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29 Cards in this Set

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the direct linkage between the cytoskeleton and the ___ is critical to keeping cells in place, and helping adjacent cells adhere to each other
ECM extracellular matrix
___ are groups of cells that perform a similar function
_____ are cell to cell attachments common in animal epithelial cells and certain muscle cells
____ seal cells together in a quilting pattern
tight junction
___ act as channels between cells
membrane proteins in gap junctions
___ connect the cytoskeletons of cells
____ are information carrying molecules that are secreted from a cell and act on target cells far from the original cell that sent the signal
the presence of an appropriate ___ dictates which cells will respond to a particular hormone
a ___ ____ is a protein that changes its shape and activity after binding to a signal molecule
signal receptor
the majority of signal receptors are located in the _____ _____
plasma membrane
______ convers an extracellular signal to an intracellular signal
signal transduction
hormones are present in minuscule concentrations but trigger a large response from cells. how is this possible?
through signal amplification
______ signals are processed directly
lipid soluble signals
_____ signals require transduction
lipid insoluble signals
second messengers are/are not restricted to a single role or cell type?
are not restricted
when __ are activated by a signal receptor, they trigger the key step in signal transduction: the production of a messenger inside the cell. they link the receipt of an extracellular signal to the production of an intracellular signal
what are receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK)?
enzyme linked receptors
instead of activating a G-protein, _____ transduce the signal from a hormone by directly catalyzing a reaction inside the cell
enzyme linked receptors
once phosphorylated, ___ becomes an active enzyme
proteins in the cell form a bridge between the activated RTK and a peripheral membrane protein called ___, which functions like a G-protein
when Ras is activated, it triggers the ______ and activation of another protein
the sequence of phosphorylated proteins that occur after the activation of Ras by an enzyme linked receptor is called _____
phosphorylation cascade
both G-proteins and enzyme-linked receptors may cause phosphorylation cascades. true/false
second messengers or a phosphorylation cascade may do what?
1. change the genes being expressed in the target cell
2. activate or deactivate a particular target protein
______ systems trigger a rapid response and can be shut down quickly
signal transduction systems
cells with defective Ras may continue stimulating a phosphorylation cascade, and continue dividing, which may lead to the development of _____
_____ refer to interactions between signaling pathways
in bacteria, cell-cell communication is called____
quorum sensing
what are protein kinases?
enzymes that activate or inactivate other proteins by adding a phosphate group to them