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105 Cards in this Set

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1.)three properties unique to the bladder that allow it to fill and expand.
2.)The ___is the area that is looked at when someone has a urinary bladder infection
3.)what can settle in the trigone region?
4.)why are women more vulnerable to bladder infections
1)tight fist made of transitional epithelium, rugae, and special detrusor muscle arrangement
4.)length of urea is shorter than in men
1.)Number one purpose of your kidney
2.)What works hand on hand with the kidney?
3.)Three things the kidney does for the blood
4.)the basic unit of structure and function of the kidney is __
5.)Coming out of the kidney is the __which enters the __and fluids are stored her temporarily
1.)regulation of your hydration level
2.)cardiovascular system
3.)regulates the volume of blood, the composition of blood, and the bodys pH
4.)nephron unit
5.)ureter, urinary bladder
1.)After being stored in the bladder, it then sets up a __reflex (urination) and released through the urethra.
2.)How many sphincters are there before you pee?
3.)The kidneys are a bunch of delicate ___and are anchored in place by parietal peritoneum and three capillaries
2 (one voluntary and one involuntary)
1.)what are the kidneys anchored in place by?
2.)What is the term used to state that the kidneys are behind the abdominal cavity?
3.)3 capsules of the kidey
4.)The fibrous CT sheath layer that anchors the kidney to the back wall is called the __, which doesn't wrap all around the kidney, just the surface of it like a seat belt
parietal peritoneum
retro peritoneal
renal fascia, adipose capsules, renal capsule
renal fascia
1.)Pads of fat surrounding the kidney, it helps cushion the kidney and serves as absorption of trauma.
2.)the third capsule and it is considered the most important layer because of its fibrous transparent capsule that prevents infections in surrounding regions from spreading to the kidneys.
3.)what layer/capsule of the kidney is most important with regards to your immune system
adipose capsules
renal capsule
renal capsule
1.)3 ways the kidneys can be bombarded
2.)The indented portion of the kidney where things enter and exit the kidney only through this region
3.)The outer surface of the kidney is called?
4.)occasionaly the cortex dips down between things, and when it does it is called a __
1.)ruptured appendix or colon, urinary bladder infections traveling up the urea, bladder , ureter, and then to the kidney, and the blood itself containing pathogens
4.)renal column
1.)The pyramids are made up of __tissue and therefore all the pyramids together are called the __
2.)Each pyramid comes to a point called a __
3.)What comes out of the papilla
4.)The entire space between the papilla and the renal artery is called the __
5.)What kind of tissue is the renal sinus
medulla, medulla
renal sinus
CT and fat
1.)The tissue in the renal sinus are referred to as the __
2.)Immediately surrounding each papilla is CT called the __, which is part of the renal pelvis and sinus
3.)3 minor calyx in one region would be considered a __.
4.)Every drop of blood passes through your kidney __times per day
renal pelvis
minor calyx
major calyx
1.)main branch that feeds the renal arteries?
2.)Where does the renal artery enter the kidneys
3.)When are they no longer called the renal arteries?
4.)The first division off the renal arteries
5.)As the segmental artery starts to go between the papilla(between two pyramids), it becomes the __artery
1.)abdominal aorta
2.)hilus and branches
3.)when the renal arteries branch in between the pyramids
4.)segmental artery
1.)after the interlobar artery, when it gets to the area between the cortex and the medulla, they branch around and arch and it is called the __artery
2.)After the arcuate artery, branches will go off and this will be called the __artery which go right into the cortex
3.)Coming off of the interlobular is the functional vascular region called the ___
4.)The renal corpuscle is where __happens and where the glomerulus is within the Bowman's capsule
renal corpuscle
1.)The __arteriole goes into the glomerulus and the arteriole that exits it will be called the __arteriole
2.)After the efferent arteriole, things will go into the __that are going to be in the cortex
3.)when the peritubular capillary is finished being a capillary, it will now enter either __or __
afferent, efferent
peritubular capillaries
arcuate vein or interlobular vein
1.)after it goes through the arcuate or interlobular vein, it then goes into the __, then the __, then the __, then __
2.)The __is another capillary bed located in the medulla of the kidney that controls fluid levels
interlobar vein, renal vein, inferior vena cava, heart
vasa recta
1.)Give the circulation through the kidney back to the heart
renal artery->segmental artery->interlobar artery->arcuate artery->interlobular artery->renal corpuscle->peritubular capillary->interlobular vein->arcuate vein->interlobar vein->renal vein->inferior vena cava->heart
1.)there are three things the cortical nephron unit of the kidney must do in order to prepare volume, composition, are pH of your blood, they include?
