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93 Cards in this Set

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Describe animal characteristics.
Multicellular, lack cell wall, heterotrophs (eat other things), typically sexual reproduction, motile (ability to move on its own), and can respond to external stimuli (run away from dangers).
Are insects animals?
Yes; all insect are animals.
What is the largest insect group?
What does invertebrate mean?
Lacking a backbone.
What are examples of invertebrates?
Sponges, jellyfish, worms, insects, spiders, starfish and etc.
What is the percentage of known animals that are categorized as invertebrates?
How many species of spngers are there?
There are 5000 species of sponges.
Describe sponges
They are aquatic (primarily marin
What is the most simple, most primitive animal known. Closely relation to the first animal ancestor?
As adults, sponges are considered primarily sessile. What does this mean?
They are not motile; attached to the ground or substrate; often associated as a plant because of this.
Describe the reproduction method of sponges.
Asexually by budding, and sexually.
What is ithe general means of reproduction?
What is asexual reproduction by budding for sponges?
A little piece of the sponge breaks off and forms another independent sponge.
How do sponges reproduce sexually?
They are sequentially hermaphrodites (both male and female organs); the swimming sperm will impregant and egg and produce a sponge.
Can hermaphrodite sponges self-fertilize? Why or why not?
No, because they are sequential hermaphrodites; only one of the sexual organs is mature at a given time.---
Filter feeder
Can filter out whats in water***
True/False: Sponges are sources of antifungals.
Sponges are the only animal that lack what?
What are tissues?
Aggregation of cells that perform a common function (i.e, muscle = contractile, nervous = brain and spinal cord)
What are the three major specialized cell types found in sponges?
Epithelial, Collar, and Amoeboid
What cell type of sponges consists of the outside convering and pores to filter water?
What cell type of sponges filter and are flagellated to maintain flow and pump water in and out.
What cell type of sponges are free roaming, digest and distribute nutrients, and secrete skeletal materials?
Describe Cnidarians.
They are aquatic (mostly marine); there are 9000 known and are carnivorous predators.
Though Cnidarians have true tissues, what do they lack?
Cnidarians lack organs (2+ tissues that work together to perform functions)(
What are examples of Cnidarians
Jellyfish, corals, sea anemones
What are the two body types of Cnidarians?
Polyp = sessile ; Medusa = floating
What are Cnidarians named after?
The cnidocytes
What are cnidocytes?
Stinging cells that eject stinging or sticky filaments.
What is the Cnidarians passive predation
Tentactles contain the cnidocytes that sting and trap their prey. They don't actively seek out prey.
Why can clownfish not get stung by cnidocytes
They have a mucous that covers his body that keeps him from getting stung.
Descrbe flatworms?
Mostly parastic.
How many known flatworms are there?
20,000 known?
Flatworms are known for having simple organs? What are they?
Eyespot (sense light), simple brain, nerve cords
Does a flatworm have a respirator or circulatory system.
No, utilizes diffusion for gases and material throughout the body.
What is a cephalized flatworms
Head region has concentrated senses; eyes brains
How many people have died in the past 120 years of jellyfish stings?
How do flatwoms undergo reproduction asexually?
Through fission; cinching into 2 pieces and regenerating.
How do flatwoms undergo reproduction sexually?
They are hermaphroditic and can undergo self fertilization
What are the two flatworms that infect people.
Parasitic tapeworms (20m) and liver flukes
Penis fencing is associated with what animal?
Annelids are known more commonly as what?
Segmented worms (earth worms)
True/False: each segment of the annelid has copies of muscles, nerves, etc.
Describe the hydrostatic skeleton
Makes the annelids more capable of complex movements (longitudinal and circular movements)
What does an annelid's closed circulatory system contain?
5 pairs of hearts + vessels; blood encased in tubes
Nephridia = kidney like filters
Describe the tubular gut of an annelid
Its a one system. Food goes in and waste goes out the same orifice.
What is hydrostatic skeleton
Uses pressurized water to make muscle contractions for the water. Muscles push against water in walls to move;
What are the three benefits of medical leeches (annelids)
1. Anticoagulants - blood won't clots.
2. Maintain bloodflow
3. Drain excess blood
How many types of mollusks are known?
50,000 known
Though mollusks are primarily aquatic, what are the exceptions to this?
Snails and slugs
What kind of circulatory system does the mollusk typically have?
It has an open circulatory system, meaning its organs are bathed in blood.
What is the name of the blood cavity found in mollusks?
What are examples of gastropods?
Snails and slugs
What are examples of bivalves?
scallops, oysters; mussels; they are filter feeders***
What are examples of cephalopods
Octopus and squid
Describe lifestyle of cephalopods?
They are marine predators, have closed circulation, and a highly developed brain and sense
What is considered the most abundant animal group and how many are known?
Arthropods; 1 million are known
What is the exoskeleton of arthropods made out of?
Chitin and proteins
What is the exoskeleton of arthropods used for?
Protection, muscle attachement, water loss, and molting when required.
Describe the body of an arthropod?
Known for being segmented and specialized
What kind of circulatory system does an arthropod have?
Open circulatory system
T/F: Arthropods have well developed sensory and nervous systems and are capable of complex behaviors and social structures?
How many pairs of legs, antennae and wings must an arthropod in the insect subgroup have?
3 pairs of legs; 1 pair of antennae, and 2 pairs of wings.
What makes flight important to this group?
Predator avoidance
Food acquisition
What does most insect arthropods undergo as a change in body from juvenile to adult (catepillar to butterfly)?
The head of the arthropod for the insect subgroup is used for what to purposes?
Sensory and feeding
The abdomen of the arthropod for the insect subgroup is used for what to purposes?
The thorax of the arthropod for the insect subgroup is used for what to purposes?
The arachnid is a subgroup of what?
What are some examples of arachnids?
Spider, ticks, mites, scorpions
How many legs do arachnids have?
8 walking legs
How do arachnid eat?
They are mostly carnivorous (meat eater) and have a liquid diet (inject digestive enzymes into food which break them down and they drink it.)
Describe the eyesight of a spider?
It has 8 simple eyes under a single lens and has panoramic view
What is the silk from a spider made out of?
Protein; very pliable and flexible.
An example of myriapods are?
Centipedes and Millipedes
Centipedes are ______ and have _ leg per segment.
carnivorous (eat meat); 1
Millipedes have _ leg(s) per segment.
Are myriapods aquatic or terrestrial?
Exclusively terrestrial
What are examples of crustaceans?
Crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp and sowbug
Are crustaceans aquatic or terrestrial?
Primarily aquatic
What are the specialized appendages a crustacean has?
2 antennae pairs
Roundworms are also known as...
Roundworms are important...
The body configuration of a roundworm is...
Not segmented
Why does a roundworm undergo diffusion?
It has no circulatory or respiratory system.
Roundworms periodically...
An example of roundworm predation would be...
Canine heartworms
Example of echinoderms are...
Starfish, sand dollars, sea urchins
Echinoderms is latin for...
Spiny skin
Describe echinoderms' unique water vascular system.
Network of hydraulic canals and tube feet that serve in locomotion, feeding, and gas exhange
T/F: Echinoderms have a head?
What is the locomotion speed for an echinoderms?
Slow moving or sessile
T/F: Echinoderms are capable of regenerating lost arms