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75 Cards in this Set

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- Introduces an enormous amount of diversity

- More than 70 trillion different genetic combinations possible from the mating of two individuals

- Males/females differ in the way they form gametes

- Sperm production begins at puberty, egg production start before birth and ends at menopause


- Special type of cell division

- Used only for sexual reproduction

- Chromosomes are replicated in S phase of interphase and then halved prior to fertilization

- Diploid (2n) parents produce haploid (n) gametes

Haploid Cells

Contain single set of chromosomes

- Such as gametes


Fuse in fertilization to form a diploid (2n) zygote to become the next diploid generation

- Ex: sperm, eggs

Gametes contain the wrong number of chromosomes

If meiosis goes wrong, then what happens to the gametes?

Homologues (Homologous chromosomes)

Chromosomes of the same type

- Have the same length

- Centromeres are positioned in the same place

- One came from the father and other from mother

- Show similar banding patterns when stained

Chromosomes occur in pairs

In diploid body cells, chromosomes occur in __________?


Humans have ______ different types of chromosome

Two chromosomes of each type

Diploid (2n) cells have _______ chromosomes of each type

Homologous Chromosomes

- Have genes controlling the same trait at the same position, in which the gene occurs in duplicates, one copy each from mother and father

- May encode identical or different genetic information


- Code for different traits

- Exist in several variant forms in a large population


Variants that exist for a gene

Homozygous for the trait

Identical alleles for a specific gene on both homologues

Heterozygous for the trait

Maternal allele that differs from corresponding paternal allele

Meiosis I

Meiosis II

Meiosis has ______ nuclear divisions

Meiosis I

- Chromosomes are replicated prior to meiosis I in S Phase; consist of two identical sister chromatids

- Homologous chromosomes pair up in synapsis and may recombine or exchange genetic material

- Homologous pairs align themselves at metaphase plate and then separate so each daughter cell receives one duplicated chromosome from each pair

From 2n to n

Meiosis II

- Mitosis of two haploid cells

- Gamete formation

- DNA is not replicated

- Sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles

- 4 daughter cells contain one daughter chromosome from each pair

- Each daughter chromosome consist of a single chromatid

- Daughter cells are haploid

- # Nuclear Division

- Synapse

- Centromeres

- Chromosome Number

- # of daughter nuclei

- Genetics

- Type of reproduction

Differences between meiosis and mitosis (7)



Fusion of homologous chromosome pairs at the start of Meiosis I


- Union of male and female gametes

- Chromosomes donated by the parents are combined

- (2^23)^2 = 70 trillion different zygotes possible without any crossing over

Asexual reproduction

- Produces genetically identical clones

- Advantageous when environment is stable

- These types of organisms depend on mutations to generate variation in offspring

Sexual Reproduction

- Causes genetic recombinations among members of a population

- If environment changes, genetic variability may by advantageous

Prophase I

- Spindle forms

- Nuclear envelope fragments

- Nucleolus disappears

- Homologous chromosomes pair up and physically align themselves against each other side by side (synapsis)

- Synapsed homologs are referred to as a bivalent (two homologues) or a tetrad (four chromatids)

Metaphase I

- Homologous pairs are arranged at the metaphase plate by microtubules attaching to kinetochore of one chromosome

- Synapsed homologues aka Bivalents (or tetrads) are aligned at the spindle independently of one another

Anaphase I

- Homologous chromosomes of each bivalent separate from one another

- Homologues move towards opposite poles

- Sister chromatids do not separate

- Each is still a duplicated chromosome with two chromatids

(Reduction of chromosome number from 2n to n)

Telophase I

Daughter cells have one duplicated chromosome (n) from each homologous pair


- Two haploid (n) daughter cells, each with one duplicated chromosome of each type

- Similar to interphase but shorter and no DNA replication

Prophase II

- Nucleolus disappears

- Chromosome condense - no longer in homologous pairs

- Spindle apparatus forms

Metaphase II

- Chromosomes align at metaphase plate, microtubules attach to kinetochores

- They are no longer in homologous pairs

Anaphase II

- Centromere dissolves

- Sister chromatids separate toward opposite poles and become daughter chromosomes that are not duplicated

Telophase II and Cytokinesis

- Produces 4 Haploid (n) cells that are all genetically unique

- Gametes containing a mixture of maternal and paternal genes

(2 Phases)

Genetic Variation

- Essential for a species to evolve and adapt in a changing environment

- Asexually reproducing organisms depend on mutations for this

- Brought over by meiosis through crossing over between homologous chromosomes and independent assortment of homologous chromosomes

Crossing over

- Exchange of genetic materials between homologous chromosomes- May occur several times in each chromosome

- Involves exchange of genetic material between non sister chromatids during Prophase I

- At synapsis, the synaptonemal complex appears between homologues that hold them together

- Homologues separate and are distributed to different daughter cells

Independent assortment

- When homologous chromosome pairs align at the metaphase plate, they separate in a random manner, may be oriented toward either pole of mother cell

- Causes random mixing of blocks of alleles into gametes

- Possible chromosome orientations for a cell with 3 pairs of homologous chromosomes is 2^3 combinations of materal and paternal chromosomes


- Form of reproduction in which only one parent contribute genetic information to the next generation

- Individuals are produced from unfertilized eggs

Parthenogenic Lizards

- Crossing over occurs during meiosis between sister chromatids (instead of non-sister chromatids)

- The species double the number of chromosomes prior to meiosis forming a pair of homologues from a single parent

- Because of slight differences in the sister chromatids, small amount of variation is passed on to next generation

What type of animal?


