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70 Cards in this Set

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What is a stimulus? name 2 examples
A stimulus is a change in the environment.

ex. Temperature, Pressure, ect..
What is a receptor?
Any structure specialized to detect a stimulus.
In terms of the general properties of recptors, what does transduction mean?
Transduction- the conversion of one form of energy to another.

ex. the conversion sound (a stimulus energy) into nerve signals.
What is a sensation?
A sensation is when a sensory signal goes to the brain.

Brain cells interpret sensations as perception.

When sensory impulses first reach the brain, we experience sensation.

When sensory impulses reach the brain, we first experience perception.
Flase, we experience sensation, then our brain cells interpret these sensations as perception
What is a perception?
Is what our brain cells interpret our sensations as.

Interpretation occurs in one are of the brain, Frontal Lobe.
False. it occurs at different parts of the cerebrum.
Define Vision.
From Notes:

Vision- change in chemical structure of a pigment caused by light energy.

From Book:

Vision the preception of objects in the environment by means of the light that they emit of reflect.

Vision is a photochemical reactor.
Draw a quick sketch of the eye. (make sure to distiguish the lateral from the medial side in your sketch)

in your sketch label.
-Iris -Commiusure (2) -Palpebral (2)
-Pupil -Sclera -Eyebrow
Check sketch with fig 16.22
pg. 614
In the anotomy of the eye, what is the sclera?
The white part of the eye ball.
In the anotomy of the eye, what are two functions of the eyebrows?
1. Prevent excess UV light to pass into the lower part of the retina. (Diffuse Light)

2. Prevent dilution of the eye. (helps keep prespiration from running into the eye)

During development humans (in utero), 3 distinct eyelids can be seen.
We know that during development in the womb, we can see that humans have 3 eyelids, but when they mature and are born the only seem to have 2 eyelids, what hapens to the 3rd eyelid?
it becomes a lump of tissue in the corner of our eye. lacrimal curuncle
In the anatomy of the eye, what does commisure mean?
It means the angles of the eye.*
In the anatomy of the eye, what does palpebral refer to?
Palpebral refers to the eyelid
What is the function of the muscle, Levator palpebrae superoris? and what cranial nerve inervates it?
Raises the eyelid.

Cranial nerve 3 oculomotor.
What is the function of the muscle, Orbicularis oculi? and what cranial nerve inervates it?
Closses the eye lid.

Cranial nerve 7 facial.
What is the conjunctiva?
Conjuctiva- a transparent mucous membrane that covers the inner surface of the eyelid, and the anterior surface of the eyeball.

see fig. 16.23 a.
pg. 615
________, also known as "pink eye", is the inflamation of the _______.
1. Conjuctivitis

2. Conjuctiva
In the term lacrimal apparatus, what does the word lacrimal refer to?
lacrimal refers to tear.
What is the lacrimal apparatus composed of?
The lacrimal (tear) gland, and a series of ducts that drain the tear into the nasal cavity.
Draw a quick sketch of the lacrimal apparatus.

in your sketch label the folowing:
-Lacrimal gland -Lacrimal punctum -Lacrimal canal
-Nasolacrimal duct -Lacrimal sac.
check sketch with fig 16.23 b
pg. 615
In terms of anatimical position, where is the lacrimal gland, of the lacrimal apparatus located?
Superolateral to the eye ball

the lacrimal gland is a simple tubular areolar gland.

The lacrimal gland is a compuond tubular areolar gland.
What is the function of the lacrimal gland?
To prouce tears to the surface of the eyeball.
When the lacrimal gland, produces tears onto the eyeball, which way are they washed?

*(hint- from ____ to _____)
From the superiolateral side of the eye, to the medial side of the eye.

Tears do not contain nutrients for cells in the eye.

Tears do contain nutrients for cells in the eye.
What is the lacrimal punctum?
From notes:

Lacrimal punctum- little opening where tears pass down to get into the lacrimal canal.

From book:

Lacrimal Punctum- a tiny pore on the margin of each eyelid, where the tears flow into after collecting near the medial commisure.
When we cry we over produce _____.
Explain the process of the tear coming from the lacrimal gland, to the inferior meatus.

in your description include.
- Lacrimal gland - Lacrimal Punctum -Lacrimal sac
-Lacrimal canal -Nasolacrimal canal -Inferior meatus of nasal cavity.
From Lacrimal gland, to lacrimal Punctum, to lacrimal canal, to lacrimal sac, then down nasolacrimal duct, into inferior meatus of nasal cavity.

then tears mix with mucous and finally we swallow it. (YUMMY).
Finish the folowing sentence:

Tears contain _____, which is a _______ enzyme that destroy ______ on the eye.
Tears contain LYSOZYME, which is a BACTERICIDAL enzyme that destroy BACTERIA on the eye.
Name the 6 Extrinisic muscles of the eye.
Superior Rectus
Lateral Rectus
Inferior Rectus
Medial Rectus
Superor Oblique
Inferior Oblique
Finsih the following sentence:

Of the _____ extrinsic muscles of the eye, _____ are rectus, and ______ are oblique.
Of the SIX extrinsic muscles of the eye, FOUR OF THEM are rectus, and TWO are oblique.
Name the muscle(s) of the eye that are invervated by cranial nerve Number 6 (Abducens).
Lateral rectus muscle
Name the muscle(s) of the eye that are invervated by cranial nerve Number 4 (Trochlear).
Superor Oblique muscle
Name the muscle(s) of the eye that are invervated by cranial nerve Number 3(Oculomotor nerve).
Levator Palpebrae Superioris.
Superior Rectus muscle
Medial Rectus Muscle.
Inferior Rectus Muscle.
Inferior Oblique Muscle.
Draw a quick sketch of the eye, and draw all the muscles that act upon it discussed in lecture.

