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84 Cards in this Set

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The cervix is part of the
If the vas deferens tubes are cut and tied (vasectomy), the semen will not contain
The bone in the upper arm is the
The single long process that extends from a typical motor nerve cell is the
When humans breathe using only the mouth, which of the following is most diminished?
The system that reclaims fluids and proteins that have escaped from blood capillaries is the
Chyme is formed in the
Hemoglobin contains which element?
In a natural community, primary consumers are
Muscle fatigue is a result of
accumulation of lactic acid.
An interaction between two species in which both species benefit is known as
Various forms of a gene at a given locus are called
Smooth muscle is
involuntary and nonstriated.
What is the form of RNA that carries the code from the DNA to the site where the protein
is assembled?
messenger RNA
The main source of energy for humans is
When a hen's egg is cooked for breakfast, which of the following statements does not apply?
Gentle cooling will reverse the denaturation that has occurred
The chromosomes are aligned at the spindle equator during
The positive subatomic particle is the
Chromatids that are attached at the centromere are called what kind of chromatids?
The control in an experiment
allows a standard of comparison for the experimental group.
Microtubule-producing centers are most closely associated with
Which of the following is defined as "all of the various species living in the same area?"
The organelle that is compared to a whip is a
The chemical processes in the living cell are collectively called
Which microscope has the highest magnification?
transmission electron
. The idea that all living cells come from preexisting living cells was proposed by
Rudolf Virchow.
A motor neuron and all the muscles under its control is called what kind of unit?
motor unit
Fertilization in mammals occurs in the
Haversian canals are characteristic of which tissue?
bone tissue
The heart, muscles, bones, and blood develop primarily from what system
Which of the following is NOT part of the appendicular skeleton?
The purpose of a vaccine is to
produce a mild case of the disease, and stimulate the immune response, and cause memory cells to be formed.
The group of animals with the most efficient respiratory system is the
As an animal grows larger, the surface area increases by the mathematical __?__ of its dimensions.
Which cells produce and secrete antibodies that set up bacterial invaders for subsequent destruction by macrophages?
B cells
A community differs from an ecosystem in that the former does NOT include
abiotic (nonliving) factors.
At the arteriole end of the capillary, more fluid leaves the capillary than enters as a result of
hydrostatic force.
In mitosis, if a parent cell has 16 chromosomes, each daughter cell will have how many chromosomes?
A 9+2 array refers to
both mictotubules and cilia but not Golgi bodies or ribosomes.
dihybrid cross of two contrasting pure-breeding organisms
results in the disappearance of the recessive traits for the first generation.
Energy stored in which of the following molecules is converted by mitochondria to a form usable by the cell?
carbon compounds
Amino acids are joined together in proteins by
peptide bonds
results in the production of pyruvate and occurs in the cytoplasm.
The carbon source for organisms that derive their energy from photosynthesis is
carbon dioxide.
what is a junction between two neurons?
chemical synapse
The negative subatomic particle is the
Antibodies are
Which cells cause rapid division of the lymphocytes?
helper T cells
n a scientific experiment, conditions that could affect the outcome of the experiment, but do not because they are held constant, are called
controlled variables.
destroys the cell wall of invading bacteria
Each cell is able to maintain a constant internal environment. This is called
About how many quarts of blood does a normal, 150-pound, human male have?
In humans, the fluid immediately surrounding the embryo is contained in the
The nonmoving joints between skull bones are examples of what kind of joints?
Sperm are produced in the
. Which vitamin functions in forming a blood clot?
Replication of DNA
produces two molecules, each of which is half-new and half-old DNA joined lengthwise to each other.
A network of interactions that involve the cycling of materials and the flow of energy between a community and its physical environment is which of the following?
If tall (D) is dominant to dwarf (d), and two homozygous varieties DD and dd are crossed, then what kind of offspring will be produced?
all tall
When a eukaryotic cell divides, daughter cells
receive enough of the organelles to start up the new cells and produce additional organelles as needed.
Mendel found that pea plants expressing a recessive trait
were pure-breeding.
Prokaryotic cells do NOT have
membrane bound nuclei.
Organisms designated producers obtain their energy from
the sun
Organelles used to move chromosomes are the
The female reproductive system does not include
mammary gland.
In the human male several hundred million sperm are produced by spermatogenesis occurring in
seminiferous tubules
By definition, a “nerve” is
a bundle of axons
In an experiment, the control group
is maintained under strict laboratory conditions.
Which is an example of a habitat?
intestinal tract
Which cells produce antibodies
B cells
According to Mendel, what kind of genes "disappear" in F1 pea plants?
what makes up the greatest percentage of human plasma?
Functionally, the plasma membrane of a muscle cell is most like that of a
nerve cell.
The gastrocnemius muscle is located
in the lower leg
The mineral stored in greatest quantity in bones is
Most of the carbon dioxide produced by the body is transported to the lungs in
bicarbonate ions
The organ that stores and detoxifies different organic compounds is the
The ultimate source of energy for living things is the
the sun
Strictly speaking, mitosis and meiosis are divisions of the
only nucleus and chromosomes.
Which is the smallest portion of a substance that retains the properties of an element?
A process found only in plants and some bacteria
When a cell undergoes mitosis
the daughter cells have identical genes and the daughter cell has genes identical to those of the mother cell that produced it.
Which is the smallest unit of life that can exist as a separate entity?
a cell
. The instructions for growth and development are in