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164 Cards in this Set

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The human eye has about 6 million _____________ cells.
The area of the eye responsible for the central and sharpest vision is known as the
The main function of the _______________ is to support the eye
(vitreous humor)
The development of cone cells allowed for organisms to acquire better information during the _____________ hours
sunlight or daylight
Most nocturnal animals lack ______________ vision because there is no need for it at night
Images that come from our eyes are nothing more than a set of ____________
To obtain a sharp image within the entire visual field our eyes constantly ____________ the entire image
The inner layer of the cortex is called ______________ because of its light colored
white matter
The _____________cortex is where the sight information is processed
The brain is able to filter out visual information through a process called
subliminal perception
People who suffer from blind sight have lost the ability to process
incoming visual data
_____ can occur because there are separate pathways in the brain used for visual perception
blind sight
Visual neglect is a neurological disorder where patients have difficulty in visualizing objects in their visual fields because the ______________ lobe of the brain has been damaged
______________ syndrome is a psychiatric disorder in which the affected person imagines that someone close to them has been replaced by an imposter
Perceptions can be influenced by our _________________ state and ______________ condition.
psychological; physical
To recall a list of unrelated items some people use a _____________ to create an association between the meaningful and meaningless information
mneumonic device
________ memory is a type of declarative memory that uses sensation and emotion, which is usually a more effective than semantic memory.
Short term memory lasts ______________ while long term memory can last ____________
minutes to days; months to years
An increase in the firing rate and magnitude of cortical neurons is otherwise known as
Storage of long tem memory is based upon a distribution model where information about an object is stored in different regions of the _______________
Veteran taxi cab drivers in London have an larger ________________ than drivers just starting out
________ memory, a type of declarative memory, is generally more important for academic success, whereas: __________ memory is strongly associated with creativity
semantic; episodic
The _________________ region of the brain is important for procedural memory and when neurons within this brain region die as a result of Parkinson’s disease.
basal ganglia
The _____________ is involved in visual/spatial memory and recent studies have demonstrated that this brain region can actually grow depending upon usage
Elephants are well-known for their memory capabilities and can locate waterholes several hundred miles away with complete accuracy, which demonstrates their _______________memory
Dr. Egas Moniz in 1936 developed a procedure to treat severe mental illness, known as ______________, where he removed a significant portion of the frontal lobe
Development of the ___________ lobe is the last step in human brain development, where the neural circuitry is not fully formed until adulthood
frontal lobe
The human brain is ____________ by nature, suggesting that it evolved by adding onto existing parts of animal brains over millions of years
Long-term memory is stored in the _____________
cerebral cortex
After witnessing the inhuman treatment of the mentally ill, _____________, a school teacher, was instrumental in lobbying congress to construct federal and state mental hospitals
dorothea dix
____________ therapy, where an electrical current is passed through the brain and acts as a reset mechanism, is still used today to treat mental patients who fail to respond to all other treatments
In the 1950’s, _________________ therapy was used to induce a hypoglycemic state ultimately causing damage to the brain, resulting in behavioral modification
insulin shock
Mental illnesses are quite diverse, however the basic pathological mechanism is the same, where _______________ become unable to communicate with each other
________ is a type of mental illness where the patient suffers from severe mood swings of extreme highs and extreme lows.
manic depression
____________ has become a last resort for treating people with severe depression
During a manic depression low episode, the production of _______________ is deficient
_______ , a class of drugs, were developed to prevent the removal of serotonin in the synapse
Prozac is an SSRI that is used to treat depression, by preventing the removal of serotonin from the synapse, in turn _____________the concentration of serotonin in the brain
____________ therapy, where an electrical current is passed through the brain and acts as a reset mechanism, is still used today to treat mental patients who fail to respond to all other treatments
Manic depression has a ______________ basis, where often times many family members will suffer from this disorder
In the 1950’s, _________________ therapy was used to induce a hypoglycemic state ultimately causing damage to the brain, resulting in behavioral modification
insulin shock
In the early 1900’s Dr. _________________ observed that some of his patients had progressive memory loss before their deaths. For his research into this phenomenon the disorder was accordingly named after him
Mental illnesses are quite diverse, however the basic pathological mechanism is the same, where _______________ become unable to communicate with each other
Dr. Alzheimer hypothesized that mental illness had a _____________ cause, which was contrary to the prevailing psychiatric theories that mental illness was purely_______
physical. psychological
________ is a type of mental illness where the patient suffers from severe mood swings of extreme highs and extreme lows.
manic depression
Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by _______________ loss, which is attributed to cell death in the brain.