2.)The capillary in conjunction with Bowman's capsule will be called the __
3.)It is called the filtration membrane because stuff in the blood is going to ___across an where things are exchanged
1.)glomerular filtration(renal corpuscle), tubular reabsorption, tubular secretion
2.)filtration membrane
1.)the cortical nephron unit is most numerous and in the __
2.)One cortical nephron enters one __
3.)Histology of PCT
4.)The PCT contains __and is metabolically active, the color is __, and it is hazy because of __
5.)Histology of DCT
collecting duct
Simple cuboidal epithelium
enzymes, pink, microvilli
simple cuboidal epithelium
1.)The DCT can do what? and what color?
2.)the fluid that gets across the capillary is called the?
3.)What should be in filtrate? 8 things
4.)what should not be in filtrate?
1.)can secrete and absorb, blue
3.)potassium, phosphate, urea, uric acid, water, glucose, creatine & creatine phosphate, sodium
4.)clotting factors, formed elements, albumin
1.)protein synthesis waste product that is bad
2.)nucleic acid synthesis waster product
3.)Named some formed elements
4.)albumin is only in urine with __women because of more blood volume
5.)You want to make __mL of urine during the day
uric acid
RBC, WBC, platelets
1.)as blood passes through the kidneys what happens?
2.)two types of nephron units and which one is more common?
3.)Where is the juxtamedullary nephron unit?
4.)__can change their shape and lie near the basement membrane, with extensions called pseudopods and can "footsie"with one another
filtration, absorption, secretion
cortical and juxtamedullary
1.)what can be found between podocytes that can be a large space or even small
2.)The blood coming into the glomerulus by way of the afferent arteriole and the pressure is __mmhg
3.)where is albumin made?
4.)The pressure in the afferent is telling things in the __ to go into the Bowman's capsule
split pores
1.)Albumin maintains __and sits in the capillary and tells the water "don't go"
2.)the amount of osmotic pressure in the capillary
3.)There is always filtrate in the Bowman's capsule putting out a pressure of __mmgh (____)
4.)__mmhg is the pressure wanting to push the stuff into the space, called the ___
osmotic pressure
32 mmhg
18, hydrostatic pressure
10, filtration pressure
1.)Filtration pressure in your big toe
2.)If the filtration pressure is less than 10mmhg, you have less __
3.)if you constrict either the arteriole going in or out, you will __the flow of blood
4.)What arteriole has a wider diameter
5.)What system effects both the efferent and afferent arterioles
2-3 mmhg
1.)If you are in liver failure and not making albumin, you cannot keep blood in and the fluid goes all over the __
2.)All of your nephron units in one minute make __mL of filtrate
3.)If all 125 mL were allowed to progress to the rest of the tube, you would spend all day on the toilet so what happens so this does not happen?
4.)when all is said and done, you put out __mL and we have __mL left
abdominal spaces
tubular reabsorption
123, 1-3
1.)why is there an arteriole after the glomerulus rather than a venule or vein
2.)Right after filtration, all kinds of stuff will be in the PCT and much of it is?
3.)What are some things we do not want in the peritubular capillary
4.)Why is the peritubular capillary so important?
1.)arteriole is the workhorse, you can constrict or dilate arterioles
3.)amino acids and glucose
4.)whatever goes into the peritubular capillary must be carried out of the kidney and become part of your blood again
1.)A lot of good things we want to keep will leave the PCT and go back into the blood to be used, a process called __
2.)The way we usually get molecules back is by a __that lives in the PCT membrane
3.)The surface of the PCT has large number of microvilli called __
4.)Living in the PCT microvilli will be carrier molecules as we know that pick up on things such as __and bring it in
tubular reabsorption
carrier molecule
brush border
amino acids
1.)a capillary is __epithelium
2.)Do we have several different carrier molecules that pick up amino acids because we have 20 of them?
3.)How many carrier molecules do we have for glucose?
4.)Does everyone have about the same number of carrier molecules
simple squamous
pretty much 1
1.)Diabetics have the same number of carrier molecules as everyone else ,but they end up with glucose in their urine because why?
