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27 Cards in this Set

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What is the difference between NAD and NADP
NAD is in Cell respiration, NADP is used in Photosynthesis
What happens during the Krebs cycle
Pyruvic acid is broken down into carbon dioxide in a series of energy-extracting reactions. The pyruvic acid forms acetyl-coA when mixed with CoA. It combines with a 4-carbon compound to make citric acid. The citric acid circles around and the energy released from breaking and arranging bonds is captured as FADH2, NADH, and ATP.
What does ATP Synhase do
Allows Hydrogen protons through and spins ADP and combines them to make ATP
Products of Glycolosis
2 pyruvate acids, 2 molecules of NADH, and 4 molecules ( 2 net molecules) of ATP
Equation of Cellular respiraation
Oxygen+Glucose = co2 + water+energy (atp)
Definition of cellular respiration
The process that releases energy from food in the presence of oxygen.
How does Cellular respiration maintain homeostasis?
Controls the amount of co2, glucose, energy, etc that cells contain to keep a stable environment
How many Calories in a grain of glucose
4 Calories
What's the % of energy contained in a glucose molecule that's captured in the bonds of ATP at the end of glycolysis?
The 3 parts of an ATP Molecule
3 phosphate groups, adenine, and ribose
Why are the leaves of a plant green?
Chlorophyll reflects green light
Equation of photosynthesis
carbon dioxide+water = sugars + oxygen
What do plant pigments do in photosynthesis
Capture light (chlorophyll is a pigment)
What's the first process in light dependent reactions
Light absorbtion
How is ATP in the chloroplast membrane made
With highly concentrated hydrogen ions
What are CAM Plants
CAM Plants are specialized to survive under hot, dry climates which would harm most other plants (Cactus)
How does the Calvin cycle produce sugars? and what is the energy that makes it possible?
With co2. The energy that makes it possible is ATP and NADPH
Factors that affect the rate of Photosynthesis
Co2 concentration, light, water, and temperature
How is the structure of ATP make it an ideal source of energy for cells
It can easily release/store energy by breaking and reforming the bonds between its phosphate groups
What kind of light does chlorophyll not absorb well
yellow light
Where does light independent reactions occur and where does the Calvin Cycle occur
Independent: Thylakoid
Calvin Cycle: Stroma
WHat is photosystem II and I
PHOTOSYSTEM 2: Electron Transport
Photosystem 1: Hydrogen Ion Movement and ATP formation
How are P1 and Photosystem 2 dependent on each other
Photosystem 1 relies on P2 to transport NADP and ADP over. P2 relies on P1 for ATP and NADPH to come over.
WHat are the products of the Krebs cycle:
They all go to the ETC
How does the ETC use the high-energy electrons from glycolysis and the Krebs Cycle?
It take the ions, pushes them out to the intermembrane spae, and uses it to convert ADP to ATP
Palisade Layer:
Spongy Layer:
P: Absorbs light
S: Connects with stomata, has air pockets
What happens in the electron transport chain
The electrons are used to pump out hydrogen ions out of the inner mitochondrial compartment.
Hydrogens re-enter through a ATP Synthase that adds a phosphate to ADP and makes ATP
At the end of the chain electrons and hydrogen ions combine w/ oxygen to form water. (Oxygen is the final Acceptor of the elctrons)