____________ has become a last resort for treating people with severe depression
____ Alzheimer’s disease has been linked to a mutation of the APP gene on chromosome 21, where symptoms will usually start to occur before the age of 50
During a manic depression low episode, the production of _______________ is deficient
The brains of Alzheimer’s patients have characteristic _______________ plaques and _____________, which will prevent neural transmission and eventually cause cell death.
amyloid; protein fibrils
____________ therapy, where an electrical current is passed through the brain and acts as a reset mechanism, is still used today to treat mental patients who fail to respond to all other treatments
_______ , a class of drugs, were developed to prevent the removal of serotonin in the synapse
In the 1950’s, _________________ therapy was used to induce a hypoglycemic state ultimately causing damage to the brain, resulting in behavioral modification
insulin shock
Prozac is an SSRI that is used to treat depression, by preventing the removal of serotonin from the synapse, in turn _____________the concentration of serotonin in the brain
Mental illnesses are quite diverse, however the basic pathological mechanism is the same, where _______________ become unable to communicate with each other
Manic depression has a ______________ basis, where often times many family members will suffer from this disorder
Methamphetamine can be produced from ________________, which is a main ingredient in cold medicines
In the early 1900’s Dr. _________________ observed that some of his patients had progressive memory loss before their deaths. For his research into this phenomenon the disorder was accordingly named after him
________ is a type of mental illness where the patient suffers from severe mood swings of extreme highs and extreme lows.
manic depression
Dr. Alzheimer hypothesized that mental illness had a _____________ cause, which was contrary to the prevailing psychiatric theories that mental illness was purely_______
physical. psychological
____________ has become a last resort for treating people with severe depression
Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by _______________ loss, which is attributed to cell death in the brain.
During a manic depression low episode, the production of _______________ is deficient
____ Alzheimer’s disease has been linked to a mutation of the APP gene on chromosome 21, where symptoms will usually start to occur before the age of 50
The brains of Alzheimer’s patients have characteristic _______________ plaques and _____________, which will prevent neural transmission and eventually cause cell death.
amyloid; protein fibrils
_______ , a class of drugs, were developed to prevent the removal of serotonin in the synapse
Methamphetamine can be produced from ________________, which is a main ingredient in cold medicines
Prozac is an SSRI that is used to treat depression, by preventing the removal of serotonin from the synapse, in turn _____________the concentration of serotonin in the brain
Manic depression has a ______________ basis, where often times many family members will suffer from this disorder
In the early 1900’s Dr. _________________ observed that some of his patients had progressive memory loss before their deaths. For his research into this phenomenon the disorder was accordingly named after him
Dr. Alzheimer hypothesized that mental illness had a _____________ cause, which was contrary to the prevailing psychiatric theories that mental illness was purely_______
physical. psychological
Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by _______________ loss, which is attributed to cell death in the brain.
____ Alzheimer’s disease has been linked to a mutation of the APP gene on chromosome 21, where symptoms will usually start to occur before the age of 50
The brains of Alzheimer’s patients have characteristic _______________ plaques and _____________, which will prevent neural transmission and eventually cause cell death.
amyloid; protein fibrils
Methamphetamine can be produced from ________________, which is a main ingredient in cold medicines
____________ therapy, where an electrical current is passed through the brain and acts as a reset mechanism, is still used today to treat mental patients who fail to respond to all other treatments
In the 1950’s, _________________ therapy was used to induce a hypoglycemic state ultimately causing damage to the brain, resulting in behavioral modification
insulin shock
Mental illnesses are quite diverse, however the basic pathological mechanism is the same, where _______________ become unable to communicate with each other
________ is a type of mental illness where the patient suffers from severe mood swings of extreme highs and extreme lows.
manic depression
____________ has become a last resort for treating people with severe depression
During a manic depression low episode, the production of _______________ is deficient
_______ , a class of drugs, were developed to prevent the removal of serotonin in the synapse
Prozac is an SSRI that is used to treat depression, by preventing the removal of serotonin from the synapse, in turn _____________the concentration of serotonin in the brain
Manic depression has a ______________ basis, where often times many family members will suffer from this disorder
In the early 1900’s Dr. _________________ observed that some of his patients had progressive memory loss before their deaths. For his research into this phenomenon the disorder was accordingly named after him
Dr. Alzheimer hypothesized that mental illness had a _____________ cause, which was contrary to the prevailing psychiatric theories that mental illness was purely_______
physical. psychological
Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by _______________ loss, which is attributed to cell death in the brain.
