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30 Cards in this Set

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prokaryotes thrive ____ including....
everywhere,places to acidic,salty,cold,hot
what contribute to prokaryotic success?
structual, functional, and genetic adaptations
most prokaryotes are __celluar
unicellular, a few species form colonies
what are the three common shapes of prokaryotic cells?
spheres(cocci),rods(bacilli) and spirals
one of the most important features of nearly all prokaryotic cells is their
cell wall
cell wall provides?
maintains cell shape, provides physical protection, prevents the cell from bursting in a hypo tonic environment.
bacterial species can be classified into which two groups?
gram positive, gram negative
the difference between gram positive and gram negative is?
gram positive bacteria have a cell wall with a large amount of peptidoglycon.

gram negative have less peptidoglycon and it is located between the plasma membrane and an outer membrane.
a sticky layer of polysaccharides and/or protein is called?
a capsule
fimbraiae and pili allow prokaryotes to?
allows them to stick to their substrate or other individuals in a colony
most motile bacteria propel themselves by?
the ability to move toward or away from a certain stimuli
internal and genomic organization of prokaryotic cells?
are much simpler than eukaryotic cells, they do not have organelles
some prokaryotes have specialized membranes that perform? give ex.
metabolic functions
ex. aerobic prokaryote have respiratory memembrane
ex. photosenthic prokaryote have thylakoid membrane
in prokarytoic cells dna is?
not surrounded by a membrane and is located in a nucleoid region
prokaryotes reproduced by ? and how fast?
binary fission, 20-30mins
prokaryotes form endospore which can remain viable in harsh conditions for centuries
can make own food
can not make own food
obligate aerobes
require oxygen
facultative anaerobes
can survive with or without oxygen
obligate anaerobes
are poisoned by oxygen
cooperation between prokaryotes
allows them to use environmental resources they could not use as individual cells
photosynthetic cells and nitrogen fixing cells exchange metabolic products
where cooperation in colonies occurs for bacertia
live in anaerobic swamps and marshes, produce methane as a waste product
live in high salt environments
thrive in very hot envirnoments
prokaryotes play a crucial role in ?
the biosphere, without prokaryotes all life on earth would be in jeoparyd of extinction
prokaryotes play a major role in ?
recycling of chemical elements between the living and nonliving components of ecosystems