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158 Cards in this Set

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long term trends in weather
earth orbits the sun in a plane (as do other planets)
sunlight energy strikes ______ to the earths surface at the equator
consequences for surface slopes ever more away from sun (higher latitudes)
latitudal variation in:

energy for photosynthesis

length of the growing season
what are latitudal differences in solar intensity similar to?
changes in the agle of the sun during the day
scattering of sunlight

when the sun is lower in the sky:
-sunlight strikes the surface obliquely
-sunlight passes through more atmosphere
-more blue light is scattered
-looking towrd the sun, colors are more red
where is the sun never high?
at latituted far from the equator
____ light from the sun is a mixture of all colors of the rainbow
sun light is scattered by ____ and ____ in the atmosphere
oxygen (O2) and Nitrogen (N2)
These ______ ________ stimulate the cones of our retinas
scattered photons
in spring and summer there is more sun light energy which means... ?
more perpendicular surface (v. fall and winter)

light energyis not "spread thin"which leads to more heating energy
Where are seasonal changes especially dramatic?
farther from the equator
Farther from the equator you can find...
arid and lush sides of islands
At what latitudes is the occurence of deserts?
at about 30N and 30S
Atmospheric gasses respond similarly to changes in ______
the earth's surface _______ _______ warming atmospheric gasses
radiates energy

-the energy input pays for work
Increases in volume (work) are associated with _____
cooling (loss of kinetic energy)
Adiabatic cooling
cooling via expansion (and without removal of heat energy)
How does hot air rise?
-rising air expands (occupied volume increases)
-gas particles (O2, CO2, N2, H2O) are less likely to collide
-pressure falls, and temp falls
What happens to cooler air as warm air rises?
-water condensation rate is greater than water evaporation rate
-which means the size of droplets (condensate) increases
-condensate falls out (precipitation)
Cooling air slows and falls:

In the _____ atmosphere,
air particales _______ their heat energy into space which does what?
upper, radiate, heat content drops and they slow down
Cooling air slows and falls:

What happens to cool, slow air as it slows down?
it is pushed aside and down by rising hot air.

as density increases, dense air falls.
Cooling air slows and falls:

What happens to the falling air?
It is heated again by energy radiated from earth's surgace warming air.
Why does the dense, descending, and newly warm air that is dry acquire moisture from earth's surface?
It is drying that surface because inwarm air, the rate of CONDENSATION is less than rate of EVAPORATION

So what is unlikely?

sunlight energy strikes perpendicular to the surface atsome points of the year
the earth's surface _______ _______ warming atmospheric gasses
radiates energy

-the energy input pays for work
Increases in volume (work) are associated with _____
cooling (loss of kinetic energy)
Adiabatic cooling
cooling via expansion (and without removal of heat energy)
How does hot air rise?
-rising air expands (occupied volume increases)
-gas particles (O2, CO2, N2, H2O) are less likely to collide
-pressure falls, and temp falls
What happens to cooler air as warm air rises?
-water condensation rate is greater than water evaporation rate
-which means the size of droplets (condensate) increases
-condensate falls out (precipitation)
Cooling air slows and falls:

In the _____ atmosphere,
air particales _______ their heat energy into space which does what?
upper, radiate, heat content drops and they slow down
Cooling air slows and falls:

What happens to cool, slow air as it slows down?
it is pushed aside and down by rising hot air.

as density increases, dense air falls.
Cooling air slows and falls:

What happens to the falling air?
It is heated again by energy radiated from earth's surgace warming air.
Why does the dense, descending, and newly warm air that is dry acquire moisture from earth's surface?
It is drying that surface because inwarm air, the rate of CONDENSATION is less than rate of EVAPORATION

So what is unlikely?

sunlight energy strikes perpendicular to the surface atsome points of the year
Prevailing winds in summer?
water is slow to warm and cool
Prevailing winds in summer?

