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40 Cards in this Set

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What are the the five rules of cells?
An organism is made up of cells. The cell is the simplest LIVING thing. Cells come from other cells. Cells causes our movement and response to the environment. The have different function but they share similar traits.
Who is it discovered by and when was it discovered?
It was discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665
s the internals mapped?
What are light microscopes?
Use the beam of light that passes through the lens to magnify.
What are electric microscope?
Uses electron beam to magnify
What are the 3 division of cells?
Archaea, Eubacteria, and Eukarya
What are Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes similarities?
surrounded by a plasma membrane, contain chromosomes, contain ribosomes, contains cytoplasm
What are cytoplasm?
The jelly like material surrounding inside the membrane.
What are some differences between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes?
The is a nucleus inside the Eukaryotes. Pro has nucleoid instead.
The Euka cell is larger than the Pro cell. Euka has a inner membrane unlike Pro.
What does the internal membrane system consist of?
Phospholipids and Protien studs.
List the thirteen major organelle of an animal cell
Nucleus, plasma membrane, ribosomes, golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion, peroxisome, microvilli, cytoskeleton, centrosome, flagellum, lysosome, centrioles
What are the three parts of a nucleus?
Nuclear envelope, Nucleolus, and Chromatin
What is the function of a nucleus?
It's the control center of the cell and it contains genetic information
What is the function of the nuclear envelope?
protects the nucleus and contains pores
What are the function of nucleolus?
no membrane, involves in the production of RNA, may be more than one present
What are chromatin?
consist of DNA and protein, also known as chromosomes
What is the plasma membrane? and what it does
a membrane that surround the cell it protects the cell from the outside.
What is the function of golgi apparatus?
it participates in synthesis, modification, sorting and secretion of cell products.
What are some parts in the golgi?
It is consist of cisternae, the recieving side is call cis, and the sending side is call trans. It ships using vesicles
What is job of lysosome?
It 's the digestive organelles and has a acidic interior.
What does mitochondrion do?
does cell respiration
What does mitochondrion extract energy from?
fats, sugar, etc.
What are the two components of mitochondrion?
They are cristae and mitochondrial matrix
What are cristae? and the matrix?
the curved parts, and the matrix are the inside of cristae
What is the differnece between smooth and rough ER?
rough ER has ribosomes attached to it
What are the two job of rough ER?
it makes secretory protein and membrane.
What are the function of smooth ER?
synthesizes lipids, esp hormones. it detoxifies drugs and poison and stores calcium ions
What does the vacuoles do?
it breaks down waste and stores stuff
What does chloroplast do?
It's the site of photosynthesis and it contains chlorophyll
What are the organelles inside the chloroplast?
Thylakoids: stakes of chlorophyll
Stroma: extra space containing chloroplast DNA, ribosomes, and enzymes.
What is the function of a cytoskeleton?
it reinforces the overall shape of the cell and it participates in cell movements
What is cytoskeleton made up of?
It's made up of protein
What are the three major part of the cytoskeleton?
microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubes
What are microfiliments made up og
actin fiber
What are the 5 functions of the microfiliaments?
maintain/change cell shape, muscle contraction, cytoplasmic streaming, cell movements, helps from clevage furrows
What are the two jobs of the intermediate filament?
maintain cell shape and anchors organelles
What are the jobs of the microtube?
maintain cell shape, cell movements, moves chromosome during mitosis ans meiosis and mores organelles
Where does microtube originate from?
What is the job of the flagellum?
movement of animal cells
What is the flagellum made up of?
bundles of microtube