2.)If it is brought in by a carrier molecule, that is __transport
3.)When you are retrieving stuff from the filtrate and have bopped out some albumin, you can bring albumin into the cells via __and the cell can break it down into amino acids which will go back into the blood passively
more glucose than available carrier molecules
active(requires ATP energy)
pinocytosis(active transport)
1.)__% of urea is allowed to diffuse passively.
2.)It gets rid of only 50% because the amount of urea that is circulating in your blood at any one time is used as a standard feedback mechanism that regulates how much __is going on
3.)We must maintain a normal level of breaking down protein (such as for __repair)
protein metabolism
1.)If we bring back more of less urea, that is an indicator to ourbody that maybe it should up __of protein or down __
2.)We bring back __% of uric acid and is brought back __
3.)Only __% of uric acid stays in the filtrate
4.)We have numerous __and __ions in the PCT
metabolism, metabolism
90, actively
sodium, chloride
1.)The __ can get through the microvilli surface with no trouble at all
2.)When the sodium gets to the basement membrane, it must get out via a pumper (___transport)
3.)The sodium goes across into the blood, and if you start accumulating sodium ions, the __ions will come across because of the electrical attraction passively, and you have created a gradient
1.)The amount of blood pressure and also the amount of pressure in the peritubular capillaries is higher or lower than in regular capillaries?
2.)The __pressure of peritubular capillaries is higher because of the albumin, so it has the greater ability to attract water
3.)Water moves from more water to less water, and __solute to __solute via osmosis
less, more
1.)Majority of tubular reabsorption occurs where?
2.)by the time you have made it through the PCT, has most of the water you need to retrieve been picked back up and put in the blood?
3.)Tubular reabsorption controls __and composition of blood
4.)tubular secretion controls __of blood
1.)__is responsible for putting potassium into the filtrate to affect the sodium level
2.)__is responsible for putting in phosphate ions into the filtrate to help serve as a buffer
3.)If phosphate picks up acids (H+), it becomes dihydrogen phosphate so you don't go into __
1.)In case of an emergency(with regards to acidic conditions), there is a shift to the __
2.)If a hydrogen ion comes in from the environment, the lining cells have enzymes that can chop off the amine group (NH2) of an amino acids, process is called ___
3.)What does the NH2 that was chopped off do?
pick up the H+ ion that comes in
1.)The NH2 then becomes __called ammonia
2.)the ammonia makes its way out into the filtrate and can it go back into the cell?
3.)If there are additional hydrogen ins, ammonia will pick up the hydrogen ions and become __(___)
NH4 (ammonium)
1.)Ammonium has no way of getting back into the cell and has no choice but to stay in filtrate but is it harmful?
2.)describe a situation when something is hypertonic
3.)constriction of the afferent arteriole causes what?
4.)majority of the nephron units are __
2.)percentage of extracellular fluid is around 1%
3.)decrease pressure in glomerulus and decreased pressure
1.)the __is taking care of most of the bodys reabsorption
2.)The loops of Henle of the cortical nephron units are usually in the __while in the juxtamedullar nephron unit they are usually embedded into the __and are not very involved in making __
peritubular capillary
cortex, medulla, urine
1.)All of the filtrate mingles in all the __
2.)associated with all the loops of Henle are blood vessels called __
3.)where does the vasa recta come from
4.)when the vasa recta loops back up, it will enter an __
collecting ducts
vasa recta
efferent arteriole
arcuate vein
1.)The peritubular could enter into the __or __
2.)the __is receiving the water that we are saving
3.)ADH tells the cells to do what?
4.)in order for osmosis to occur, there must be what?
5.)the osmolality if it were the same throughout the body, would be __miliosmoles in the extracellular fluid and blood plasma
arcuate vein or interlobular vein
vasa recta
make proteins that create aquapores
1.)The __sets up and maintains a concentration gradient
2.)in one minute, we make __mL of urine
3.)The amount of solute in the cortex is __miliosmoles and right when you dip into the medulla it is __milliosmoles
countercurrent multiplier system
300, 400
1.)As you go deeper into the medulla, it goes from __, __, __, and __miiosmoles (very solutey)
2.) Two things to know about the ascending loop of Henle.
1.)400, 600, 800, 1200
1.)the salt will stay in the region and water comes out of the loop of henle and is eventually picked up by the __which is permeable to water and has no pumpers.