Continental interiors warm faster than adjacent ______ _____
ocean waters.

which means the warm continental air RISES

and creates low pressure area drawing in COASTAL AIR
What are the greenhouse gases?
What happens with the GREENHOUSE EFFECT during the day?
short solar radiation penetrate the atmosphere and warms the earth's surface during the day
-sunlight energy (photons) tranduces into kinetic energy
and potential energy if surface of atoms and molecules
What happens with the GREENHOUSE EFFECT at night?
Long radiation (photons) are emitted from the warmed surface
-greenhouse gasses absorb this heat energy
-gasses then emit other long radiation, some of which strikes the surface and warming it
What would happen without the greehouse effect?
the avg. temp at Earth's surface would be less than 0C (about 59 F colder)
Whats the deal with deserts?
-over deserts clouds would be less prevalent
-this would mean long heat energy radiates into deep space and desert nights would be cool
sunlight energy
ocean circulations
What community does climate determine the nature of?
The plant community
What community does the plant community determine the nature of?
The animal community
What are the most important climatic parameters of terrestrial habitats?
the amount of precipitations, and the seasonality of rains
When is the Vernal Equinox and how is the earths axis?
March 21

axis is perpendicular to direction of solar beams

When is the Summer solstice and how is the earth's axis?
June 22

maximal inclination of axis towards sun

When is the Winter solstice and how is the earth's axis?
December 22

axis is maximally inclined away from the sun

When is the Autumn equinox and how is the earth's axis?
September 22

axis is perpendicular to the beam ofsolar rays

Where is the Tropic of Capricorn?
23S 27'
At what latitude do tropics begin?
23S 27', perpendicular to equator

from tropic of capricorn to cancer
Where is the Tropic of Cancer?
23N 27'
Life History
the pattern of growth and associated distribution of reproductive across the lifetime
What are the 2 major decisions (adaptations) reflecting life histories?
-age at first reporduction (a)
-number of reporductive episodes
-size vs. number of offspring
breeding once
Breeding multiple times
Time and energy are _____
limiting, which means growth and reproductive traits are traded off against each other
What does natural selection favor in growth and reproductive traits?
The best compromise

(ie: energy allocated to growth limits current reproduction)

(ie: energy allocated to parental care limits offspring number)
What is adult body size proportional to?
Duration of immature stages

and energy available for reproduction
Reproduction is physiolocially stressful, reducing what?
prospects for future survival
What does early reproduction reduce?
w, age at last reproduction
Reproduction effort
sum of all energy allocated to reproduction
When is iterparity favored?
inclement conditions reduce ability to find food and invest in offspring

male dies/deserts, making it unlikely that the remaining parent could successfully complete the parenting

predators of disease agents strike, especially if the clutch is LARGE

space orother limitations may reduce the energy that can be currently invested
What are the 2 major decisions (adaptations) reflecting life histories?
-age at first reporduction (a)
-number of reporductive episodes
-size vs. number of offspring
breeding once
Breeding multiple times
Time and energy are _____
limiting, which means growth and reproductive traits are traded off against each other
What does natural selection favor in growth and reproductive traits?
The best compromise

(ie: energy allocated to growth limits current reproduction)

(ie: energy allocated to parental care limits offspring number)
What is adult body size proportional to?
Duration of immature stages

and energy available for reproduction
Reproduction is physiolocially stressful, reducing what?
prospects for future survival
What does early reproduction reduce?
w, age at last reproduction
Reproduction effort
sum of all energy allocated to reproduction
Semelparity of Iteroparity favored?

inclement conditions reduce ability to find food and invest in offspring
What is favored? Iteroparity or semelparity?

Mate dies/deserts making it unlikely that the remaining parent could successfuly complete the rearing
What is favored? Iteroparity or semelparity?

favorable environmental conditions are short lived
What is favored? Iteroparity or semelparity?

Predators or disease agents strike, especially likely if the clutch is large
What is favored? Iteroparity or semelparity?

survival rates of adults are very low
What is favored? Iteroparity or semelparity?

space or other limitations may reduce the energy that can be currently invested
Is small or big size favored?

habitat of immature forms is short lived (ie frogs temp pools)
being small
Is small or big size favored?

interference competition between adults for mates, breeding sites, food
being big
Is small or big size favored?

predators are less likely to target them
being big
Is small or big size favored?

body buffers organism from changes in the environment
being big
Is small or big size favored?

survival rate across immature stages is lower than for adults
being small
Is small or big size favored?

