acetyl coenzyme A
the Krebs cycle
and glycolysis (which doesnt need oxygen)
what are the four stages of mitosis, in the correct order
prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase
how does the haploid number of a cell relate to the diploid number
the haploid number is half the diploid number
what are the stages of meiosis
prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II
what are the differences between a gamete and a normal cell
a gamete is a haploid and a normal cell is a diploid. a gamete has only one chromosome from each homologous pair, and a normal cell has both members of each homologous pair
is a virus alive, why or why not
no. a virus cannot reproduce on it own
define and understand phenotype
the observable expression of an organisms genes
define and understand homozygous genotype
genotype in which both alleles are identical
define and understand heterozygous genotype
genotype with two different alleles
two individuals have the same genotype for a certain traut but they are not identical when it comes to that trait, how is this possible
different environmental and spiritual factors can influence the expression of a trait
define microevolution
the theory that natural selection can, over time, take an organism and transform it into a more specialized species of that organism
define macroevolution
the hypothesis that microevolution can, in eons of time, transform an organism into a completely different kind of organism
define immutability of the species
the idea that each individual species on the planet was specially created by God and could never change. ide that was dispelled by darwin's research
what change to the concept of macroevolution did neo-darwinism make
it added the idea that mutation could be a means of adding information to the genetic code
did darwin ever recant his scientific beliefs
what is the principle means by which oxygen is taken from the air
respiration is the main one
what is the principle means by which oxygen is restored in the air
photosynthesis and phytoplankton are the main sources of oxygen regeneration
the vast majority of animals are in the group called _____
is global warming occurring now
how do sponges get their prey
by pumping water into themselves which brings in algae, bacteria and organic matter to be eaten
if a jellyfish reproduces asexually, what form is it in
what will happen to an earthworm if its cuticle gets dry
it will suffocate
what are the characteristics of arthropods
exoskeleton, body segmentation, jointed appendages, open circulatory system and a ventral nervous system
what are the characteristics of a parasitic flatworm
simple nervous and digestive systems, mechanisms that protect them from the digestive juices of their hosts, suckers or hooks to help them hold their position within the host
what are the four characteristics that set insects apart
three pairs of walking legs, wings, three segments in the body and one pair of antennae
why do arthropods molt
their exoskeletons get too small for their growing bodies
why are some sponges hard and prickly while others are soft
sponges that have spicules are hard and prickly while those with spongin are soft
what happens when a crayfish loses a limb
the injury gets sealed off to prevent bleeding and then a new limb regenerates
why dont insects have respiratory systems
they have a complex network of tracheas that allow air to travel throughout the body
define nematocysts
small capsules that contain a toxin which is injected into prey or predators
define hermaphroditic
possessing both male and female reproductive organs
what is the function of the cerebrum
the portion of the brain that integrates sensory information and coordinates the creatures response to that information
what is the function of the medulla oblongata
the portion of the brain that coordinates vital functions, and transport signals from the brain to the spinal cord
what is the name of the cells that carry oxygen in the blood
red blood cells
which is more flexible, a boney skeleton or a cartilaginous skeleton
what is the difference between internal and external fertilization
internal the male places the sperm inside the female and the eggs are fertilized. external the female lays eggs and then the male fertilizes them
define oviparous development
development that occurs in an egg that is hatched outside the females body
define viviparous development
development that occurs inside the fe3male, allowing the offspring to gain nutrients and vital substances from the mother through a placenta
define ovoviviparous development
development that occurs in an egg that is hatched inside the females body
what do fish use to feel vibrations in the water
lateral line
what is the difference between arteries and veins
arteries carry blood away from the heart while veins carry blood to the heart
what is meristematic tissue and where is it found
contains undifferentiated cells that can develop into any tissue the plant needs. they are found in actively growing parts of the plant
what type of leaf shapes are chordate, elliptical, deltoid, and linear
chordate - heart shaped
deltoid - triangular
elliptical - long but tapered at both ends
linear - long and about the same width from top to bottom
what are the proper descriptive names for the entire, serrate, and dentate leaf margins
entire - smooth
serrate - tiny sharp teeth
dentate - pronounce teeth point outward
what are the proper name for the three patterns of venation
parallel - veins run up and down the leaf parallel to the madrib
pinnate - veins all branch out from the madrib
palmate - veins branch out from the madrib and then the branches have branches as well
define the function of an abscission layer
a thin layer of tissue at the base of each petiole in a deciduous tree. as the daylight decreases in the fall, the cells in this layer begin to block the xylem and phloem running through the petiole of the leaf and begin to die. as they die the layer begins to crack and the cracks become so severe that the leaf falls off the tree
what is the difference between monocots and dicots
monocots have one cotyledon while dicots have two
what is the male and female reproductive organ in a flower
male organ is the stamen
female is the carpel
what are the differences between xylem and phloem
xylem allows the transport of water and is made of dead cells, while phloem aids in the transport of organic material and must be composed of living cells
what is the purpose of a cotyledon
provides nutrients to the embryo in the seed
what are the six characteristics that set birds apart from other vertebrates
endothermic, heart with four chambers, toothless bill, oviparous, laying an egg which is covered in a lime-containing shell, covered with feathers and skeleton composed of porous, lightweight bones
what are five characteristics that set mammals apart from other vertebrates
hair covering the skin, reproduce with internal fertilization and usually viviparous, nourish their young with milk from a specialized gland, four chamered heart and endothermic
what are five characteristics that set reptiles apart from other vertebrates
covered with tough, dry scales, ectothermic, breathe with lungs throughout their lives, three chamered heart with a ventricle that is partially divided and produce eggs covered with a leathery shell
what is a bird actually doing when it is preening
it is oiling its feathers
what is the purpose of underhair
serves as insulation for a mammal
which order contains lizards