2.)water is leaving at what part of the loop of henle
3.)are the vasa recta and loop of henle going in opposite directions?
vasa recta
1.)in order for water to move out and in and pumpers to work properly, you must have a what?
2.)The DCT will have filtrate with an osmolality of __miliosmoles and will enter the collecting ducts
3.)What else plays a game in the solute level besides sodium chloride?
slow environment and resistance and friction
1.)a sperm is a gamete produced by a ___
2.)In order to get these gametes produced, they have to undergo __instead of mitosis
3.)4 steps of sperm formation
4.)The genetic process of sperm formation from a 2N spermatagonia to a 1N(meosis)
3.)spermatogenesis, spermiogensis, motility, capacitation
1.)where does spermatogenesis occur?
2.)the maturation of sperm when it is prepared physically, beginning in the seminiferous tubules and ending in the epididymis.
3.)When the sperm gets to the epididymis, it is genetically prepared, but can it fertilize an egg?
seminiferous tubules
1.)Because the sperm is streamlined, it has extra __and stuff that needs to get rid of first.
2.)the sperm do not start being mobile on their own until they are on their way out and in the urethra, using flagella to make it movable, this is called.
3.) Journey through the female and fertilization is called.
1.)The majority of fertilization occurs in the __of female uterine tube.
2.)During embryonic and fetal development, in the back wall near the __, is a ridge that in time will become the male testicle.
3.)Around __weeks or so, the germinal epithelium will form.
upper third
1.)Around seven moths, what happens to the testicles.
2.)prior to birth, the formed testicle is going to make its way from the inside the body to an opening (__) in the abdominal wall connected to the scrotal sac
3.)The testicle will be pulled down through the inguinal canal by a type of tissue called __
inguinal canal
1.)The bottom part of the testicle is ___, and the middle part of the testicle is the __and will eventually act as a storage bin
2.)The __connects the testicle to the body proper, because the testicle is outside the body and it needs to have a place from which it gets its blood and things of that sort.
seminiferous tubules, epididymis,
spermatic cord
1.)encapsulating the epididymis and the seminiferous tubule is a tough fibrous connective sheath called the ___
2.)The sheath will from partitions throughout the structure, dividing them into __
3.)the lobule is the place where the __will reside
tunica albuginea
seminiferous tubules
1.)each lobule will have possibly __to__ seminiferous tubules
2.)what is located on top the seminiferous tubules
3.)The __are transporting from the rete testis to the epididymis
4.)leaving the efferent tubules
rete testis
efferent tubules
ductus deferens
1.)once the ductus epididymis goes up, it is no longer convoluted and will become one tube as it exits through the body and tail called the __
2.)what does the spermatic cord contain
3.)the scrotal sac will also have a muscle called the __
1.)vas deferens
2.)vas deferens, tesiticular artery vein and nerve, lymphatic vessel, cremaster muscle
1.)Purpose of cremaster muscle and dartus?
2.)another name for seminiferous tubules.
3.)the seminiferous tubules contain __membranes
4.)another name for nurse cells
1.)respond to environmental changes such as temperature and are important in keeping the whole scrotal sac and testicle close to the body
2.)germinal epithelium
4.)sertoli cells, sustentacular cells
1.)4 primary characteristics of sertoli cells
2.)the sertoli cell extensions and contain an opening or compartment which are the most immature sperm you can have called __(still dividing mitotically)
3.)how many chromosomes do spermatagonia have?
1.)compartmentalization, nourishment, androgen binding protein, inhibin
1.)as the spermatagonia begin to go through meiosis it is under the influence of the __and __
2.)in a way, __is a replication of a sex cell, followed by two divisions that way you end with a __N cell
3.)when you have undergone a division and are starting to become mature sperm, they are very close to the __
hypothalamus, pituitary gland
meiosis, 1
1.)lying outside of the seminiferous tubules are your __that are loaded with antibodies
2.)what would happen if the mature sperm were to stay in the basal portion of the seminiferous tubules.
