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41 Cards in this Set

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The smallest unit of matter that can carry on all of the processes of life.
The theory that all living things are made up of cells, that cells are the basic units of organisms, and that cells come only from existing cells.
Cell Theory
Internal structures that are contained in cells.
The lipid bilayer that forms the outer boundary of the cell.
Cell Membrane
The large organelle near the center of the cell.
Organisms whose cells contain a membrane-bound nucleus and other organelles.
Unicellular organisms that lack a membrane-bound nucleus and other organelles.
The characteristic of a cell that only allows certain things to pass the cell membrane.
Selectively Permeable
The proteins attached to the surfaces of the cell membrane.
Peripheral Proteins
The proteins that are embedded in the bilayer.
Integral Proteins
The model that states that the lipid bilayer behaves more like a fluid than a solid.
Fluid Mosaic Model
This lies between the cell membrane and the nucleus and contains various organelles.
The gelatin-like aqueous fluid that organelles are bathed in.
Relatively large organelles scattered throughout the cell where chemical reactions that transfer energy from organic compounds to ATP.
Long folds that are inside the mitochondria that greatly enlarge the surface area of the inner membrane, providing more space for the chemical reactions that occur.
The most numerous organelles in a cell made up of two organic compounds (RNA and proteins).
A system of membranous tubules and sacs.
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
One type of endoplasmic reticulum that contains ribosomes.
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
One type of endoplasmic reticulum that does not contain ribosomes.
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
The processing, packaging, and secreting organelle of the cell.
Golgi Apparatus
Small, spherical organelles that enclose hydrolytic enzymes within single membranes.
The structure a cell has to maintain its shape and size.
The two major components of the cytoskeleton.
Microfilament and Microtubules
Threads of a protein that makes up microfilaments.
Bundles of microtubules that come together and extend across the cell when a cell is about to divide.
Spindle Fibers
Hair-like organelles that extend from the surface of the cell, where they assist in movement.
Cilia flagella
A protein skeleton that helps the nucleus maintain its shape.
Nuclear Matrix
The double membrane that surrounds the nucleus.
Nuclear Envelope
Fine strands made of DNA and protein that are inside the nuclear envelope.
Small holes in the nuclear envelope through which RNA travels from the nucleus to the cytosol.
Nuclear Pores
A spherical area that most nuclei contain.
The rigid layer that surrounds plant cells.
Cell Wall
The second common characteristic of plant cells that store enzymes and metabolic wastes.
Organelles that, like mitochondria and the nucleus, are surrounded by two membranes and contain DNA. They store starch or fats.
The most familiar type of plastid that gives plants their green color.
A system of flattened, membranous sacs that are enclosed in chloroplast.
A group of cells that carry out a specific function.
A group of several types of tissues that interact to perform a specific function.
A group of organs that work together to perform a set of related tasks.
Organ System
A collection of genetically identical cells that live together in a closely connected group.
Colonial Organisms
DNA and protein in a coiled, rod-shaped form that occurs during cell division.