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38 Cards in this Set

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nonliving particle made up of nucleic acid and a protein coat or lipid protein coat
a virus is not living because...
no cytoplasm or organelles
a virus cannot reproduce where?
outside of a host cell
protein coat that surrounds the virus
Some viruses have an envelope that surrounds the capsid. How is this formed?s
formed from the hosts cell membrane or nuclear membrane
a viral infection begins when..
the virus enters the host cell
the viral genome..
takes over and tricks the cell into replicating
must use enzymes and organelles in order to replicate
obligate intercellular parasites
viral DNA enters and attaches to host DNA - called
the____is replicated as the___is replicated
viral dna
host dna
what is used to make viral proteins
viral RNA is injected into the host and serves as mRNA which is transcribed into___this is called
viruses that infect bacteria
viral replication that results in the destruction of the host cell and release of new viruses
lyctic cycle
viruses that replicate by the lyctic cycle are called..
destroy cells they infect
allows viruses to hide in their host for days, months, years...
lysogenic cycle
intermediate host that transfers a patogen or parasite to another organism
examples of vectors:
humans, animals, mosquitos, ticks, fleas
multiplies in the lung, travels through blood vessels in the skin (cause of __)
cause of chicken pox and shingles
symptoms of chicken pox or shingles:
fever, skin rash
how chicken pox and shingles spread
direct contact with skin rash, through the air
are shingles provirus?
after recovery
inflamation of the liver
how hepatitis spreads:
contaminated food and water, needles, sexual contact
uncontrolled growth of cells invades body
illness caused by new or reappearing infection, come from animals
emerging disease
protection from emerging disease:
vaccination, drug therapy, vector control
material from apathogen into a human or animal, to induce an immune response
inactivated virus
not able to replicate with a host
attentuated virus:
can't cause disease
what happened to small pox?
they found a vaccination
smallest known particle that is able to replicate
structure of viroid:
short, circular, single-stranded RNA, no capsid
viroids effect on humans:
they effect the food we eat
infectious protein particles that do not have a genome
prion diseases:
scrapie, mad cow disease, kuru
prions effect on humans:
disenegrates brain, effects nerves