3.)the sertoli cell acts as a part of the __
cardiovascular capillaries
shoot and kill sperm
testicle blood barrier
1.)The product of mitosis is going to be __
2.)the first meiotic division occurs and the primary spermatocyte becomes the __
3.)the secondary spermatocyte divides and becomes __
4.)how many chromosomes do spermatids have?
primary spermatocyte
secondary spermatocyte
1.)Spermatids will mature and become a __, and the become a __(_N)
2.)flow chart of sperm
3.)while these germinal types of tissue are on their way to the lumen, the sertoli cell is providing nutrients such as __
1.)spout, sperm, 1
2.)primary spermatocyte, secondary spermatocyte,
spermatid, 4 viable sperm
1.)In the CT between the seminiferous tubules, there will be __
2.)what hormones are made in the hypothalamus that has to do with sperm formation
3.)what hormone cause the interstitial cells produce testosterone?
interstitial cells of Leydig
1.)If testosterone stays in the sertoli cell, it will guide the progression of __
2.)The receptor testosterone is looking for is called __
3.)As long as you have __ testosterone will stay in the sertoli cells and maturation will occur
androgen binding protein
androgen binding protein
1.)If testosterone doesn't stay in the sertoli cells, what will happen?
2.)much of the testosterone that is being produced runs all over the male body going to all male parts making __
3.)__goes to mitotically dividing cells and tells some of them that its time to go through meiosis
maturation will stop an the male will become sterile
secondary sex characteristics
1.)the sertoli cell makes __which will go back to the hypothalamus, tell it that it was successful, and to shut down.
2.)__occurs primarily in the head of the epididymis
3.)The ___ are not very trim and it undergoes metabolism to get rid of the extra cytoplasm and builds up its mitochondrial storage.
1.)An important byproduct of metabolism is a creation of an environment that is somewhat __which is good because millions of the sperm have no place to go and keeps the tails on the sperm from moving.
2.)the vas deferens come toward the middle of the body towards the __
urogenital diaphragm
1.)When it approaches the midline there is a place that flares out and is called the __
2.)The duct of each seminal vesicle joins that of the ductus deferens on the same side to form the __
3.)two parts of the vas deferens
ejaculatory duct
ampulla & ejaculatory duct
1.)three glands that contribute to semen
2.)majority of semen (65-75%) is coming from __which lie on the posterior bladder wall
3.)main energy source of sperm cells
4.)the __contributes to about 25-30% of the product of semen and is the size of a chestnut
seminal vesicles, prostate gland, cowpers gland
seminal vesicles
prostate gand
1.)what does the prostate gland secrete?
2.)The ___gives males the most trouble because it surrounds the urethra
3.)The __are pea-sized glands inferior to the prostate gland, they produce thick, clear mucus prior to ejaculation that drains into the spongy urethra and neutralizes traces of acidic urine in the urethra. Contributes to the least amount of semen
phosphatase, citric acid, zinc
prostate gland
cowpers gland
1.)__also contribute to semen with sperm (about 2-5%)
2.)three regions of urethra
3.)part of urethra surrounded by prostate gland
4.)part of urethra where cowpers glands are embedded in the body wall
prostatic, membranous, spongy(penile) urethra
prostatic urethra
membranous urethra
1.)The part of the urethra on the outside of the body
2.)name the things a mature sperm contains
3.)the acrosome is filled with __enzymes that break down the protective coatings around the egg
4.)ATP is here coming from mitochondrion
2.)acrosome, head, midpiece, principal piece, endpiece, axonine, pro-nucleus
4.)principal piece
1.)the midpiece of the sperm marks the beginning of the __
2.)around the urethra is the ___
3.)the reason the penis is down is that at the base of the blood vessels, there is __
4.)blood vessels only have the ___system controlling them
corpus spongiosum
1.)about __mL of semen is release per ejaculate, and for every mL there are __sperm
2.)the erection phase of the male sex act is controlled by what system?
3.)what does the nitric oxide cause to happen?
3.5, 120 million
dilation of blood vessels
1.)the emission phase of the male sex act is controlled by what system?
2.)The sympathetic system runs all the duck work such as where?
3.)the sympathetic causes the muscles to go into a type of rhythmic contraction called __
2.)vas deferens, muscles around glands and the epididymis
1.)as the seminal vesicles contents and sperm touch tin the lining of the prostatic urethra, there are whirls of receptors hooked to the spinal cord and the message will set up a __
2.)the ovary is secured in place by __
3.)The fallopian tube contains a funnel-type thing called the __
spinal cord reflex
1.)The infundibulum of the uterine tube has __, finger-like projections that help the egg to go into the tube
2.)where does the ovarian cycle occur?
3.)the entire ovary is covered by a tough fibrous CT sheath called the ___
4.)on the ovaries outer surface will be a layer of simple cuboidal epithelium, called the?
tunica albuginea
germinal epithelium
1.)does the germinal epithelium make the egg?
