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174 Cards in this Set

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1. What is evolution?
The change in the inherited trait of a population of organism through successive generations.... change of characters over period of time
2. What is the difference between micro and macroevolution?
"Microevolution is the small change over a long period of time.... change in gene frequency within a population
who was darwin
"Father of evolution
4. What is speciation?
The evolutionary process by which new biological species arise
6. Who is Cuvier? (1769-1832)
"Father of Paleontology
-Catastrophism: the idea that earth has been affected in the past by sudden.... short-lived.... violent events.... possibly worldwide in scope"
7. Who is Hutton? (1726-1797)
-Gradualism: the belief that changes occur.... or ought to occur.... slowly in the form of gradual steps
8. Who is Charles Lyell? (1797-1875)
"Uniformitarianism: the same natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now.... have always operated in the universe in the past and apply everywhere in the universe
9. Who is Lamark (1809)?
Inheritance of acquired traits: organisms can pass the acquired traits to the offspring
10. What were the two basic concepts from Darwin’s book?
"1. Descent with modification: there is a little change when pass down to offspring (kid difference)
11. What are the three types of natural selection and know which individuals the environment choose against?
"1. Directional Selection: Environment choose against one of the extreme
12. Who is Thomas Malthus?
"concerning population and its increase or decrease in response to various factors
13. 5 statements summing up Darwin’s theory (writing by Mayr):
"1. All species have the ability to increase exponentially
14. What are the 6 pieces of evidence for evolution?
"1. Taxonomy
15. What is the smallest unit that can evolve?
population.... because changes occur with species of the population will affect the outcome of the population since species within the population mates to produces offspring
16. What is species?
"A group of organism has similar characteristics that produce offspring
18. What is microevolution?
The small change over a long period of time.... change in gene frequency within a population.... changes in the gene pool of a population over time which result in relatively small changes to the organisms in the population
19. Hardy-Weinberg equation:
"P+q=1 P^2 +2pq + q^2=1
20. What are the 5 assumptions?
"1. Large population
21. What are the 5 agents of microevolutions?
"1. Mutation
22. What is sexual dimorphism?
The difference in morphology between male and female members of the same species
23. What are the 4 reasons evolution doesn’t make perfect organism?
"1. Evolution is limited by historical constraints
24. Summarize the main point of the article “Ecological and Genetic factor….”
"Endangered Cheetahs were believed to be at a loss because of their small population size causing more
What are the four concepts for what a species is? (p488-490)
"1. Species is a group of population whose members have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable.... fertile offspring but do not produce viable fertlile offspring with members of other such groups.
Prezygotic isolating mechanisms
habitat isolation.... behavior isolation.... temporal isolation.... mechanical isolation.... gametic isolation
Postzygotic isolating mechanisms
hybrid sterility..hybrid inviability..hybrid breakdown..
Habitat Isolation
distance too great
Behavior Isolation
different mating behavior
Temporal Isolation
have sex at different times of year
Mechanical Isolation
physical things don’t work well
Gametic Isolation
Sperm and egg don’t fuse well
Hybrid Sterility
horse + donkey= sterile mule
Hybrid Inviability
stillborn or offspring die after birth
Hybrid Breakdown
2 species can have offspring.... and those offspring can have offspring but eventually genes break down and can no longer reproduce
physical barrier causes one species to become 2 (river.... canyon.... ocean.... road)
" one species turns into two in a given area without physical barrier
What is adaptive radiation
The emergence of numerous species from a common ancestor introduced into into an environment presenting a diversity of new opportunities and problems. (example the many types of finches (wood pecker-like.... big beak.... small beak) that speciated from one common finch)
What is punctuated equilibrium
"Supporters: Niles Elderedge and Stephen Gould
What is gradualism?
"Supporter: Ernst Mayer
What is ecology?
Study of the relation of living organisms to each other and their surroundings
biotic factors
"other individuals of the same species
abiotic (nonliving)
What is a population?
       A group of individuals of a single species in a given area
A group of organism has similar characteristics that produce offspring
A group of interacting organisms sharing a populated environment
A biological environment consisting of all the organisms living in a particular area.... as well as all the nonliving.... physical components of the environment with which the organisms interact.... such as air.... soil.... water.... and sunlight
The regions of the surface and atmosphere of the Earth (or other planet) where living organisms exist
The role an organism plays in its relation to other species and its environment
The type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs
A group of ecosystems that have similar climates and communities
What is density?
refers to the number of individuals of a particular species living in a given area.
Density dependent factors
"factors such as disease that limit population that are dependent on the density of
Density independent factors
"factors that limit population that are not dependent on the density like natural
What is dispersion?
Dispersion refers to how spread out a population is in a given area
What are the three types of dispersion patterns? Which is the most common?
"1. Clumped * most common* - all grouped in one spot around the limited resource
Exponential Growth
"1. Exponential- J curve
..dt=change in time..rmax=intrinsic growth rate..N=individuals"
Logistic Growth
s shape curve…dN/dt=r max N (K-N)/K…rmax=intrinsic growth..k=carying capacity
What is carrying capacity?
Carrying capacity is the number of individuals of a particular species that an area can support
1.       r selected
"a. large number of offspring
1.       k selected
"f. small number of offspring
What is ZPG? How can this be achieved?
ZPG stands for zero population growth. The population is doubling every 40 years.... some people who are concerned about the environmental impact of overpopulation recommend that each couple only has two kids to replace themselves resulting in a net zero population growth.
