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24 Cards in this Set

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Pioneer Species

First organisms to colonise an area


What do they contain?

Adaptions - helps colonise an area where abiotic conditions are harsh

Adaptions, Abiotic

What do they do to the area when they colonise it?

Change the environment so that it favours the next group of species

Changes, favours

What happens when a new species is introduced?

Out-competes pioneer / old species, achieves dominance and oust it. continues until climax community is reached

During succession what happens to height and mass of vegetation?


What happens to the index of diversity?


As index of diversity increases what happens to habitats and food supplies. what does this effect?

Provides more habitats and food supplies for more species of carnivores

What happens to the abiotic conditions as succession proceeds?

Become more favourable

What happens to biotic conditions as succession proceeds?

More important - competition and predation

What can happen at climax community?

One species achieved dominance and leads to drop in diversity

Whats an example of a species that has achieved dominance?

Large oak trees reduce light available to smaller plants below them so decreases number of plant and animak species

Being able to easily disperse and produce seeds is an advantage to pioneer Species Why?

Chance of finding areas of bare soil is low so chances are Increased

Chance of survival is low so chances are Increased

Suggest an advantage of a high rate of photosynthesis

Rapid growth

Able to reproduce quickly

More energy to produce more seeds

The communities A to D are composed of different species. Explain how the change in species composition occurs in a succession

Species present changes the abiotic environment (habitat)

This allows other species to colonise

New species are better competitors and out compete old species, ousting them out

Which community A to D is the most stable? Explain what makes this the most stable community


More species present, more complex food webs, change in on species doesn't effect the other species as have multiple food sourcesn

Suggest why a transect will be more appropriate than a random quadrat

Gradient of environmental factor that produces a series of changes over a long distance

This ensures every community is sampled which quadrat sampling can't ensure

Succession occurs in a natural ecosystem. Describe and explain how succession occurs (6marks)

Colonise of pioneer Species

Changes the abiotic environment by adding nutrients into soil

Conditions are now more favourable for another species to colonise

This species Out-competes pioneer Species

Changes in biodiversity

Stability increases as less hostile environment

This continues until climax community is reached

The increase in the index of diversity is one indication that a biological succession is taking place in the area. Describe those features of a succession that would bring about an increase in the index of diversity

Initial environment hostile so few organisms are adapted

Those which are adapted (pioneer species) change the environment by adding nutrients to the soil when they die and decompose

More organisms can now survive and colonise area which allows more habitats and niches

What happens at each stage of Succession?

Certain species can be recognised which changes the environment so that it becomes more suitable for other species

What does change in the abiotic environment cause?

Less hostile environment, more stability and changes diversity

Describe how changes in the environment lead to increased biodiversity during succession

Primary colonisers ( pioneer species) photosynthesis and fix nitrogen

They then directory and nutrients are transferred to the soil

Further colonisers can survive in this soil

Environment is less hostile

More habitats and food is available

This allows other species to survive

Which increased biodiversity

What are the 5 common features of Succession?

Nonliving environment becomes less hostile

Greater number and variety of habitats

Increased biodiversity

More complex food webs

Increased biomass

Define succession

Process by which an ecosystem changes over time

Name 5 adaptions pioneer species tend to have

Tolerance to extreme conditions

Able to fix nitrogen in the air so soil has few nutrients

Photosynthesis light as food isn't available

Easily disperse seeds across big distances

Rapid germination of seeds