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40 Cards in this Set

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unique corkscrew shape, unusual flagella, outer sheath, produce ATP through fermentation.
termite guy
endosymbionts, parasite inside host cells, spherical, causes blindness in humans.
the clap
rods to fillament shape, mycelia, heterotrophs, use organic compounds as electron donors and oxygen as electron acceptor
High-GC Gram Positives
leprosy and tuberculosis
solitary to colonial, flat shhets to ball like aggregations. perform oxygenic photosynthesis, fix nitrogen, can synthesize virtually every molecule they neeed.
rod shaped or sphyrical, tetrads, spore resting stage, strep throat,anthrax, gangreene
Low-GC Gram Positives
strep throat
rods, spheres, spirals, some form stalks, some are motile, fruiting body. None perform oxygenetic photosynthesis. cellular respiration, ammonia electron doors, oxygen, sulfate, sulfur,as electron acceptor.
filaments, rods, discs, or spheres. glycoprotein. ATP through fermentation, cellular respiration may involve organic compounds.
spherical, filaments, rods,discs, or spiral. flagella. ball like aggregations.produce methane producers.
bethnic-live at bottom of the sea. spicules-collagen fibers or stiff silica or calcium carbonate.
Feeding:suspension feeders. cells create waterflow to bring in food through pores.
Movement:sessile may produce larvae that swim with flagella.
Reproduction:Asexual totipotent-single cell can develop into an adult organism.can release sperm and eggs but not at the same time so no self fertilization.
Mesoglea-gelatinous material. ectoderm and endoderm layers sandwich mesoglea. life caycle includes sessile polyp form and medusa form. most never have medusae.
Feeding:cnidocyte-captures prey. tentacles. toxins can be deadly to humans
Movement:jet propulsion
Reproduction:asexual. sexual gametes released from mouthof a polyp for fertilization.
Cnidaria(Jellyfish, Corals, Anemones, Hydroids, Sea Fans)
Feeding: water currents created by flagella bring in food.
Movement: adults are sessile. broken off pieces can swim by beating flagella.
Reproduction:Asexual. sexual reproduction never documented.
Choanoflagellates(Collar Flagellates)
Feeding:predators catch on an adhesive tenticle.
Movement:beating of cilia. largest animal to use cilia for movement.
Reproduction:most have male and female organs and routinely self fertilize. larvae are free swimming.
Ctenophora(Comb Jellies)
Feeding:feed on detritus or prey on small animals or protists
Movement:swim, glide along the surface or burrow with cilia.
Reproduction:Adutls can reproduce asexually by fission or by budding. individuals produce both sperm and egg, fertilization is internal and fertilized eggs are laid outside the body.
Feeding:cluster of cilia at anterior end called a corona.
Movement:few are sessile most swim via cilia
Reproduction:females produce unfertilized eggs by mitosis which then hatch into asexually produced individuals.
Feeding:one opening for ingestion of food and elimination of wastes.
Movement:swim, creep along with cilia.
Reproduction:Sexual, asexual depending upon host
Polychaeta-bristle like extensions form appendages called parapodia. mostly marine
Ciltellate-few bristles includes earthworms
Feeding:deposit feed, suspension feed, hunt small animals.
Movement: crawl or burrow, swim.
Reproduction: asexual, sexual cross fertilization.
Annelida(segmented worms)
Feeding: suspension feeders
Movement: burrow with muscular foot. clap shells, jet out water
Reproduction: sexual reproduction
Bivalvia (clams, mussels, scallops, oysters)
Feeding:radula functions like a rasp to scrape algae. some are poisonous and have harpoon teeth.
Movement:wave of contractions
Reproduction: females can reproduce asexually but most reproduction is sexual.
Gastropoda(snails, slugs, nudibranchs)
Movement:glide on muscular foot
Reproduction:sexes are separate, fertilization is external.
Feeding:highly intelligent predators that hunt by sight and use tentacles to capture prey. beak, inject poisons.
Movement:swim, jet propulsion, crawl
Reproduction:courtship rituals. spermatophore
Cephalopoda(squid, nautilus, octopus)
Feeding: specified in what they eat
Movement:hydrostatic skeleton.
Reproduction:asexual reproduction rare
Nematoda (roundworms)
Feeding:bite and chew either detritivores or eat bugs.
Movement: walk or run on many legs, few burrow
Reproduction:sexual reproduction. lay eggs, molt
Myriapods (millipedes, centipedes)
Feeding: sting prey, sit and wait for prey or trap them.
Movement:walk on legs, some can jump,
Reproduction:sexual reproduction. courtship
Chelcerata (spiders, ticks, scorpions)
Feeding: feed in every conceivable maner and on almost every single type of food.
Movement:wings legs
Reproduction:sexual reproduction
Feeding: use every type of feedomg strategy known.
Movement:walk swim crawl
Reproduction sexual reproduction is the norm.
Feeding:predators or scavengers
Reproduction:sexual reproduction
Asteroidea(Sea Stars)
Feeding:use mucus covered podia to collect food particles in sand or in other soft substrates.
Movement:Crawl or burrow
Reproduction:sexual reproduction predominates
Echinoidea(sea urchins)
Feeding:scavengers and predators
Movement:notochord and swim
Reproduction:anadromous swim upstream to breed.
Feeding:few feed on plankton, more are predators
Reproduction:sharks have form of live birth but no placenta
Chondrichthyes(Sharks and Rays)
Feeding:suck in food and grasp with mouth
Movement:contract muscles to swim
Reproduction:external fertilization
Feeding:prey on fish, omnivorous
Movement:swim by waving hip fins like walking
Reproduction:sexxual reproduction, larvae
Actinistia and Dipnoi
Movement:four limbs jump hop walk
Reproduction:sexual oviparous
Feeding:leathery beak or bill. small insects.
Movement:Walk or swim with four legs
Reproduction:eggs, sexual, mammals
Movement:crawl, glide, walk, run,hop
Reproduction:young held in pouch and feed more off mother than the placenta.
Feeding:omnivores, herbivores, carnivores
Movement:limb corresponds to movement performed
Reproduction:sexual, placenta, live birth
Eutheria(placental mammals)
Feeding:herbivores or carnivores.
Movement:swim walk or burrow
Feeding:prey on insects or small to large animals
Movement:crawl or run on legs or slither on ground
Reproduction:lay eggs, most are bisexual, asexual reproduction rare but can happen
Lepidosauria(lizards, snakes)
Feeding:predators, large prey subdued by drowning.
Movement:walk, gallop and swim
Reproduction:oviparious, parental care extensive
Feeding:feed on nectar seeds fish lizards other birds
Movement: flight, run at high speeds
Reproduction:eggs extensive parental care
Aves (birds)