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111 Cards in this Set

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What is Energy?
The ability to cause matter to move change
All life processes are driven by _________
Where does all energy come from?
The Sun (sunlight)
What are Chemical Reactions?
When bond are broken and reformed to make different substances
What is Metabolism?
The sum of all chemical reactions in your body?
What is needed to start a chemical reaction?
Activation energy
Do products absorb or release energy?
What is a catalyst?
Anything that makes chemical reactionsoccur faster by lowering activation energy.
Are all enzymes catalysts?
Are all catalysts enzymes?
Where are enzymes found?
In ALL cells of your body
What analogy is used with enzymes?
A lock and a key because specific enzymes work with specific substrates
What specific fit allows enzymes to work
Each substrate fits the enzyme's active site
What four things affect how well an enzyme works?
Tempreture, pH, concentration, and surface area
What tempreture works best for enzyme reactions?
Room tempreture
What is the ideal pH for an enzyme reaction?
Nuetral (about 7.0 on the pH scale)
What do ATP and ADP stand for and what's the main difference between them?
Adenosine Triphosphate; Adenosine Diphosphate; ATP has 3 phosphate groups, and ADP has only 2 phosphate groups.
How do you make ADP out of ATP? ADP to ATP?
Release enery and a phosphate group to make ADP and absorb energy and gain a phosphate group to make ATP again
How do we see colors?
The sun sends down packets of light energy called photons.
What are groups of photons called?
Why do we see different colors?
Each wave has a different length and each color is represented by a different wave length.
Which wavelengths are longer, reds or purples?
Reds are the longest (low f) and a you travel through the colors of the rainbow, they get smaller (high f) in order
WHY do we see colors?
The colors that we see are the colors not absorbed by something. The colors not absorbed are reflected
What color isn't absorbed in chlorophyll?
Green, which is why plants' leaves are green in color
In which part of the chloroplast is chlorophyll found in?
In discs called "Grana"
Hint: Grana sounds like Grandma and you have disks in your back. Older people tend to have bad backs. :)
What ORGANELLE is chlorphyll found in?
The chloroplasts
What is the liquid part of the chloroplast called?
The STROMA, NOT to be confused with STOMA.
Hint: Grana and stroma both have the letter "R" for their "second sound" and they are both in the chloroplast
Where are chloroplasts found?
In the cells' of leaves
How is Oxygen released after photosynthesis?
Through a small opening in the bottom of leaves' cells called STOMA
What is photosynthesis?
The process by which plants take in water and carbon dioxide and using sunlight produce oxygen and glucose to create their own food
What are the two steps in photosynthesis?
The light reaction and the dark reaction
What is another name for the dark reaction?
The calvin cycle, named after Melvyn Calvin
Who is Melvyn Calvin?
A scientist who in 1961 won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for identifying the path of carbons in photosynthesis
What is the Light Reaction?
The first part of photosynthesis that occurs in the Grana and must have sunlight. The
What is the Dark Reaction?
The second part of photosynthesis that occurs in the Stroma (liquid) and can occur with or without sunlight
How do light reactions occur?
Light energy reacts with the chlorophyll. Then,water is split by the light reaction. The Hydrogen is kept for the dark reaction and the Oxygen is released through the Stoma
What occurs during the Dark Cycle?
Hydrogen from the split water molecule from the light reaction is present. Carbon dioxide enters the chloroplasts. The hyrdrogen and carbon dioxide react, producing glucose (energy). ATP loses a phosphate, recreating ADP
What is the chemical formula for glucose?
What ORGANIC MATERIAL are enzymes?
What is the chemical equationfor photosynthesis?
6H2O + 6CO2 --> C6H12O6 + 6O2
Where does aerobic respiration take place?
In Mitochondria
What are the two types of respiration?
Anaerobic and Aerobic
Compare and Contrast Anaerobic and Aerobic respiration
Aerobic produces 38 ATP (2 from glycolosis and 36 from oxydative repration) and requires oxygen to occur. Anaerobic produces 2 ATP (2 from glycolosis and none from fermentation) and doesn't requir energy to occur.
What ALWAYS happens before boh oxydative and non-oxydative respiration and what are the products of it?
Glycolosis; 2 ATP and 2 pyruvic acids
What is the formula for aerobic respiration?
C6H12O6 + O2 --> CO2 + H2O + 36 ATP

(Glucose plus oxygen yields carbon dioxide plus water plus36 ATP)
What are the two types of fermentation?
Lactic Acid and Alcohol
What is the chemical equation for Lactic Acid fermantation?
C6H12O6 --> C3H5O3

(Glucose yields lactic acid)
What is the chemical equation for Alcoholic Fermentation?
C6H12O6 --> C2H6O + CO2