____ Alzheimer’s disease has been linked to a mutation of the APP gene on chromosome 21, where symptoms will usually start to occur before the age of 50
The brains of Alzheimer’s patients have characteristic _______________ plaques and _____________, which will prevent neural transmission and eventually cause cell death.
amyloid; protein fibrils
Methamphetamine can be produced from ________________, which is a main ingredient in cold medicines
____________ therapy, where an electrical current is passed through the brain and acts as a reset mechanism, is still used today to treat mental patients who fail to respond to all other treatments
In the 1950’s, _________________ therapy was used to induce a hypoglycemic state ultimately causing damage to the brain, resulting in behavioral modification
insulin shock
Mental illnesses are quite diverse, however the basic pathological mechanism is the same, where _______________ become unable to communicate with each other
________ is a type of mental illness where the patient suffers from severe mood swings of extreme highs and extreme lows.
manic depression
____________ has become a last resort for treating people with severe depression
During a manic depression low episode, the production of _______________ is deficient
_______ , a class of drugs, were developed to prevent the removal of serotonin in the synapse
Prozac is an SSRI that is used to treat depression, by preventing the removal of serotonin from the synapse, in turn _____________the concentration of serotonin in the brain
Manic depression has a ______________ basis, where often times many family members will suffer from this disorder
In the early 1900’s Dr. _________________ observed that some of his patients had progressive memory loss before their deaths. For his research into this phenomenon the disorder was accordingly named after him
Dr. Alzheimer hypothesized that mental illness had a _____________ cause, which was contrary to the prevailing psychiatric theories that mental illness was purely_______
physical. psychological
Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by _______________ loss, which is attributed to cell death in the brain.
____ Alzheimer’s disease has been linked to a mutation of the APP gene on chromosome 21, where symptoms will usually start to occur before the age of 50
The brains of Alzheimer’s patients have characteristic _______________ plaques and _____________, which will prevent neural transmission and eventually cause cell death.
amyloid; protein fibrils
Methamphetamine can be produced from ________________, which is a main ingredient in cold medicines
Heroin is derived from _____________ and is a widely abused substance around the world
Researchers realize that to cure and prevent substance abuse, they must first understand how the __________________ mechanism in the brain is responsible for the reinforcing properties of drugs
Electrical stimulation of the neurons in the _______________ will produce sensations of pleasure, which are similar to those sensations that are elicited by food or sex
nucleus accumbens
The natural function of endorphins is to ____
__________ and endorphins bind to the same receptors in the brain
The most well known function of ______________, a neurotransmitter, is the production of pleasure, which is associated with hunger or sexual desire
The _____________ is the target brain area of both cocaine and amphetamines
Cocaine and amphetamine both ______________ dopamine levels in the synaptic clefts.
The neurological process of falling in love takes place primarily in the ________ system of the brain
______ is the brain chemical involved with maintaining long term relationships or providing parental care
The brain slices of the monogamous prairie voles differ from that of their cousin species the montane voles in that the brains of the prairie voles have abundant levels of _____
Dopamine is important in maintaining motor control and a reduction in dopamine production may result in___
parkinson's disease
Brain scans of children with ADHD show that there is a _____________ in activity in the neural pathways that are activated by dopamine
Methlyphenidate, trade name Ritalin, increases dopamine activity by _____________ the dopamine transporters at the synaptic cleft.
Our aggression, feelings of insecurity, resentment and other personality traits are tied to ____________________ thoughts
Our mind is the result of the sum of the _____________ and _______
conscious and subconscious
When a person becomes excited, dopamine and norepinephrine are released into the synaptic clefts, and ______________ is secreted into the same area to counter the actions of the 2 neurotransmitters
When a person becomes excited, dopamine and norepinephrine are released into the synaptic clefts, and ______________ is secreted into the same area to counter the actions of the 2 neurotransmitters
If a person’s brain produces _____________ amounts serotonin, the neuronal excitation cannot be controlled.
Prozac or fluoxetine works by blocking the ____
serotonin reuptake transporters
Patients who suffer clinical depression have a shortage of _____________ in their synaptic clefts.