1. What is evolution?
The change in the inherited trait of a population of organism through successive generations.... change of characters over period of time
2. What is the difference between micro and macroevolution?
"Microevolution is the small change over a long period of time.... change in gene frequency within a population
who was darwin
"Father of evolution
4. What is speciation?
The evolutionary process by which new biological species arise
6. Who is Cuvier? (1769-1832)
"Father of Paleontology
-Catastrophism: the idea that earth has been affected in the past by sudden.... short-lived.... violent events.... possibly worldwide in scope"
7. Who is Hutton? (1726-1797)
-Gradualism: the belief that changes occur.... or ought to occur.... slowly in the form of gradual steps
8. Who is Charles Lyell? (1797-1875)
"Uniformitarianism: the same natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now.... have always operated in the universe in the past and apply everywhere in the universe
9. Who is Lamark (1809)?
Inheritance of acquired traits: organisms can pass the acquired traits to the offspring
10. What were the two basic concepts from Darwin’s book?
"1. Descent with modification: there is a little change when pass down to offspring (kid difference)
11. What are the three types of natural selection and know which individuals the environment choose against?
"1. Directional Selection: Environment choose against one of the extreme
12. Who is Thomas Malthus?
"concerning population and its increase or decrease in response to various factors
13. 5 statements summing up Darwin’s theory (writing by Mayr):
"1. All species have the ability to increase exponentially
14. What are the 6 pieces of evidence for evolution?
"1. Taxonomy
15. What is the smallest unit that can evolve?
population.... because changes occur with species of the population will affect the outcome of the population since species within the population mates to produces offspring
16. What is species?
"A group of organism has similar characteristics that produce offspring
18. What is microevolution?
The small change over a long period of time.... change in gene frequency within a population.... changes in the gene pool of a population over time which result in relatively small changes to the organisms in the population
19. Hardy-Weinberg equation:
"P+q=1 P^2 +2pq + q^2=1
20. What are the 5 assumptions?
"1. Large population
21. What are the 5 agents of microevolutions?
"1. Mutation
22. What is sexual dimorphism?
The difference in morphology between male and female members of the same species
23. What are the 4 reasons evolution doesn’t make perfect organism?
"1. Evolution is limited by historical constraints
24. Summarize the main point of the article “Ecological and Genetic factor….”
"Endangered Cheetahs were believed to be at a loss because of their small population size causing more
What are the four concepts for what a species is? (p488-490)
"1. Species is a group of population whose members have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable.... fertile offspring but do not produce viable fertlile offspring with members of other such groups.
Prezygotic isolating mechanisms
habitat isolation.... behavior isolation.... temporal isolation.... mechanical isolation.... gametic isolation
Postzygotic isolating mechanisms
hybrid sterility..hybrid inviability..hybrid breakdown..
Habitat Isolation
distance too great
Behavior Isolation
different mating behavior
Temporal Isolation
have sex at different times of year
Mechanical Isolation
physical things don’t work well
Gametic Isolation
Sperm and egg don’t fuse well
Hybrid Sterility
horse + donkey= sterile mule
Hybrid Inviability
stillborn or offspring die after birth
Hybrid Breakdown
2 species can have offspring.... and those offspring can have offspring but eventually genes break down and can no longer reproduce
physical barrier causes one species to become 2 (river.... canyon.... ocean.... road)
" one species turns into two in a given area without physical barrier
What is adaptive radiation
The emergence of numerous species from a common ancestor introduced into into an environment presenting a diversity of new opportunities and problems. (example the many types of finches (wood pecker-like.... big beak.... small beak) that speciated from one common finch)
What is punctuated equilibrium
"Supporters: Niles Elderedge and Stephen Gould
What is gradualism?
"Supporter: Ernst Mayer
What is ecology?
Study of the relation of living organisms to each other and their surroundings
biotic factors
"other individuals of the same species
abiotic (nonliving)
What is a population?
       A group of individuals of a single species in a given area
A group of organism has similar characteristics that produce offspring
A group of interacting organisms sharing a populated environment
A biological environment consisting of all the organisms living in a particular area.... as well as all the nonliving.... physical components of the environment with which the organisms interact.... such as air.... soil.... water.... and sunlight
The regions of the surface and atmosphere of the Earth (or other planet) where living organisms exist
The role an organism plays in its relation to other species and its environment
The type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs
A group of ecosystems that have similar climates and communities
What is density?
refers to the number of individuals of a particular species living in a given area.
Density dependent factors
"factors such as disease that limit population that are dependent on the density of
Density independent factors
"factors that limit population that are not dependent on the density like natural
What is dispersion?
Dispersion refers to how spread out a population is in a given area
What are the three types of dispersion patterns? Which is the most common?
"1. Clumped * most common* - all grouped in one spot around the limited resource
Exponential Growth
"1. Exponential- J curve
..dt=change in time..rmax=intrinsic growth rate..N=individuals"
Logistic Growth
s shape curve…dN/dt=r max N (K-N)/K…rmax=intrinsic growth..k=carying capacity
What is carrying capacity?
Carrying capacity is the number of individuals of a particular species that an area can support
1.       r selected
"a. large number of offspring
1.       k selected
"f. small number of offspring
What is ZPG? How can this be achieved?
ZPG stands for zero population growth. The population is doubling every 40 years.... some people who are concerned about the environmental impact of overpopulation recommend that each couple only has two kids to replace themselves resulting in a net zero population growth.