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23 Cards in this Set

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Bioloto analyze chromosomes, cell biologists photograph cells in -, when the chromosomes are ully condensed and easy to see
biologists then cut out the chromosomes from the photographs and group them together in pairs. This picture is known as a
Humans have - chromosomes
Two of those -* chromosomes are known as - chromosomes bc they determine gender
sex chromosomes
Females have two copies of a large - chromosome
Males have one - and one small - chromosome
x, small y
to distinguish them from the sex chromosomes the remaining 44 chromosomes are known as - chromosomes, or -
autosomal chromosomes, autosomes
-- shows how an interesting human trait, a white lock of hair just above the forehead, is transmitted through 3 generations of a family.
if you have a -allele for a genetic disorder, it will be expressed
achondroplasia is caused by - - alleles
autosomal dominant
a common genetic disease. children w/ it have serious disestive problems and produce a thick, heavy mucus that clogs their lungs and breathing passageways.
cystic fibrosis
- - disease is a common genetic disorder found in african americans. characterized by the bent and twisted shape of the red blood cells. more rigid than normal cells and tend to get stuck in the capillaries, so blood stops moving
sickle cell disease
there is a speical pattern of inheritance for genes located on the X chromosome or the Y chromosome because these chromosomes determine sex, genes located on them are said to be
sex-linked genes
3 human genes associated with color vision are located on the - chromosome
sex-linked disorder where the protein necessary for normal blood clotting is missing.
sex-linked disorder where the protein necessary for normal blood clotting is missing.
results in the progressive weakening and loss of skeletal muscle
duchenne muscular dystrophy
when homologous chromosomes fail to seperate
in females, nondisunction can lead to = sndrome, where a woman inherits only one X chromosome and are sterile
in males, nondisjunction causes - syndrome. the he cannot reproduce
analyzes sections of DNA that have little or no known function but vary widely from one individual to another
DNA fingerprinting
an ongoing effort to analyze the human DNA sequence
the hman genome project
an avsent or faulty gene is replaced by a normal, working gene
gene therapy