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107 Cards in this Set

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the creation of offspring carrying genetic information from a single parent is called
asexual reproduction
Which of the following statements regarding sexual and asexual reproduction is true?
Sexual reproduction is more likely to increase genetic variation than is asexual reproduction.
Strictly speaking, the phrase "like begets like" refers to
asexual reproduction only.
Asexual reproduction requires
1 individual .
Which of the following statements regarding cell division is false?
Cell division is common in eukaryotes but rare in prokaryotes.
Which of the following statements regarding prokaryotes is false?
Prokaryotic chromosomes are more complex than those of eukaryotes.
Eukaryotic chromosomes differ from prokaryotic chromosomes in that they:
are haused in a membrane-enclosed nucleous.
Which of the following helps maintain the structure of the chromosomes and control the activity of genes?
Sister chromatids are:
tightly linked together at a centromere.
Prior to mitosis, each chromosome of a eukaryotic cell consists of a pair of identical structures called:
sister chromatids.
Eukaryotic cells spend most of their cell cycle in which phase?
Which of the following occurs during Interphase?
Cell grows and duplication of the chromosomes.
The genetic material is duplicated during what phase in Interphase?
S phase.
If the S phase were eliminated from the cell cycle, the daughter cells would:
Have half of the genetic material found in the parent cell.
The process by which the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell divides to produce two cells called:
The phase of mitosis during which the nuclear envelope fragments and the nucleoli disappear is called the:
During which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes line up on a plane equidistant from the two spindle poles?
During which phase of mitosis does the nuclear envelope re-form and the nucleoli reappear?
Which of the following is a feature of plant cell division that distinguishes it from animal cell division?
Formation of a cell plate.
When Animal cells are grown in a petri dish, they typically stop dividing once they have formed a single, unbroken layer on the bottom of the dish. This arrest of division is an example of:
Density-dependent inhibition.
As a patch of scraped skin heals, the cells fill in the injured area but do not grow beyond that. This is an example of:
Density-dependent inhibition.
Which of the following is probably the main factor responsible for the phenomenon of density-dependent inhibition?
Physical contact of cell-surface proteins between adjacent cells.
Mature human nerve cells and muscle cells
Are permanently in a state of non-division.
Which of the following statements regarding the cell-cycle control system is false?
The cell-cycle control system operates independently on the growth factors.
A benign tumor differs from a malignant tumor in that a benign tumor
does not metastasize.
Two chromosomes in a nucleous that carry loci for the same traits in the same positions on the chromosome but specify different versions of some traits constitute a pair of:
Homologous chromosomes.
Which of the following statements regarding mitosis and meiosis is false?
Mitosis produces daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

Which of the following statements is false?

Gametes are made by mitosis.

About gametes.

During which stage of meiosis does synapsis and the formation of tetrads occur?
Prophase 1.

Which of the following options correctly describes the behavior of a tetrad during anaphase 1 of meiosis?

It splits into two pairs of sister chromatids and one pair goes to each pole of the dividing cell.

Which of the following statements regarding the differences between mitosis and meiosis is false?
Crossing over is a phenomenon that creates genetic diversity during mitosis.
Which of the following statements regarding mitosis and meiosis is false?
Meiosis provides for asexual reproduction. (False because Meiosis is sexual reproduction).
Which of the following statements regarding the function of mitosis is false?
Mitosis allows organisms to generate genetic diversity.
Both mitosis and meiosis are preceded by what phase?
Which of the following statements regarding genetic diversity is false?
Genetic diversity is enhanced by mitosis and somatic cells.
Can reveal alterations in chromosome number.
Which of the following statements regarding Down syndrome is false?
Women with Down Syndrome cannot reproduce.
Nondisjunction occurs when:
Members of a chromosome pair fail to separate.
Which of the following statements about nondisfunction is false?
In mammals, extra copies of the Y chromosome are typically inactivated.
If these four cells resulted from cell division of a single cell with diploid chromosome number 2n=4, what best describes what just occurred?
Meiosis with nondisjunction in meiosis II
Which of the following statements best represents the theory of pangenesis developed by Hippocrates?
Particles called pangenes, which originate in each part of an organism's body, collect in the sperm or eggs and are passed on to the next generation.
Which of the following statements regarding hypotheses about inheritance is false?
The blending hypothesis suggests that all of the traits of the offspring come from either the mother or the father.
Mendel conducted his most memorable experiments on:
Varieties of plants in which self-fertilization produces offspring that are identical to the parents are referred to as:
Which of the following statements regarding cross-breeding and hybridization is false?
The hybrid offspring of a cross are the P1 generation.
A monohybrid cross is:
A breeding experiment in which the parental varieties differ in only one character.
Which of the following statements regarding genotypes and phenotypes is false?
An allele that is fully expressed is referred to as recessive.
Research since Mendel's time has established that the law of segregation genes during gamete formation:
Applies to all sexually reproducing organisms.
All of the offspring of a cross between a black-eyed mendelien and orange-eyed mendelien have black eyes. This means that the allele for black eyes is________the allele for orange eyes.
All of the offspring of a cross between a black-eyed mendelien and an orange-eyed mendelien have black eyes. What is the expected phenotypic ratio of a cross between two orange-eyed mendeliens?
0 black-eyed: 1 orange-eyed.
The alleles of a gene are found at ____________chromosomes.
The same locus on homologous.
The phenotypic ratio resulting from a dihybrid cross showing independent assortment is expected to be
If A is dominant to a and B is dominant to b, what is the expected phenotypic ratio of the cross: AaBb x AaBb?
Mendel's law of independent assortment states that:
Each pair of alleles segregates independently of the other pairs of alleles during gamete formation.
A testcross is:
A mating between an individual of unknown genotype and an individual homozygous recessive for the trait of interest.
Using a six-sided die, hat is the probability of rolling either a 5 or a 6?
1/6+1/6=2/6...= 1/3
Assuming that the probability of having a female child is 50% and the probability of having a make child is also 50%, what is the probability that a couple's first-born child will be female and that their second-born child will be male?
A carried of a genetic disorder who doe snot show any symptoms is most likely to be_______to transmit it to offspring.
Heterozygous for the trait and be able.
Dr. Smith's parents have normal hearing. However, Dr.Smith has an inherited form of deafness. Deafness is a recessive trait that is associated with the abnormal allele d. The normal allele at this locus, associated with normal hearing, is D. Dr. Smith's parents could have which of the following genotypes?
Dd and Dd.
Most genetic disorders of humans are caused by:
recessive alleles.
Which of the following is an example of incomplete dominance in humans?
For the most sexually reproducing organisms, Mendel's law:
Explain the reasons why certain genes are dominant.
Which of the following statements is false?
Incomplete dominance supports the blending hypothesis.
All of the offspring of a cross between a red-flowered plant and a white-flowered plant have pink flowers. This means that the allele for red flowers is_______to the allele for white flowers.
Incompletely dominant.
Imagine that beak color in a finch species is controlled by a single gene. You make a finch homozygous for orange (pigmented) beak with a finch homozygous for ivory (unpigmented) beak and get numerous offspring, all of which have a pale, ivory-orange beak. This pattern of color expression is most likely to be an example of:
Incomplete dominance.
A person with AB blood illustrates the principle of:
Which of the following statements regarding sickle-cell disease is false?
Sickle-cell disease causes white blood cells to be sickle-shaped.

