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30 Cards in this Set

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Thylakoid Membrane
Found in chloroplasts, contains chlorophyll, stacks of thylakoid equal granum
On bottom of leaf, let carbon dioxide in and oxygen out.
Bicarbonate buffering system
maintains blood pH
Ground state
electrons in lowest available energy level
Excited state
gaining extra electrons in energy levels
an element that varied in amount of neutrons
emit particles and decay at the rate of half life
Specific Heat
amount of heat the must be absorbed in order for 1 gram of a substance to change temp 1 degree Celsius
Transpirational-pull cohesion tension
water flows up trees hundreds of meters from evaporation of water in leaves.
Concentration of H ions in Moles per liter
Organic Compound
Contain Carbon: lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, etc
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen.

1 g releases 4 cals. when burned
Mono, di, polysaccharides.
Same molecular formula, different structure. Means they have different chemical and physical properties.
C6 H12 O6
Glucose, glactose, fructose. (Isomers)
C12 H22 O11
2 monos joined by dehydration synthesis.

ex. maltose, lactose, sucrose.
Dehydration Synthesis
chemical reaction resulting in loss of Water.
Breakdown of compound,

Sucrose (disac) + Water = glucose and fuctose
Many polymers of carbohydrates.

Cellulose (makes plant cell walls), starch (ways plants store carbs), chitin (exoskel of arthropods and cell walls of mushrooms) , glycogen (stored in human liver amd skeletal muscle)
fats, oils, wax.

glycerol group w/ 3 fatty acid chains

glycerol is an alcohol
Fatty Acids
hydrocarbon chain with carboxyl group
Saturated Fats
Animal fats, solid at room temp, butter.
Contain only single bonds between carbon atoms
Unsaturated Fats
Plant fats, liquid at room temp. Dietary fats, at least one double bond between carbon atoms. (fewer hydrogen atoms)
Lipid Function
NRG storage: 1 g of any lipid will release 9 calories when burned

Structure: Phospholipids are major component of cell membrane

Endocrine: hormones
polymer, or polypeptide consisting of repeating units of amino acids by peptide bonds.
Amino Acid
Carboxyl Group, Amine Group, (R) variable group, all attacted to a central carbon atom.

ONLY 20 amino acids can build thousands of proteins!

Enzymes are proteins.
Protein Structures
Primary: Sequence that make chain

Secondary: hydrogen bonding, helical.

Tertiary: 3D, shape determines function. When denatured, by pH or temp, cannot be repaired.

Quaternary: more than one polypeptide chain. hemoglobin (4 chains)
Large proteins, speed up reactions by lowering the energy of activation.

Not degrades after reactions, reused over an over.

Act on substrates

Function with aid of cofactors (minerals) or coenzymes (vitamins)
Energy of activation (Ea)
amount of NRG needed to begin a reaction.
Induced-fit model
as substrate enters enzyme, enzyme alters slight shape for substrate to fit better.
Proteins that cause disease, misfolded version of a protein that is normally found in brain, will cause other proteins to become misfolded