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32 Cards in this Set

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Why do bananas in a bag ripen so much faster than bananas on a counter top?
A)Ethylene, produced by the fruit, is trapped in the bag.
B)Abscisic acid, produced by the fruit, is trapped in the bag.
C)The bag holds in more moisture.
D)Cytokinins are present in low concentrations in the bag because sunlight stimulates the production of this hormone.
E)Auxins are present in low concentrations in the bag because sunlight stimulates the production of this hormone.

Ethylene, produced by the fruit, is trapped in the bag.

Which of the following is technically not a fruit?
C)green pepper


How does the skin act as a barrier to microbial invasion?
A)The dead skin cells contain bacterial nutrients.
B)It releases B cells and T cells to fight infections.
C)Secretions from sweat glands and sebaceous glands inhibit bacterial growth.
D)Its moist surface slows bacterial growth.

Secretions from sweat glands and sebaceous glands inhibit bacterial growth.

Which structure prevents foods and liquids from entering the lungs?


In plants, the diploid, multicellular organism is the:


Animals need a respiratory system because each cell of their bodies is involved in the process of:
A)hormone production.
B)cellular respiration.
C)extracellular digestion.
D)intracellular digestion.
E)nitrogen fixation.

cellular respiration.

A scientist who claims to have discovered a new plant hormone must demonstrate that this compound is:
A)needed by the plant as a major source of energy.
B)formed in one part of the plant but has an effect in a different part.
C)capable of stimulating differentiated cells to form meristem tissue.
D)made from cell proteins.
E)produced in large amounts.

formed in one part of the plant but has an effect in a different part.

The place where a neuron communicates with a muscle fiber, a gland, or another neuron is called the:


Where are apical meristems located?
A)scattered throughout the plant
B)in cylinders along the side of the root
C)at the ends of the roots and stems
D)in clusters in the parenchyma
E)between the xylem and the phloem

at the ends of the roots and stems

After passing through the nasal cavities, incoming air next moves to the:


In plants, the haploid, multicellular organism is the:


What is the evolutionary significance of a flower that has large, brightly colored petals?
A)Such plants are usually self–pollinators and do not rely on external factors for pollination.
B)In general, these are aquatic plants, and water aids in their pollination, regardless of color and odor.
C)These flowers attract pollinators that are animals.
D)The wind is a significant factor in pollination, especially because of the large petals.
E)Such flowers produce only microspores or megaspores, not both.

These flowers attract pollinators that are animals.

The ________ valve is between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery.


________ are white blood cells that attack cancer cells.
B)Mast cells
C)T cells
D)Plasma cells

T cells

An artificial pacemaker is a device that replaces the actions of the:
A)atrioventricular node.
B)sinoatrial node.

sinoatrial node.

Electrical signals are transmitted to the synaptic terminals along the:
A) cell body.
B) glia.
C) axon.
D) dendrite.
E) synapse.


Which of the following is an example of a nonspecific response to infection?
A) T cells
B) B cells
C) antibodies
D) fever


MHC (major histocompatibility complex) proteins:
A) mark cells as "self."
B) control antibody gene expression.
C) are released by T cells to kill infected cells.
D) cause cancer.

mark cells as "self."

A plant's tendency to grow toward a source of light is called:
A) phototropism.
B) gravitropism.
C) lumitropism.
D) thigmotropism.
E) amylotropism.


What is the role of valves in the veins?
A) They block the flow of blood to the heart until it has time to contract again.
B) They push the blood back toward the capillaries so that all the oxygen can be removed.
C) They keep blood from flowing backward when the veins are squeezed by skeletal muscles.
D) They push the blood upward toward the heart.
E) They slow blood flow in the veins so that the blood can move more slowly in the capillaries.

They keep blood from flowing backward when the veins are squeezed by skeletal muscles.

When your blood pressure is measured from an artery in your arm, it is a measurement of the pressure produced by your:
A) right atrium.
B) left atrium.
C) left ventricle.
D) right ventricle.

left ventricle.

How does carbon dioxide enter a leaf?
A) Atmospheric pressure forces CO2 through pits on the leaf surface.
B) CO2 is moved by active transport into the leaf by special cells called guard cells.
C) CO2 diffuses through the epidermal cells into the mesophyll.
D) CO2 travels dissolved in the water in the xylem.
E) CO2 passes through openings called stomata on the leaf surface.

CO2 passes through openings called stomata on the leaf surface.

All of the following are true of the SA node EXCEPT that it:
A) directly stimulates the ventricles.
B) is the pacemaker.
C) is influenced by nerve impulses and hormones.
D) directly stimulates the atria.

directly stimulates the ventricles.

The left ventricle is more muscular than the right ventricle because it must push the blood:
A) through the body's extensive system of vessels that nourish all cells.
B) against gas pressure in the lungs.
C) through the pulmonary arteries only.
D) through wider blood vessels.

through the body's extensive system of vessels that nourish all cells.

Which of the following is part of the peripheral nervous system?
A) autonomic nervous system
B) brain
C) medulla
D) thalamus
E) spinal cord

autonomic nervous system

In vertebrates, which heart chamber supplies oxygenated blood to the body cells?
A) right ventricle
B) left ventricle
C) right atrium
D) left atrium

left ventricle

Which mineral is important for carrying O2 in the blood?
A) calcium
B) potassium
C) sodium
D) zinca
E) iron


Bile aids in fat digestion by:
A) converting lipids to proteins, which can then be digested by proteases.
B) breaking lipids into smaller components that can then be digested further by pancreatic enzymes.
C) removing the fatty acid chains from the glycerol.
D) acting directly as a lipid–digesting enzyme.

breaking lipids into smaller components that can then be digested further by pancreatic enzymes.

Endocrine communication depends on:
A) electrical signals within individual cells.
B) cytoplasmic movement through gap junctions.
C) chemicals secreted into the blood for delivery.
D) target cells not binding to a hormone.
E) chemicals secreted through ducts.

chemicals secreted into the blood for delivery.

"Big eater" cells that ingest and destroy microbes are:
A) natural killer cells.
B) mast cells.
C) T cells.
D) macrophages.
E) plasma cells.


Endocrine hormones are:
A) released from a nerve cell and diffuse across a synaptic gap to influence its target cell.
B) electrical signals that move between adjacent cells.
C) chemicals that are released by a cell into the surrounding extracellular fluid and affect only other nearby cells.
D) biochemicals released from one cell and transferred via the blood to other (target) cells.
E) released from gap junctions directly into the cytoplasm of the connected cell.

biochemicals released from one cell and transferred via the blood to other (target) cells.

Gap junctions:
A) allow the rapid passage of electrical signals among heart cells.
B) are found in white blood cells.
C) connect veins and arteries.
D) prevent the backflow of blood from ventricles to atrium.

allow the rapid passage of electrical signals among heart cells.