Sickle-cell disease is an example of:
codominance and pleiotropy.
Which of the following terms refers to a situation where a single phenotypic character is determined by the additive effects of two or more genes?
Polygenic inheritance.
Which of the following is essentially the opposite of pleiotropy?
Polygenic inheritance.
The individual features of all organisms are the result of:
genetics and the environment.
What is the normal complement of sex chromosomes in a human male/female?
Male: One X chromosome and one Y chromosome.
Female: One X chromosome and one Y chromosome.
Which plants in this figure must all be heterozygous?
purple-flowered plants in the F1 generation.
Which of the following statements regarding viruses is false?
A virus is generally considered to be alive because it is cellular and can reproduce on its own.
The scientists who conducted the experiments that demonstrated that DNA is the genetic material of bacteriophages?
Hershey and Chase.
One type of virus that infects bacteria is called a:
When a T2 bacteriophage infects an Escherichia coli cell, which part of the phage enters the bacterial cytoplasm?
Only the DNA .
The monomers of DNA and RNA are:
Which of the following statements regarding RNA is false? (sugar).
RNA uses the sugar dextrose.
Which of the following statements regarding the structure of DNA is false?
The sequence of nucleotides along the length of a DNA strand is restricted by the base-pairing rules.
The shape of a DNA molecule is most like:
A twisted ladder (double helix).
Which of the following statements regarding a DNA double helix is always true?
The amount of adenine is equal to the amount of thymine, and the amount of guanine is equal to the amount of cytosine.
DNA replication:
Uses each strand of a DNA molecule as a template for the creation of a new strand.
When one DNA molecule is copied to make two DNA molecules, the new DNA contains: (what %)
50% of the parent DNA.
Multiple origins of replication on the DNA molecules of eukaryotic cells serve to: (what to the time?)
Shorten the time necessary for DNA replication.
The name of the enzymes which catalyzes the elongation of a new DNA strand?
DNA polymerase.
Why does a DNA strand grow only in the 5' to 3' direction?
Because DNA polymerases can only add nucleotides to the 3' end of the growing molecule.
Which of the following options best depicts the flow of information when a gene directs the synthesis of a cellular component?
DNA -> RNA -> protein.
The transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA is called:
The "one gene-one polypeptide" theory states that:
The function of an individual gene is to dictate the production of a specific polypeptide.
Experiments have demonstrated that the "words" of the genetic code (the units that specify amino acids) are:
Three-nucleotide sequences.
The directions for each amino acid in a polypeptide are indicated by a codon that consists of________nucleotide(s) in an RNA molecule.
We would expect that a 15-nucleotide sequence will direct the production of a polypeptide that consists of:
4-amino acids.
Which of the following enzymes catalyzes the linking together of RNA nucleotides to form RNA?
RNA polymerase.
Where do transcription and translation occur in prokaryotic cells?
In the cytoplasm.
Which of the following takes place during translation?
The conversion of genetic information from the language of nucleic acids to the language of proteins.
Which of the following is NOT needed in order for translation to occur?
DNA template.
Which of the following statements is false?
An mRNA molecule transcribed from DNA is shorter than the genetic message it carries.

Which of the following statements regarding the flow of genetic information is false?

Transcription occurs in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells.

A protein shell enclosing a viral genome is known as a:
Viral DNA incorporated into host cell DNA is known as a:
Which of the following statements regarding viral diseases is false?
Very few new human diseases have originated in other animals because the genetic differences are too great.
What kind of virus is HIV?
A retrovirus.
HIV does the greatest damage to _______blood cells.
Which of the following statements about the treatment or prevention for a prion infection is true?
There is no known treatment or cure for prion infections.
Occurs when a phage transfers bacterial DNA from one bacterium to another.
Conjugation, transformation, and transduction are all ways that bacteria:
Increase their genetic diversity.