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33 Cards in this Set

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organisms whose cells contain just one of each type of chromosome (ex: bacteria, archaea, many algae) are called _____ meaning "single form"
organisms that have two versions of each type of chromosome (ex: humans, grasshoppers, oak trees) are called _____, meaning "double form"
___ is nuclear division that leads to halving of chromosome number. Precedes the formation of eggs and sperm in animals.
non-sex chromomes are called _____
biologists use the term ____ to denote different versions of the same gene
____ organisms do not contain homologous chromosomes. they have just one allele of each gene.
____organisms have to alleles of each gene- one on each of the homologous pairs of chromosomes
______ are two chromosomes of the same type that carry the same genes, but may contain different alleles
number of cell divisions in-
mitosis ___
meiosis ___
number of cell divisions in -
mitosis - 1
meiosis - 2
number of chromosomes in daughter cells, compared with parent cell
mitosis __
number of chromosomes in daughter cells, compared with parent cell
mitosis- same
meiosis- half
synapsis of homologs?
synapsis of homologs-
mitosis- no
meiosis- yes
number of crossing over events-
number of crossing over events-
mitosis- none
meiosis- one or more per pair of homologous chromosomes
makeup of chromosomes in daughter cells-
makeup of chromosomes in daughter cells-

mitosis- identical

meiosis- different, only one of each chromosome type present, paternal and maternal segments mixed with chromosomes
role in organism life cycle-
mitosis __
role in organism life cycle

mitosis- asexual reproduction in eukaryotes, cell division for growth in multicellular organisms

meiosis- precedes production of gametes in sexually reproducing animals
the key difference between mitosis and meiosis is that homologous chromosomes pair early in ___ but do not pair during ___
homologous chromosomes pair early in meiosis but do not pair during mitosis
because homologs pair in ____ of meiosis I, they can migrate to the metaphase plate together and then separate during ___ of meiosis I, resulting in a reduction division
pair in prophase, separate in anaphase
meiosis consists of two cell divisions, called ____ and ____
meiosis consists of two cell divisions, called meiosis I and meiosis II
during ____, the homologs in each chromosome pair separate from each other. One homolog goes to one daughter cell, the other goes to the other daughter cell.
during meiosis I
during ___, the diploid (2n) parent cell produces two haploid (n) daughter cells
meiosis I
during ___ sister chromatids from each chromosome separate
meiosis II
the cells produced by ____ also have one of each type of chromosome, but now the chromosomes are unreplicated
meiosis II
gametes have ____ the number of chromosomes as the zygote
half the number of chromosomes
___ and ___ are gametes
sperm and unfertilized eggs
what are zygotes?
fertilized eggs with 46 chromosomes
what is the haploid number for humans?
23. haploid is the half number of chromosomes, like what would be in the sperm or egg.
what does 2n represent?
the diploid number. which in humans, would be 46
what does n represent in respect to 2n?
n represents the haploid number, which in humans would be 23
____ is the observed traits of an individual, such as the shape of a pea seed or the eye color of a human. literally, "show-type"
geneticists use the word ____ to indicate the hereditary determinant for a trait
different versions of the same gene are called ____
the alleles that are found in a particular individual are called the ____
an individual's genotype has a profound effect on the _____, the physical traits
what is the latin name for the fruit fly?
Drosophila melanogaster