energy to maintain a larger body is difficult to acquire
being small
Is small or big size favored?

short season for growth and reproduction
being small
Is small or big size favored?

mature more quickly, can breed earlier
being small
Is small or big size favored?

more likely to find refuges against predators
being small
Is small or big size favored?

can make more or larger offspring and may be more developed at birth
being big
Is being small or big favored?

can eat for things
being big
Is being small or big favored?

can more easily move to/between habitat patches
being big
Is being small or big favored?

longer time to maturity means more time to learn the niche
being big
Is this an advantage of having small or big offspring?

more canbe produced
Is this an advantage of having small or big offspring?

greater energy reserves reduced likelyhood of starvation, premits dispersal over a greater time before feeding
Is this an advantage of having small or big offspring?

disperse father
Is this an advantage of having small or big offspring?

benign or favorable conditions permit reproductinve success
Is this an advantage of having small or big offspring?

more likely to encounter a favorable environment away from the natal habitat
Is this an advantage of having small or big offspring?

less attractive to large predators
Is this an advantage of having small or big offspring?

have few energy reserves, must feed earlier or starve
Is this an advantage of having small or big offspring?

born at more advanced stage
Is this an advantage of having small or big offspring?

may require less parent attention
Is this an advantage of having small or big offspring?

may mature more quickly
Is this an advantage of having small or big offspring?

more competitive for food
Is this an advantage of having small or big offspring?

less attractive to small predators
what does natural selection favor?
maximizing the number of grand offspring under all circumstances
a set of habitats or microhabitats untimately united byenergy flow
a set of apposed, interating ecosystems
all the individuals of a species that live in sufficient proximity to each other to compete for the same resources
all the species sharing the same habitat
a localized area with specific physical conditions and biotic attributes
degree to which physical conditions are condicive to survival growth and reproduction
most biodiverse environment?
what does adaptation to harsh condition permit?
high biomass production, given high energy input
low energy habitat
less plant production
high energy habitat
lush plant growth favors specialized diets in birds.
specialization increases what?
energy gain via increased foraging efficiency
feeding relationship
self feeding

(ie phtosynthisis, plants algae, some protistans, some bacteria)
eat other organisms
heterotrophs that eat organisms while they are alive
heterotrophs that eat organisms that are just killed
heterotrophs that eat other organisms that are dead
heterotrophs that eat other organisms that are decaying
deposit feeders
heterotophs that eat other organisms that are already decayed (detritus)
reduce bodies to small pieces, eat dead bits
primary decomposers
cause decomposition or decay
secondary decomposers
eat primary decomposers
primary consumers
eat autotroph
secondary consumers
eat herbivores
herbivorous and carnivorous.
toxins, digestibility inhibititors, mechanical detterents, biological detterents
plants use these to defend themselves from herbivores.
cardiac glycosides
cyanogenic glucosides
trophic level
heirarchy of feeding relationships within a comunity

level responds to number of energy likages between sunlight energy andthe organisms of that level
trophic level 1
trophic level 2
trophic level 3 or higher

(ie, 4 = predators of predators)
the standing crop of a trophic level
biomass pyramid
greater mass at lower levels, greater standing crop at lower levels
aquatic systems
standing crop at level 1 is often small due to the high rate of turnover (short lifetime) of small primary producers
food chain
linear series of energy flows
links from lower to a higher trophic level
top predators
are rare,

large size needs largehome ranges

vulnerable to extinction when habitat is lost
threats to biodiversity

habitat destruction

Invasive species

population size (most important threat)



Intrinsic forcings
warming effect when greenhouse gasses are released into atmosphere


release of aerosols
anthropogenic forcings
intrinsic: human caused

deforestation, reforestation, direct release of GH gases
extrinsic forcings
extra terrestrial

solar radiance
Milankovich cyles
number of sunspots correlates with solar _________
energy output
correlation between solar activity and climate means?
less solar activity ----->cooler
surface air correlates strongly with levels of ???
solar irradiance
in the stratosphere absorbs solar UV radiation
proportion of incident sunlight energy that is reflected back

WHITE CLOUDS account for 2/3 of earths albedo
earth absorbs short radiation

emits as long radiation