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39 Cards in this Set

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Groups of cells with a common function
Epithelia, Connective, Muslce, Nervous
Four primary tissues
Epethelia Tissue
This tissue lines body cavities and covers surfaces
Glandular epithelia
Epithelia cells adapted to make up glands are called
Exocrine gland (Sweat glands and oil glands)
Secretes into ducts to the exterior of body
Endocrine glands
Secretes into the blood to carry chemical messages throughout the body. Produces hormones
Many cells tightly joined with little or no matrix
Define Epetheila tissue
Squamous ( Wider than they are tall. The line vessels, lungs and body surface)
Cubodial (Cube shape. Forms the lining of tubules, glandular tissue)
Columnar (Line respiratory, digestive, and reproductive tracts)
Name the 3 shapes of Epethelial tissue and define them
a single layers tissue that is adapted for diffusion. Lines glands, respiratory, digestive, and reproductive systems
What is a simple epithelial tissue
Basement Membranes
What provides structural support to overlying cells and attaches epithelial layer to underlying tissues
These hold epithelial cells together
Tight Junction
In this type of junction nothing passes
Adhesion Junction/ Spot Desmosomes
In this type of junction there are some movement in between cells
Gap Junction
In this type of junction there are protein channels
Few cells widely scattered in a matrix those cells make
Define Connective tissue
Fibrous and Special
Two types of connective tissue
Supports softer organs of the body
Connects part of the body
Stores fat and produces blood cells
What is connective tissue used for
Fibrous connective tissue
The type of tissue proves strength and elasticity
What are the four general types of Fibrous connective tissue
What type of fibrous connective tissue surrounds organs, lines cavities around blood vessels?
What type of fibrous connective tissue forms tendons(muscle to bone), ligaments(bone to bones), and deeper layer of skin
This type of fibrous connective tissue surround the stomach and bladder, maintains shape
This type of fibrous connective tissue makes up the internal framework of soft organs(liver) and the lymphatic system)
Cartilage, Bone, Blood, and Adipose Tissue
What are the four kinds of Special Connective Tissue
Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth
What are the three kinds of Muscle tissue
Skeletal Muscle
This type of muscle tissue moves body parts. It's voluntary and multi nucleated. Tubes
Cardiac Muscle
This type of muscle tissue functions in the heart. It's involuntary and has one nucleus. Branched
Intercalated Disks
A special gap junction that is only found in cardiac cells as the connections
Smooth Muscle
This type of Muscle tissue surrounds hollow structures. Is involuntary and has one nucleus. It's impossible to time out. Makes ATP faster than can be controlled.
Comes to a point at each end with no lines running through it
These have the highest metabolic rate in ever cell in the body
Nervous Tissue
This type of tissue transmit impulses through the body
Specialized nervous system cell
Gilial Cells
Suports neurons
Integumentary system
Proper name of the skin organ system
Stratified squamous epithelial cells
The epidermis is made out what kind of cells
Organ System
Groups of organs that perform a common function
Maintenance of relative constancy of the conditions of the internal environmnet
Negative feedback control system
Deviations from normal conditions are detected and counteracted in this system
Controlled variable (Body temperature)
Sensors(Temperature sensors in skin and internal organ
Control Center(Hypothalamus)
Effectors( Blood vessels, sweat glands, skeletal muscles)
What are the four kinds of negative feedback controls and examples for each?