- Requires 1 nuclear division

- Chromosomes do not synapse or cross over

- Centromeres dissolve in mitotic anaphase

- Preserves chromosome number

- Produces 2 daughter nuclei

- Produces genetically identical daughter cells

- For asexual reproduction and growth


- Requires 2 nuclear division

- Chromosomes synapse and cross over

- Centromeres survive Anaphase I

- Halves chromosome number

- 4 Daughter nuclei

- Genetically different daughter cells

- For sexual reproduction

Stages (Involved in sorting and division of chromosomes)

Spindle fibers (Play active role in sorting chromosomes)

Cytokinesis (Divide cytoplasm between daughter cells)

3 Similarities of Meiosis and Mitosis

Meiosis II Anaphase II

Phase of Meoisis II where sister chromatids separate, becoming daughter chromosomes that move to the poles

(Same as Mitosis)

Life Cycle

Reproductive events that occur from one generation to the next similar generation

Alternation of Generations

In plants, where haploid "individuals" called gametophytes alternate with diploid "individuals" called sporophytes


- Haploid individual alternating in plants


- Diploid individual alternating in plants


What type of plant is mostly haploid for their life cycle?

Fungi and most algae

In what plants (2) is the zygote only diploid?


Which plant is diploid for most of its life cycle?

Plants, algae and fungi gametes

3 Types of organisms that is produced by haploid individuals

Animal Cycle of Life

- Individuals are diploid and produce haploid gametes

- Haploid part of life cycle is the gametes

- Products of meiosis are always gametes

- Meiosis occurs only during gametogensis


Production of gametes (sperm and eggs)


- All 4 daughter cells from meiosis become sperm

- Testis contain stem cells called spermatogonia which make spermatocytes that undergo spermatogenesis

- After meiosis II spermatids form that differentiate to form sperm


- Production of eggs

- One of the 4 daughter cell's nuclei receives the majority of the cytoplasm and becomes the egg or ovum

- The others wither away as polar bodies

- Ovaries contain stem cells called oogonia which produce primary oocytes which begin oogenesis but only a few continue at sexual maturity- Secondary oocyte begins meisosis II but stops at metaphase II, leaves ovary, and enters uterine tube- If there is no sperm, degenerates- If there is sperms, triggers oocyte to ccomplete meiosis II and another polar body forms

Human Life Cycle

- Sperm and egg produced by meiosis in spermatogenesis and oogenesis

- Gametes fuse at fertilization

- Results in zygote (Which undergoes mitosis for growth)

- Each somatic cell in body thus has same number of chromosomes and genetic makeup as original zygote


Meiosis almost always proceeds normally.



Correct number of chromosomes in species


- Change in chromosome number

- Results from nondisjunction, failure of chromosomes to separate


Display of chromosomes arranged by size, shape, and banding pattern for observing aneuploidies


- Failure of chromosomes to separate

- Can occur in meiosis I or meiosis

- May result in gain or loss of chromosomes

- Ex: Monosomy, Trisomy


- Type of nondisjunction where there is only one of a particular type of chromosome


- Type of nondisjunction where there are three of a particular type of chromosome

- 3 Autosomal ___________s are possible beyond birth

- Most common in humans is __________ 21.

Trisomy 21

- Also called down syndrome

- Changes increase with mother's age (Since oocytes are stored longer - nondisjunction)

- Recognized by the following characteristics: Short stature, eyelid fold, flat face, stubby fingers, wide gap between first & second toes

Changes in sex chromosome number

- Results from inheriting too many or too few X or Y chromosomes

- Extra copies of sex chromosomes more easily tolerated than autosomes

- Nondisjunction during oogenesis or spermatogenesis

- Ex: Turner Syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome

Turner Syndrome (XO)

- Female with single X chromosome

- Short with broad chest and widely spaced nipples

- Can be of normal intelligence and function with hormone therapy

Klinefelter syndrome (XXY)

- Male with underdeveloped testes and prostate; some breast overdevelopment

- Long arms, legs; large hands

- Near normal intelligence unless XXXY, XXXXY, etc

- No matter how many X chromosomes, SRY gene results in maleness as a testis determing factor

SRY gene

- The presence of this gene determines maleness, testis determining factor and male genital development


Environment agents like radiation, organic chemicals or certain viruses can cause chromosome breakage, which, if they don't rejoin, results in ________________





Changes in chromosome structure (4)


- One or both ends of a chromosome breaks off

- Two simultaneous breaks lead to loss of an internal segment

- Change in chromosome structure


- There is a presence of a chromosomal segment more than once in the same chromosome

- Change in chromosome structure


- Segment from one chromosome moves to non-homologous chromosome

- Follows breakage of two non-homologous chromosomes and improper re-assembly

- Change in chromosome structure


- Occurs as a result of two breaks in chromosome

- Internal segment is reversed before reinsertion

- Genes occur in reverse order in the inverted segment

- Change in chromosome structure

Human syndromes

- Changes in chromosome structure can cause various _______________ and can be detected in a karyotype or by studying an inheritance pattern in a family

Williams Syndome

- Type of deletion syndrome where there is a loss of the end of chromosome 7, which contains the gene for elastin

- Children resemble pixies

Alargile Syndrome

- Type of translocation-caused syndrome where a translocation between chromosome 2 and 20 which can lead to a congenital heart defect called tetralogy of fallot

Chronic myelogenous leukemia

- Type of translocation caused syndrome that is a blood cancer caused by a translocation between chromosomes 22 and 9