(Glucose yields Ethyl Alcohol plus carbon dioxide)
What is the place where a chemical reaction takes place called?
The active site
What is another name for oxydative respiration?
The Kreb's Cycle
Where does aerobic respiration take place?
In the cytoplasm
What determines what type of fermentation takes place?
Type of organism
What orgainisms can alcoholic fermentation take place in?
Yeasts and some microorganisms
What organisms does lactic acid fermentation take place in?
Animals (muscles)
What's the relationship between the products and reactions of photosynthesis and respiration?
The products of respiration are the reactants for photosynthesis and vise versa.
Does photosynthesis store or release energy?
Does respiration store or release energy?
What is needed for photosynthesis to occur?
Sunlight and chlorophyll
The rate of photosynthesis AND resperation are controlled by _____?
What is the relationship between the pH and the appearance of the bag?
The higher the lower the pH, the more carbon dioxide was in the bag, therefore the bag was more expanded the lower the pH. A lower pH means that a substance is more acidic
What is the definition of photosynthesis?
The process in which green plants manufacture food
What happenes to water molecules during photosynthesis?
They are drawn up through osmosis and capillary action through the roots and stem
What's the function of chlorophyll?
To absorb energy from photons
During what stage of photosynthesis is energy absorbed? Released?
Light Reaction; Dark reaction
At what pH is pepsin most active?
at about 3.0 on the pH scale (fairly acidic)
At what level on the pH scale is Trypsin most active?
at about 6.5 on the pH scale (barely acidic)
What happens to the rate of digestion when you take an antacid like ppsin or trypsin before youeat?
It digests slower becuase it neutralizes the acid in your stomach to help prevent heartburn
Does pepsin work better in the stomach or in the intestines where the stomach acid is nuetralized by sodium bicarbonate? Trypsin?
Stomach; intestines
What enzyme was used in the liver lab?
H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide)
What is Hydrogen peroxide produced as during chemical reactions?
A toxic waste product
Why do our cells need the enzyme catalase?
To speed of the chemical reaction that produces hydrogen peroxide so our ells can get rid of it faster
How does catalase work?
It breaks down H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) into H2O (water) and O (Oxygen) which are two substances that are safe for our body when they are separate
What is the reaction for the break down of hydrogen peroxide?
2 H2O2 --> 2 H2O + O2
Do enzymes change or get consumed during chemical reactions?
Nope... :)
What is the main purpose of Hydrogen Peroxide?
To treat wounds
What are 2/3 of the molecules in your body? How does this relate to te best environment for enzymes to work in?
Water, which has the pH that enzymes work best in
What is the relationship between your tempreture and the rate of chemical reactions through enzymes?
The higher your body tempreture, the slower the enzymes work
What was the enzyme in the liver?
What are heterotrophs? Give an example.
Organisms that obtain energy from food they eat; animals
What are Autotrops? Give an example.
Organisms that make their own food; plants
Hint: They AUTOmatically make there own food
Label this ATP molecule:

(1)(1)\ (3)(3)(3)
1: Adenine
2: Ribose
3: Phosphate
When a cell has energy available, how can it store small amounts of that energy?
By adding another phosphate group to ADP, making ATP
When is the energy stored in ATP released?
When the third phosphate group is broken off, creating ADP
What characteristics of ATP make is very useful to all cell types?
ATP has lots of energy
What are two ways cells use energy provided by ATP?
Muscle contraction and ACtive Transport
Why is it efficient for cells to keep only a small supply of ATP on hand?
It does stront long-term (large amounts) of energy very well
Where do cell get te energy needed to regenerate ATP?
Foods like glucose
What did Jan van Helmont conclude from his experiment?
That most of the gain in mass during comes from water
What substance was produced by the mint leaf in Joseph Priestly's experiment?
What is the overall equation for photosynthesis using words?
Plants use the energy of sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into high energy carbohydrates (glucose) and oxygen
What are pigments?
Light absorbing molecules
What is the principal pigment of plants?
What regions of the visible spectrum does chlorophyll absorblight very well?
Blue-violet region and the red region
What is glycolosis?
The pathway in which cellular respiration begins
Does glycolosis release alot of energy?
Nope... :)
What is cellular respiration?
The process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen
What is the equation for cellular respiration?
6 O2 + C6H12O6 --> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Energy
What would be the problem if cellular respiration took place in just one step?
All of the energy from the glucose would be released at once, an most of it would be lost in the form of light and heat
What are the three stages of cellular respiration?
Glycolosis, Krebs Cycle, and Electron Transport Chain
Where does glycolosis take place?
in the cytoplasm
Where do the Krebs cycle and electron transport take place?
What is glycolysis?
The process in which one molecule of glucose is broken in half, producing two molecules of pyruvic acid, and a three-carbon compound
What is fermentation?
The process in which energy is released by food molecules in the absence of oxygen
'\What is the equation for alcoholic fermentation after glycolysis?
Pyruvic Acid + NADH --> Alcohol + CO2 + NAD+
What is ATP?
A special carrier molecule that stores energy for cell use.
Are enzymes organic or inorganic
organic-- proteins
Are catalysts organic or inorganic?
Is chlorophyll in trees like maple trees during the fall, even when the leaves are red?
Yes, but less chlorophyll is produced during autumn, sothe red pigment is able to overpower the green pigment of the chlorophyll. During the summer, however, the trees make more chlorophyll so the green pigment can overpower the other colors
What is the name of the pigment that turns leaves red?
What type of chlorophyll makes leaves appear yellow-green?
Chlorophyll B
What type of chlorophyll makes leaves bright green?
Chlorophyll A