2.)A typical ovary will have a center called the __and the outer portion called the __
3.)embedded in the cotrex is the __(grass in Easter basket).
4.)crammed in each ovary will be about __eggs
medulla, cortex
a million
1.)Each egg is surrounded by a cup of cells called __
2.)If the eggs are undeveloped they are celled
3.)When a baby girl is born, does she have all the potential eggs she is ever going to use?
4.)prior to birth, the female has __
5.)The oogonia replicates down the pathway to become sex cells and undergoes mitosis and is born with __
follicle cells
primordial follicles
primary oocyte
1.)once a baby girl is born, does she ever go through mitosis again?
2.)What is going on in the ovary is called __
3.)how long is the ovarian cycle
ovarian cycle
28 days
1.)what happens during days 1-5 of the ovarian cycle.
2.)FSH runs to ovary and does what?
3.)around the cell membrane a halo begins to form around this new primary follicle called the __, creates a protective environment
4.)Once we get to the primary oocyte, the outside cells become more __shaped
1.)LHRH is FSHRH are released, FSH runs to ovary and tells cells to grow and multiply.
2.)tell it to grow, multiply and make estrogen
3.)zona pellucida
1.)the primordial cell is now called a __
2.)Estrogen goes around the body and does what?
3.)at around day 11, the follicle cells have now become what?
4.)Now, the regions that immediately surrounds the cell is the __
1.)primary follicle
2.)make CT become greater, goes to breast to develop, goes to hips
3.)granulosa cells
1.)the theca is making __and putting it in one direction while the granulosa layer is making __and putting it in the other direction
2.)There will be a developed space b/w the theca and ganulosa called the ___
3.)The fluid in the antrum is called __
4.)so now, this is known as the growing follicle or __
androgens, estrogen
follicular fluid
secondary follicle
1.)The theca cells make androgens that make their way into the lining cells, and the lining cells (ganulosa cells) will convert the androgens into ___
2.)the estrogen levels may get high and go back to the hypothalamus and tell it to stop sending FSH and LH and the __can also release inhibin which helps with negative feedback
follicular cells
1.)So the FSH released by the pituitary tells ___cells to grow
2.)At approximately day 13, it becomes a __follicle
3.)As you approach ovulation, there is a lot of estrogen being made and these high levels go to the anterior pituitary and encourage a surge of ___
1.)two things LH go over to the Graafian follicle and does
1.)tells the primary oocyte to undergo the first meiotic division, therefore making a tiny polar body and a larger secondary oocyte
2.)the tunica albuginea is allowed to become thin and get ready to pop
1.)The only egg that gets as far as the Graafian follicle is the one that will be __
2.)At day 14, the tunica albuginea breaks open and __occurs
3.)The granulosa cells will now be called __because the egg is no longer in the ovary
corona radiata
1.)Also, the theca remains behind along with the __
2.)Some follicular fluid comes out called the __
3.)The theca caves in, forming large yellow cells called the __, and the hormone of the cells is now __
4.)The corpus luteum has a life of ___weeks
cumulus oophorus
corpus hemorrhagicum
corpus luteum, progesterone
1.)The corpus luteum is consider ___
2.)summary of ovarian cycle
3.)gynecologists and obstetricians are interested in follicular fluid to tell if a women is __or not
4.)prior to ovulation the primary hormone is __
5.)after ovulation, the primary hormone is __produced by the corpus luteum
1.)post ovulation
2.)primordial follicle, primary follicle, growing follicle, mature follicle (secondary oocyte), corpus luteum
1.)The tubes go through peristalsis and in the __is where majority of fertilization occurs
2.)many birth control pills are designed to prevent what?
3.)both ovaries form as __
4.)what is the most immature sex cell
upper third
LH surge
germinal epithelium
1.)ovulation is day ___
2.)what does a polar body do?
3.)__is the hormone of ovulation
4.)what would cause the corpus luteum to live longer?
