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11 Cards in this Set

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Golgi Body
to process and package the macromolecules such as proteins and lipids that are synthesized by the cell. It is particularly important in the processing of proteins for secretion.
participate in the metabolism of fatty acids and other metabolites. Peroxisomes have enzymes that rid the cell of toxic peroxides.
In addition to supplying cellular energy, mitochondria are involved in a range of other processes, such as signaling, cellular differentiation, cell death, as well as the control of the cell cycle and cell growth.[
ribosomal RNA is Transcribed
Endoplasmic Reticulum
several specialized functions: protein translation, folding and transport of proteins to be used in the cell membrane (e.g. transmembrane receptors and other integral membrane proteins), or to be secreted (exocytosed) from the cell (e.g. digestive enzymes); sequestration of calcium; and production and storage of glycogen, steroids, and other macromolecules.
Ligand gated ion channel
Voltage gated ion channel
cytoskeletin, monomer that makes up globular (g) actin, which in turn make up Filamentous (f) actin.
Myosin can "walk" along actinpulling things with it. Actin quickly polymerizes allowing cell to move.
G protien coupled receptors
found in cell membrane, the target of 50% of pharmaceuticals.
Cytoskeleton made up of prorein tubulin. Assemble in a helical fasion. Can rapidly polymeris and depolymerise.
Two moters kinesin (anterograde) and dynein (retrograde) can move along it.
Intermediate fillament
Cytoskeletin component. inbetween size of microfilaments and actin