If you block the uptake of serotonin, the concentration of serotonin in the synapse will ______
The illegal drug ___________ was made famous in the 1960’s and it causes hallucinations by mimicking the action of serotonin
Psilocin, the chemical found in hallucinogenic mushrooms, will enter the _____________ of the brain and bind to serotonin receptors
The ________________ cortex contains a map of the entire body and after a person has undergone amputation of a limb, the region that represents that limb no longer receives any information
In the case of David Garabedian, it was thought that the insecticide was responsible for his aggressive behavior. The insecticide blocks the enzyme acetylcholinesterase which leads to hyperactivation of the ______________ neurons
During an emotional event, the hypothalamus neurons will release _________________ which will in turn initiates the fight or flight response.
Sandy, a troubled teen, attacked and stabbed a coworker. Her defense was that she contained too few _______________ receptors in the brain, thus she was unable to control her aggression.
In the condition known as ________________, seizures of any type will repeatedly occur unprovoked
____ lobe seizures can elicit religious or mystical experiences
Most scientists do not believe that the theory of _________ is wrong, because of the vast substantiating evidence that has been collected over the past 150 years
Without a good understanding of ________, it is not possible to become an educated student in biology
The mental capacity of __________ seem to be equivalent to that of a 5-year-old human child.
Because Koko (a lowland gorilla) can use______________ to communicate her feelings, thoughts, and desires, we now have unequivocal evidence of the biological continuum between humans and the great apes
Evidence have established that approximately _________ years ago, the great apes split into two branches.
14 million
______ are our closest relatives, and our ancestors have evolved separately to give rise to our present forms
Chimpanzee and early human societies were male-dominated, which is also called a _______ society
One of Jane Goodall’s first discoveries was that chimpanzees can fashion sticks to fish termites out from a termite nest. This observation shook the scientific world, because at that time, it was universally accepted that ______ use was a unique human trait
In a series of experiments involving the creation of a scale model of a life-sized room, it has been shown that chimpanzees can demonstrate ________ understanding
Chimpanzee and human societies use __________ to achieve a single objective, such as hunting for monkeys.
It is estimated that at about 120,000 years ago, the entire population of Homo sapiens had decreased to less than 10,000 individuals which would have led to a decrease in genetic variation. This phenomenon is known as a genetic ____
Research by Allan Wilson and his co-workers concluded that all human mitochondrial DNA can be traced back to one woman, the Mitochondrial Eve, who had lived in Africa about ________ to _________ years ago
120,000 to 150,000
The mitochondria DNA in each individual comes only from the ________.
When you compare the genomes of any two persons from any part of the world, their DNA sequences are _____% identical.
One hypothesis to account for the disappearance of Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis is known as the ___________ model, which states that modern humans contributed to the extinction of local species by out-competing them.
out of africa
The ________ theory describes how the universe was formed about 13.7 billion years ago
big bang
The amount of oxygen in our current atmosphere is a result of billions of years of photosynthesis by _______
Three basic characteristics of life include the abilities to use energy, ______, and _____
reproduce, evolve)
All matter in the universe, including the matter in your body, comes from the inside of __
The fact that all living organisms, from simple bacteria to human beings, use the same ____________ , points to the commonality of life on Earth.
genetic code
One of the hypotheses for the Cambrian explosion was an increase in the Earth’s _______ concentration, which promoted the evolution or larger body forms
__________ _________ is the universal mechanism to insure individual uniqueness
sexual reproduction
Humans are nothing more than a collection of molecules composed of hydrogen, ____________, and ___________, yet we are one of the most complex creatures on Earth.
oxygen and carbon
The protein, which acts like cellular “glue” to hold cells together, is called _________. This protein was first used by the group of animals known scientifically as ________
collagen; porifera
To coordinate the motion of muscles, the cnidarians a simple network of _______ that allow the muscle fibers to communicate using a combination of electrical impulses and chemical signals
nerve cells
In Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass, . Alice asked the ________ why they did not seem to be going anywhere during their race. This scene is a good analogy for the Evolutionary Arms race, in which neither participant can get anywhere, but must keep evolving in order to just keep up.
red queen
Scientists have shown that at some point in evolution, ___________ cells took up residence in eukaryotic cells to become the first organelles through a process know as ______
prokaryotes; endosymbiosis
Even though we are one of the most complex organisms on the planet, less than ____ percent of the human genome is used to encode functional proteins.
Scientists have found that there are a small group of genes known as the ______ genes which are responsible for directing the body pattern formation in all animals
A brain’s complexity results mainly from the types and numbers of _________ that each nerve cell has with other nerve cells.