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51 Cards in this Set

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What happens if the wrong blood type is given to a person?

Agglutination occurs and clots the capillaries

Which blood type is known as the universal doner? why?

"O" because they don't have any antigens but have both "A" and "B" antibodies

Define anigen

molecules on the surface of cells that can cause a reaction

Define antibody

protein molecules made by our bodies to fight foreign things

Define agglutination.

clumping that binds antibodies to cells

At the nuclear level, how does agglutination occur?

Antibodies cling to bacteria and pile on each other creating clots, then a white blood cell comes and "eats" the clump of antibodies.

Why is agglutination something to be avoided during a blood transfusion?

It clogs the capillaries and stops necessary blood flow, which could cause death

What type of blood is the universal recipient? Why?

"AB" because it has no antibodies against "A" and "B" but both "A" and "B" antigens

What is erythroblastosis fetalis? How is it prevented?

Erythroblastosis fetalis occurs when a women is pregnant and has Rh- blood, but her baby has Rh+. The mom's body, if her blood comes in contact with the babies blood, begins to make anti-Rh-antibodies. This rarely is a problem for the mom's first child, but can be deadly for her second, if the second also has Rh+ blood. This is prevented by a shot of anti-anti-Rh after the mom's first pregnancy.

What is the purpose of the fat on the heart?

It cushions the heart

What does "pericardium" mean literally?

"Around the heart"

In a living organism, what is inside the pericardium and surrounding the heart?

A clear fluid

What is the purpose of the pericardium?

To reduce friction while the heart is moving or else the lungs would tear.

What is the function of the epicardium.

To provide attachments of coronary arteries

What is the myocardium?

muscles of the heart

In which direction is the blood flow in arteries?

Away from the heart

In the pulmonary artery would the blood be oxygenated or deoxygenated? Why?

Oxygenated because the blood is coming out of the heart.

What is the purpose of the coronary arteries and cardiac veins?

They send blood to and from the heart muscle

Which ventricle has the thickest walls? Why would this be so?

The left ventricle because the right only pumps blood to the lungs and the left pumps to the rest of the body, therefore the left needs more muscle.

State five functions of the circulatory system.

1. transport nutrients, oxygen, and hormones

2. removes waste

3. stabilizes the pH balance

4. regulates body temperature

5. fights disease

List the five types of blood vessels that blood flows through from the heart.

1. Arteries

2. Arterioles

3. Capillaries

4. Venules

5. Veins

State what heart structures blood flows through in order starting with the left ventricle.

1. aortic semi-lunar valve

2. aorta

3. body

4. inferior vena cava

5. right atrium

6. tricuspid valve

7. right ventricle

8. pulmonary semi-lunar valve

9. pulmonary artery

10. lungs

11. pulmonary veins

12. left atrium

13. bicuspid valve

What is the balanced equation for cellular respiration?

C H O + 6O --> 6CO + 6H O + ENERGY

Name five molecules carried by the blood to the cells.

1. glucose

2. amino acids

3. ions

4. fatty acids

5. glycerol

Name three molecules that cells get rid of as blood passes by.

water, urea, CO2

For what do the cells need nutrients?

To make ATP and to build protiens

Arteries carry ___________ blood

Veins carry _____________ blood

Arteries- deoxygenated

Veins- oxygenated

What is the composition of the blood?

45% cell pellet and 55% plasma

Name the three proteins found in the plasma of the blood and their function.

1. Albumin- helps maintain water balance

2. Fibrinogen- aids in clotting

3. Immunoglobulin- fights infection



Where is it found?


What metal is part of structure?

Hemoglobin is a special iron-containing blood protein which binds easily to oxygen and gives blood its red color. It is the ability of red blood cells to unite easily with oxygen molecules and then give them up easily. They are found in the cytoplasm of red blood cells.

The systolic pressure represents what? Which number is systolic?

Systolic pressure is measuring the contracting and pumping phase of the heart action; the top number of a blood pressure reading is systolic.

The diastolic pressure represents what? Which number is diastolic?

Diastolic pressure measures the relaxing and filling phase of the heart; the bottom number of a blood pressure reading is diastolic.

What is normal blood pressure?


What specific parts of the heart cause each of the lub-dub sounds?

Pulmonary semi-lunar valve, bicuspid valve, tricuspid valve, and aortic semi-lunar valve; theses valves opening and closing cause the lub-dub sounds

Why do animals need a circulatory system?

To get nutrients and oxygen throughout the body and into all the cells

Name two multicellular animals that have no circulatory system.

1. Hydra 2.

How can amphibians get by with a three-chambered heart?

An amphibian can take in oxygen through its skin

What is the term used to describe high blood pressure?


What problems occur because of high blood pressure?

It makes the heart work harder around the clock, not allowing it to rest properly, leading to heart failure

When a person exercises, the heart rate increases. Explain why this happens.

When exercising, the muscles are working extra hard and require more oxygen

Name the three types of blood cells and their functions.

1. Erythrocytes(red blood cells)- carry oxygen

2. Leukocytes(white blood cells)- fight infection

3. Thrombocytes(platelets)- aid in clotting process

Where are blood cells made?

In the bone

What is plasma composed of?

90% water and 10% dissolved substances such as proteins, electrolytes, and other nutrients

*remember essay on blood types

What does "lub" represent in the sound the heart makes?

It's the force of blood against closed AV valves

What does "dub" represent in the sound the heart makes?

It's the force of blood against the semi-lunar valves

What is a heart murmur?

A heart murmur occurs when there is a leaking valve causing a hissing sound; blood squirts backwards through the valve.

At what point is one considered to have hypertension?

When their blood pressure is 150/90 or higher.

Why do veins have low pressure?

Because they are far from the heart

What keeps the blood flowing?

Muscles contracting and squeezing the blood through the veins

Complete this statement: Every living cell must be within a few cells of a...