*(7 of them)
1.Levator Palpebrae Superioris.
2.Superior Rectus muscle
3.Medial Rectus Muscle.
4.Lateral Rectus Muscle.
5.Inferior Rectus Muscle.
6.Inferior Oblique Muscle.
7.Superior Oblique Muscle.
Finish the following sentence.

There are ____, layers (or ____) in the wall of the eyeball. Name them, and thier relative location to each other.
There are THREE, layers (or TUNICS) in the wall of the eyeball.

1. Tunica Fibrosa- fibrous layer ((the outter region/layer))
2. Tunica Vasculosa (uvea)- vascular layer ((the middle region/layer))
3. Tunica Interna- (Retina), ((inner layer))in dicussion he said *neural tunica
Finish the following sentence.

In terms of the eye, the Uvea is synonymous with _____ _____.
Tunica vasculosa.
In the layers of the eye, the outter most layer ,_____, is a dense connective tissue composed of two regions what are they?
Blank- Tunica Fibrosa

1. Sclera- white part of the eye.
2. Cornear- anterior transparent region of modified sclera that admits light into the eye.
In the layers of the eye, the middle layer ,_____, also called the _____, is a composed of _____ regions what are they, and what do you find in each of them?
- Tunica Vasculosa
- Uvea
- Three

3 Regions

1. Choroid- very vascularized, deeply pigmented. (protection from light) find lots of melanocytes.
2. Ciliary body- ring of ciliary muscles, secreate aqueous humor
3. Iris- Circular and Radial muscles control the diameter of the pupil (its central opening).
Finish the following sentence:

In the layers of the eye, the inner most layer ,_____, is composed of _____, and the begining of the optic nerve.
In the layers of the eye, the inner most layer ,TUNICA INTERNA (*NEURAL TUNICA) is composed of THE RETINA, and the begining of the optic nerve.
In the layers of the eye, the middle layer, ____, has three regions to it, in the Iris region has two kinds of muscles, _____ and _____, that contract to control the diameter of the pupil. What division of the ANS control these muscles? and what do the muscles do to the pupil?
- Tunica Vasculosa
- Circular Muscles
- Radial Muscles

Circular Muscles- Contract to constrict the pupil. Parasympathetic- Nerve 3

Radial Muscles- Contract to dialate the muscles. Sympathetic.
Draw a midsagital lateral view of the eyeball, and label the following.

-sclera -choroid -retina - optic disc
-ciliary body -iris - cornea
-pupil - Viterous body -Anterior Chamber
Check sketch with fig. 16.25 pg.617

The iris is an adjustable diaphragm that controls the diameter of the pupil.

In the Retina, there are cells which are not very sensitive to light.

they are sensitive to light.

In the choroid (middle layer), there is a swollen region called the ciliary body that controls the shape of the pupil.
Flase. control the shape of the Lense.
What does the Vitreous body function to do in the eye?
a transparent jelly that helps give the eyeball shape, and protects the eye.
How does the Iris regualte the amount of light we see?
By controling the diameter of the pupil. (circular and radial muscles)
Name the function of the transparent optical compenents (Optical apparatus*)? Name all of them (4).
They bend(refract) light rays and focus images on the retina.

They are:
-Cornea (important one) -aqueous humor, lense- vitreous body
What is the aqueous humor?
the aqueous humor is a serous fluid secreted by the ciliary body into a space between the iris and lense called the posterior chamber, then it flows through the pupil to the anteror chamber (between the iris and cornea).

All of the following help bend light rays

Cornea, aqueous humor, lense vitreous body, pupil.
False: all of them except for the pupil.

All eye colors come from two kinds of pigments.
False: just one melanin.
_____ is a brown pigment contained in the _____, and it determines ____ eye colors.
The ciliary body has very many thin permeable capilaries that secrete ______?
Aqueous humor.

the Aqueous humor is a fuid that contains CO2, and picks up waste.

It contains 02
Why is it bad to have the pressure of the Aqueous Humor become too great? what causes this high pressure?
caused by an overproduction of it. The pressure press on the optic nerve, damages it "kills cells in the retina*", then we go blind.
Draw a quick sketch of the eye. a midsagial lateral view, of the eye looking upwards.

-Posterior and Anterior chamber -cornea -Viterous body
-Lens -Ciliary Body.

Use this figure to describe the flow of aqueous humor in the eye.
Check sketch with fig. 16.26 pg 618

check notes for description of the flow of aqueous humor.
Glaucoma, which is _____, and Cataract , which is _____, cause what?
Glaucoma- increased intracellular pressure (retina).

Cataract- clouding of the lens.

Both Cause blindness

A tonometer does not meausre pressure.
Flase it does.

The Lens is supsended by a ring of fibers called the suspensory ligament.

there are stem cells in the retina on the eye.
The retina (third layer) is attahced to what two structures?
Posteriorly- Optic disc.
Anteriorly- Ora Serrata.
What is an Opthalmoscope?
an instument used to see inside the eyeball, the eye ball appears as fig. 16.28 pg 619.
Name at least 2 of the three diagnoses that can be made non-invasively, by looking at the eye through an opthalmoscope?
1. Hypertension- High BP
2. Mellitus- kind of diabetes
3. Atheroasclerosis- hardening of the arteries.
______ is the layer made up of dense conective tissue.
Tunica Fibrosa
The Tunica vasculosa is also known as the uvea, what does uvea mean?