5.)what days are post ovulation
give up cytoplasm
1.)the bulk of the uterus is smooth muscle called __
2.)what lines the muscle of the uterus
3.)On the surface of the endometrium, you have __epithelium
4.)Between the muscle and the simple columnar is the __of the endometrium
simple columnar
stratum basalis
1.)Found in the stratum basalis are inactive __and scattered in between are dense irregular to loose CT and there will also be blood vessels
2.)Branching from the internal iliac is the __and it comes into the muscle and turns into the arcuate artery
uterine glands
uterine artery
1.)the arcuate artery will periodically give off blood vessels that go towards the lumen called the __arterioles
2.)As these arterioles enter the tissue of the endometrium, it breaks into __arterioles and __arterioles
coiled, straight
1.)coiled and straight arterioles are blood vessels in the basalis layer and provide __for the layer in carrying away waster products and lie adjacent to the glands.
2.)this is from day 1-5 and is the shedding of the endometrium
1.)this is day 5-13, day when the uterus is the thinnest
2.)does estrogen love CT?
3.)what is happening with estrogen during days 5-13
4.)what happens on day 14
1.)proliferative pre ovulation phase
3.)takes care of secondary sex characteristics and repairs and heals the endometrium
1.)from days 14-28 does the body know if fertilization has occured?
2.)from day 14-28, what is the hormone?
3.)what does progesterone do during days 14-28
4.)As the glands become full of good stuff, the epithelium pushes __
tells glands to grow
1.)The coiled arterioles move out and provide the __for the epithelium
2.)Do the straight arterioles stay back in the basalis?
3.)You now have made endometrium thicker and the new growth is called the __
stratum functionalis
1.)what are a few factors to make the sperm fertilize the egg
2.)what is the acrosome filled with?
3.)The female makes a lot of __molecules and since albumin like to carry stuff, it leaches out to support the molecule of sperm
1.)timing, must become accustomed to the pH of the vagina, acrosomal responds
1.)You do not want the acrosome to rupture before it gets to where the egg is, so it gradually happens on its journey so by the time it gets to the __(in the upper third), the acrosome breaks open and the enzymes makes a path.
2.)now, only the __goes inside and all the rest of the sperm membranes merge with the cell membrane to make it a little bigger
secondary oocyte
1.)an egg cannot mature unless it is in the process of __
2.)what happens to the polar body?
3.)when two nuclei join, there is a fertilized ___.
4.)the body knows that fertilization has occured because the corona radiata cells release ___
pushed out of the scene
human choorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
1.)what does HCG go to the corpus luteum and say
2.)by the time the 3 months have passed, the zygote has been implanted and formed a __, which takes over the job of the corpus luteum.
3.)when the egg is not fertilized, the two week lifespan of the corpus luteum has occured and progesterone production has __
1.)your supposed to die in two weeks but keep going for 3 months
1.)since those glands have no progesterone, they get cranky and do what?
2.)what is ischemia?
3.)the female has one primary oocyte that becomes only one mature egg and one __
snap back
lack of oxygen and nutrients
polar body
1.)in the male, there is a spermatogonia that divides and divides again, and you get __viable sperm
2.)menopause occurs when the follicles that do exist fail to do what?
to be turned on by FSH, they stop recognizing the receptors
Review of the female cycle
1.)day 1-5=
2.)day 6-13=
3.)day 14=
4.)day 14-28=
begining of menses
pre-ovulation, repair of endometrium, high estrogen
ovulation because of LH surge
functionalis grows, high progesterone
1.)what is a fertilized egg called
2.)the outer layer of cells is called the ___
3.)the __has formed and rests for a while because it takes about 30 hours for the first division to occur
4.)The first division results in two __cells
corona radiata
fertilization envelope
1.)For females who are contemplating getting pregnant, they must have adequate __
2.)__, rest, and __are very important in the first 6 weeks to keep the developing egg healthy
3.)__starts at the beginning and ends at about week 1 1/2
folic acid
nutrition, stress
1.)cleavage will stop after, and it is now called an ___(weeks 2-8) and then a ___(8 weeks and on).
2.)A solid ball of cells (about 16 or so) will form and the corona radiata will form around it called the __; it takes about 72 hours for this to be formed
embryo, fetus
1.)Now, it will enter the uterus and continue to cleave, transforming into a ___.
2.)The outside is no longer the corona radiata and is called the ___
3.)The trophoblast will eventually become the __(one of the membranes of the developing fetus)
1.)The cells will migrate together to a certain surface of the blastocyst called the ___
2.)What will eventually become the actual life
3.)between this and implantation, the embryonic tissue is beginning to form into the primary germ layers, what are the 3?
embryonic tissue
mesoderm, endoderm, ectoderm