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72 Cards in this Set

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What is ecology?

The study of the ecosystem

What is an ecosystem?

A community of interacting organisms and their environment

What is a community?

A group of different populations in the same living area

What is a habitat?

A natural home of an organism

What is a population?

A group of the same species in a given area

What is the species?

A group of the living organisms that have the same characteristics and are similar

What is a predator?

an organism that naturally preys on another organism

What is a prey?

And organism that is hunted and killed by another for food

What is a parasite?

An organism that lives on or in an organism, of another species

What are saprophyte?

Organism that lives on dead organic matter

List the 7 characteristics of living things?








What is growth?

The increase in size and complexity

What is movement?

A change in position

What is Respiration?

The release of energy from food

What is reproduction?

Making young ones/offsprings like oneself

What is excretion?

The removal of poisonous waste from an organisms body

What is nutrition?

The intake of food for energy and development

What is irritability?

A response to the change in the environment

What is classification?

Means to put in groups according to similarities

Name 7 classification?








What is the main source of energy?


What is the job of a food chain?

To show linear feeding relationships between organisms and show how energy is transferred using arrows

What is a producer?

Green plants that makes there own food

What is a consumer?

Organism that takes in food to obtain there energy.

What are trophic levels?

Refers to the feeding levels on a food chain

Key note

The more u move down the trophic levels there are less energy obtained

What is a food chain?

a series of organisms interrelated in their feeding habits

Who created the Binomial System?

Carl Linnaeus from Sweden

What are scientific names made of ?

The genus and species

Why are scientific name important?

-They are universal

- They eliminate confusion if it has many common or short names

How is the genus written?

The first letter is always capitalized

How is the species written?

In all lowercase

How is the entire scientific name written?

In italics or underlines

What is the scientific name for human?

Homo sapien

What are biotic factor?

Living conditions caused by organisms

What are abiotic factors?

Conditions caused by non living aspects

What are the four types of mangroves?

Red, Black, White and Buttonwood

Describe white mangroves living area?

Less saline, (brackish water) near rivers or creeks

Describe buttonwood mangroves living area?

Drier, little water

What is zonation?

The pattern of transition from one species to another

What is the average degree which mangroves are found in?

25 celcuis or 75F

Describe the red Mangroves roots?

Long Prop roots

Describe the black mangrove roots?

Thin breathing roots which sticks above water

Describe the white mangrove roots?

Knobby breathing roots

Describe the buttonwood mangroves roots?

No roots

Describe leaves?

Red- (opposite)large round and leathery


Long thin crystals on back (OPPOSITE)

Why are mangroves important?

-They build land

-Commercial Use

-Major wildlife and nursery ground

-Provides food for a lot of sea organism


Round sometimes pinkish stems (OPPOSITE)


Long thin 2 bumps at base if leaf ( Alternate)

Describe flower

Red - yellow cream with 4 pointed petals

Black- white

White- small white

Buttonwood- very small in cluster (propagule)

Describe fruit?

Red- torpedo shape

Black- about 1 inch long flattened

White-green and ribbed

Buttonwood- rounded head in clusters

Wetland animals and their adaptations


To prevent themselves from drying out and to protect themselves from severe temperature changes

Hide under rocks

Burrow in mud

Can survive high temperature

Hard shell ( crab , snail)

To avoid getting washed away

Foots acts like suction cup

Can attach to ricks,roots and other surfaces

Strong glue ( barnacle)

To protect themselves from predators



Strong hard shell

Sharp prickles

To obtain foods

Scavengers (eat off others)

Filter feed

Eat plants

Killing others

Wetland plants and their adaptations


Name 2 natural threats to a mangrove?

-Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

-Silting up of creeks

-Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

-Silting up of creeks

Standing up and muddy soils

Having prop roots

Breathing in soil which has a little oxygen

Having Roots that grow into the air (breathing roots)

Getting rid of excess salt

Deposit in leaves then shedding the leaves ( red mangroves)

Excreting it through salt glands( black mangroves)

Getting enough water

Having thick waxy leaves which helps to reduce water loss

Name two public organizations that conserve mangroves?


Bahamas National Trust

What is a wetland?

On an area of land frequently flooded with salty or brackish waters

Name 2 other threats to mangroves?


Urban Development

Dumping Grounds

Oil spills and Tar deposits

Where are red mangroves found?


Where are black mangroves found?

High tide zone

Where are white mangroves found?

Land and sometimes high tide zone

Where are buttonwood mangroves found?


Describe a red mangroves living area?

Permanently wet and salty

Describe a black mangroves living area?

Heavy, muddy , anoxic and salty soil