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35 Cards in this Set

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The study and classification of organisms with the goal of reconstructing their evolutionary history and relationships


The development or evolution of a particular group of organisms


To trace from a source or origin


Classification of organisms based on the branches are branching's of descendent lineages from a common common ancestor

Character states

Particular versions of the character or organism


Species or group of species closely related to but not be included in the in a taxon


A branching diagram depicting the successive points of species divergence from common ancestor lines without regard to the group the group the degree of deviation


Correspondence informal structure owing to a similar environment

Principal of Parisomy

The scientific principle that things are usually connected or behave in the simplest most economical way especially with reference to alternate evolutionary pathways

Molecular clock

The average rate at which a species genome accumulates mutations used to measure their evolutionary divergence and and other calculations


The action or process of classifying something according to share the qualities of characteristics


A group of organisms descended from a common evolutionary ancestor or ancestral group especially one not shared with any other groups


Doesn't include all the descendants of a single common ancestor


Derived from more than one common evolutionary ancestor ancestral group

Phylogenetic species concept

The concept of a species as in irreducible group whose members are descended from a common ancestor and who all possess a combination of certain defining traits

Species richness

The number of different species represented at ecological community


The haploid set of chromosomes in a gamete or micro organism or in each cell of a multicellular organism


Contains more than two paired Homologous sets of chromosomes


A segment of DNA that is capable of moving into a new position within the same or another chromosome or plasmid


The state of having a chromosome number that is not a multiple of the haploid number


A section of a chromosome that is an imperfect copy of a functional gene

Vertical gene transfer

The transmission of genes from a parental generation to offspring via sexual and asexual reproduction

Horizontal gene transfer

The transfer of genes between organisms in a manner other that if a traditional reproduction


Symbiosis in which one of the symbiotic organisms lives inside the other


The process of transcribing or making a copy of genetic information stored in a DNA strand into a complementary strand of RNA with the aid of RNA polymerase


The biological study of the form and structure of living things


A genetic drift in timing of a development of a tissue or anatomical part, or in the onset of a physiological process, relative to an ancestor

Direct development

A newborn is born or emerges from an egg as a miniature version of the adult

Indirect development

Biological development accompanied by a metamorphosis


The replacement of part one segment of an insect or other segmented animal by a structure characteristic of a different segment from different lineages

Homoplastic convergence

Similar biological trait by species from different lineages

Radially symmetrical

A basic body plan in which the organism can be divided into similar halved by passing a plan at any above along a central axis

Radially symmetrical

A basic body plan in which the organism can be divided into similar halved by passing a plan at any above along a central axis

Bilateral symmetrical

Left and right sides of an organism can be divided to produce a mirror images


A transcription factor present during embryonic development. A protein in humans encoded by a Pax6 gene