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57 Cards in this Set

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The study of life.




The science of

Living organisms have all of the following characteristics...



Respond to Environment

Reproduce and Develop

Acuire materials and energy

What is the most basic unit of life?

The cell

Similar cells together form ______


Similar tissues together form _____


Organs work together in ______ _________.

Organ Systems

Organ systems form the _____


Moving up in complexity results in _______ _________.

Emergent Properties

Adaptations are.....

Genetic behavioral modifications that make organisms better suited for the environment.

Respond to the Environment...

Organisms can alter their physiology behavior based on a changing environment

Life is diverse and uniform at what levels?

Diverse at the organism level and up

Uniform at the molecular and cellular levels

Diversity is seen in....

Adaptations and speciation

Uniformity is seen in....

the conservative nature

What reflects the process of evolution?

Life's diversity and uniformity

Evolution is defined as...

Decent with modification

1974 Earsmus Darwin (British, grandfather of Charles)

Studied fossils and speculated life had arisen from simple organisms

1796 Georges Cuvier (French)

Compared fossils to current organisms and established 'extinction' as a fact

1801 Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck

Suggested an animal could change itself and pass those changes to offspring

1788 James Hutton (Scottish)

Suggested that the earth is much older based on geology and rock formations than was thought

1798- Thomas Malthus

Unchecked growth leads to competition for food and other resources. The principle of population.

1830 Charles Lyell (British)

expanded on Hutton's idea by proposing that the same gradual geologic processes worked continuously from prehistory until the present day (uniformitarianism)

1831 Charles Darwin

Joined the crew of The Beagle for a 5 year voyage around the world (22 years old) ultimately developing the idea of evolution via natural selection

Artificial Selection

Darwin noted that humans have modified organisms by breeding individuals with desired traits

Darwin Observation #1

Members of a population vary in their traits

Darwin Observation #2

Traits are inherited from parents to offspring

Darwin Observation #3

All species are capable of producing more offspring than the environment can support

Darwin Observation #4

Owing to lack of food or other resources many of these offspring do not survive

Inference #1

Individuals whose inherited traits give them a higher probability of surviving and reproducing in a given environment tend to leave more offering than other individuals

Inference #2

This unequal ability of individuals to survive and reproduce will ear to the accumulation of favorable traits in the population over generations

Special creation includes ideas that...

Each species was independent from the others.

Species are static and unchanging.

Darwin's proposal was.....

Evolution vs. Natural selection

Darwin's proposal includes ideas that....

species accumulate differences

descendants differ from their ancestors

new species arise from existing ones

Darwin's contemporary ____ ____ _____ contacted him with similar ideas motivating Darwin to publish.

Alfred Russell Wallace

Darwin is considered the father of evolution for his book _________________________ published in 1859.

The Origin of Species

Darwin concluded that species originate from ___________, but populations change over time in response to their __________.

Ancestors, Environment

Adaptations are...

Populations which change over time in response to their environment, but originate from ancestors.

The process of adaptations is called......

Natural Selection

"Best Fit"

the organism that is best able to survive and reproduce in that environment

Survival of the fittest doesn't mean survival of the strongest, why?

Different adaptations/mutations are best fit for certain environments. The environment is always changing.

Convergent Evolution

When similar traits show up in different organisms as a response to the same natural (often severe or continual pressures)


When something evolves to look like something else (camouflage)

___________ __________ is the only consistent force in Adaptive Evolution but it is not the only force that can impact a populations survival and reproduction.

natural selection

What is the only force driving for positive fitness?

Adaptive Evolution

What are the five main forces that impact evolution in populations?

Natural Selection

Genetic Drift

Gene Flow (migration)

Non-random mating


Genetic Drift

Random fluctuations in allele frequencies over time by CHANCE

founder effect

Found in Genetic Drift

few individuals found new population (small allelic pool)

bottleneck effect

Found in Genetic Drift

drastic reduction in population, and gene pool size

Gene flow (migration) consists of the movement of ______ between populations.

Alleles (different version of gene)

Alleles can be transferred through the movements of individuals of gametes

________ tends to reduce differences between populations and is more likely than mutation to later allele frequencies directly.


Non-Random mating

Intentionally selects for traits based on mating preferences as they are the ones that are passed to the next generation

What is the ultimate source of genetic variation?

Mutation (winners vs. losers)

What type of selection is not adaptive in most cases?

Artificial selection

(takes organisms beyond their typical phenotypes in nature)

Ex: Dachshund

Because the environment can change, ______ evolution is a continuous process via ______ ______

adaptive; natural selection

Does genetic drift and gene flow consistently lead to adaptive evolution?

No, because they can increase or decrease the fitness between an organism and its environment.

Will there ever be perfect organisms?

can only act on existing variation

adaptations are often compromises

chance, natural selection, and the environment interact