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46 Cards in this Set

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the most common protein on the planet is
a local regulator molecule diffuses through extracellular fluid to a cell in a NEARBY tissue, binding to an appropriate receptor

this is an example of
paracrine signaling
photosynthesis by green plants would use what color of light most efficiently?
the photosynthetic pigments at the REACTION CENTER of both photosystems I and II of green plants are
chlorophyll a
pineapple plant and other CAM plants have adapted to semiarid climates by
fixing carbon at night
what are commonly used in intracellular signaling pathways by cells?
adenylyl cyclase

G proteins

in a C3 plant mesophyll cell, the enzyme rubisco is found where?
in the chloroplast stroma
the electron transport chain used to make ATP in photosynthesis is found where?
in the mitochondrial matrix
the electrons received by photosystem I in green plants are ultimately transferred to
an egg is fertilized by a sperm to produce a single cell called a
Mendel's Second Law of Heredity, the Law of Independent Assortment, states
that ALTERNATIVE ALLELES of character are passed on INDEPENDENTLY of one another and remain DISTINCT when passed on to the next generation
an example of the genetic phenomenon known as continuous variation would be
height in humans
if Mendel had crossed a plant with red flowers with a plant that produced white flowers and had obtained pink flowers, assuming he wasn't color blind, he would have discovered
incomplete dominance
the close association of homologous chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis is called
a diploid stem cell that divides many times to produce many new cells that all eventually differentiate into skeletal muscle would be an example of a
somatic cell
during mitosis, the proper order of the phases is




chiasmata form during
prophase I
with respect to meiosis, centromeres split during
anaphase II
A purple flower pea plant is said to be Pp. Pp is this plant's
A plant has a dominant phenotype but an unknown genotype. The proper experiment to determine its correct genotype would be a
test cross
Mendel's Law of Segregation is best demonstrated using
a monohybrid cross
A human cell in anaphase II of meiosis would have a total of ___ chromatids
A homozygous dominant plant (PP) is crossed with a homozygous recessive plant (pp). The F1 generation is then self-crossed to produce the F2 generation. The phenotypic or Mendelian ratio of the offspring will be
Alternative versions of a gene (genetic variations) are termed
The chromosomes condense during what phase of meiosis I?
prophase I
The ultimate product of a cell undergoing the process we call meiosis is a
An allele at one locus affects several phenotypic traits (e.g. cystic fibrosis is caused by a single defective gene which causes clogged blood vessels, sticky mucus, salty sweat, liver failure, etc.). This is an example of
pleitropic effects
The Calvin cycle in a C4 tropical grass plant occurs in the
bundle sheath cells
A protein is activated by phosphorylation as part of a signaling cascade. In order for this protein to be converted back to an inactive state it will likely require the action of
a protein phosphatase
Cycle AMP (cAMP) is an example of
a second messenger
During which phase of meiosis are the tetrads of homologous chromosomes aligned at the center of the dividing cell?
metaphase I
During which phase of meiosis do the centromeres uncouple and sister chromatids migrate to opposite poles of the cell?
Between the metaphases of meiosis I and meiosis II
there is no DNA synthesis
Cyclin-dependent kinases function
as check point regulators for progression through the cell cycle
Mendel crossed two true breeding plants, one with purple flowers and one with white flowers. The progeny were all purple. In a Mendelian style experiment, these purple progeny represent the
F1 generation
What is the Mendelian or phenotypic ratio for the F2 generation from a typical DIHYBRID cross?
At what point during cell division/replication does genetic recombination occur?
Prophase I of meiosis
During mitosis, the formation of a cleavage furrow and the actual separation of the cytoplasm of the two daughter cells is called
A Pp flowering pea plant produces purple flowers ("P" is dominant over "p" and "P" encodes purple flowers). Purple flowers would be considered the plant's
A convenient way to visualize the possible genotypes of the offspring (and the expected ratio of each genotype/phenotype) from a genetic cross is to use
a Punnett square
At what point during the cell cycle does DNA replication occur?
S phase
During development of many multicellular organisms, some cells seem to die off in a preprogrammed fashion. This phenomenon is called
the electron that passes through photosystem I in a green plan was initially derived from
steroid hormones are somewhat unusual in that their receptors are
intracellular and commonly found in the cytoplasm
Mendel's revolutionary change in performing genetics experiments was to
use peas
Which of the following would be an example of a testcross as performed by Mendel?
PP x pp