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43 Cards in this Set

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what are the functions of the female reproductive system?
1. produces eggs
2. receives the penis and sperm
3. houses and naurishes and gives birth to the embryo.
4. lactation- milk production
what is another name for the female egg?
what are the organs of the female reprodcutive system?
1. ovary
2. oviduct
3. uterus
4. cervix
5. vagina
6. vulva'
what is the ovary and where can it be found?
ovary- female gonad
found in the pelvic cavity held in place by connective tissue ligaments.
what is the ovary responsible for producing?
1. gametes( oocyte)
2. sex hormones- estrodial and progesterone
where in the female reproductive system is the site of oogenesis
oogenesis happens in the ovary
what is another name for the oviduct?
Fallopian tube
what are the two parts of the oviduct/ Fallopian tube?
infundibulum and the oviduct
what is the structure of the infundibulum and what is it's responsibilities
1. partially surrounds the ovary
2. collects secondary oocytes from the ovary
3. uses cilia to move secondary oocytes
what is the site of fertilization in the female reproductive system?
what happens to the secondary oocyte if fertilization does not occur?
secondary oocyte degenerates in oviduct
what are the two parts of the uterus?
myometrium and the endometrium
what is the myometrium and where can it be found?
it is a thick wall comprised of smooth muscle
what is the endometrium made of?
1. connective tissue
2. glands
3. blood vessels
why does the endometrium thicken every month?what happens if the egg is fertilized? what happens if no fertilization occurs?
1. it thickens in preparation for pregnancy.
2. if fertilization occurs the embryo is implanted in the endometrium
3. if no fertilization then the endometrium sloths off=menstruation.
what is endometriosis?
a disorder in which fragment of endometrium migrate to other areas, oviducts and ovaries.
what is the function of the cervix?
closes uterus off and separates uterus from vagina.
what is the structure and function of the vagina?
1. elastic, muscular tube
function- receives sperm and is the birth canal
what is the vulva and what does it do?
1. the external genitalia
2. covers external opening
when are all the female oogenia formed?
during embryonic development
what ploidy are the female oogenia?
what does the oogenia become and at what stage of development does this occur?
during prenatal development, oogenia grows and becomes a primary oocyte
at what stage of development of primary oocyte is it arested?
prophase 1
how many oocytes is a female born with and how many is left when she reaches sexual maturity(puberty)
born with ~1 million oocytes
puberty ~200,000 oocytes
what forms a barrier of tight junctions around the primary oocyte?
ganulosa cells
what is the structure of a follicle
primary oocyte surrounded by granulosa cells
what hormone stimulates the follicles at puberty
how many follicles mature each month?
6-12 follicles
after one week, what happens to the follicle that grows largest and what happens to the others?
one follicle out of the possible 12 continues to grow larger and the rest just degenerate.
what are the components of a follicle?
1. theca cells
2. zona pellucida
3. antrum
4. follicle
what is the structure of a theca cell and what does it surround?
it is a layer of connective tissue and it surrounds granulsa cells
what is the layer of glycoproteins found between granulosa cells and primary oocytes?
zona pellucida
what is an antrum
fluid filled cavities between follicles
which cells secrete estrogen?
follicle cells
what happens to the primary oocyte after it finishes meiosis I?
it is released from the ovary
what are the two daughter cells produced after Meiosis 1 and cytokineses? and what is their fate?
1. polar body- disintegrates
2. secondary oocyte-enter meiosis II and stops at metaphase
describe the process of ovulation
1. 2nd oocyte matures + moves closer to the surface
2. proteolytic enzymes break down ovarian wall
3. 2nd oocyte ejects through the hole into the oviduct
what does the follicle that remains in the ovary after ovulation become and what does it secrete?
it becomes the corpus luteum and it secretes estrogen and progesterone
what happens to the corpus luteum if fertilization does not occur?
it lives for about 10-12 days and dies= luteolysis
what is significant about an estrous cycle?
it is when mammals are fertile to males only certain times of the year.
what is significant about the menstrual cycle?
fertile on a cyclic basis. fertility times are not synchronized with sexual reception.
what hormone aids secondary female characteristic growth and what are those characteristics
estrogen (estrodial)
1. beast development
2. broadening of the pelvis
3. fat and muscle distribution
4. stimulates monthly preparation of the endometrium
which hormone stimulates endometrial glands to secrete nutrient rich fluids?