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493 Cards in this Set

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Definition of Photosynthesis?

Converts solar ( light ) energy into chemical energy!

Where does Photosynthesis occur?

Plants, algae, other Protists and some prokaryotes!

Photosynthesis directly and indirectly...

Nourishes the whole world!


Producers of the biosphere!

Do Autotrophs eat?


They sustain themselves!

They do not eat other organisms!

What do Autotrophs produce?

Co2 and other organic molecules!

Autotrophs example?

Most plants are autotrophs!

How do Autotrophs make organic molecules?

They use sunlight energy to make organic molecules from h2o and co2!


Consumers of the biosphere!

An example of heterotrophs?

Humans are heterotrophs!

How do heterotrophs gain their organic material?

From other organisms!

What do heterotrophs depend on?

Phototrophs for food and o2!


Likely evolved from bacteria!

What are chloroplasts structurally similar to?


What allows for the chemical reactions of photosynthesis to take place?

The structural organisation of cells!

Where is the main location of photosynthesis?

Plant leaves!

Where do plants get their green colour?


What is chlorophyll?

The green pigment within chloroplasts!

In chloroplasts what drives the synthesis of organic molecules?

Light energy absorbed by the chlorophyll!

How does co2 enter and o2 exit the leaves?

Through stomata!

What is stomata?

Microscopic pores!

Where are chloroplasts mainly found?

In cells of the mesophyll!

What is mesophyll?

The interior tissue of the leave!

How many chloroplasts does a typical mesophyll cell have?


Where is the chlorophyll found?

In the thylakoid membranes!

What are thylakoids?

Connected sacs in the chloroplasts!

What are the names of the volume thylakoids may be stacked in?


What is stroma?

A dense fluid chloroplasts contain!

Photosynthesis equation?

6co2 + 12h2o + light energy


C6h12o6 + 6o2 + 6h2o

What do chloroplasts split o2 into?

Hydrogen and oxygen!

What do chloroplasts incorporate hydrogen electrons into?

Sugar molecules!

What are the two stages of photosynthesis?

Light reactions and the Calvin cycle!

Where do light reactions take place?

In the thylakoids!

Stages of light reactions?

Split o2 - Release o2 -

Reduce NADP+ to NADPH -

Generate ATP from ADP by phosphorylation!

What is phosphorylation?

When ATP is generated from ADP!

Where does the Calvin cycle take place?

In the stroma!

What does the Calvin cycle form?

Sugars from co2!

What does the Calvin cycle use to form sugars?


How does the carbon cycle begin?

Carbon fixation!

What occurs during carbon fixation?

It incorporates co2 into organic molecules!

What type of process is photosynthesis?

Redox process!

What happens during this redox process?

H2o is oxidised forming co2!

What are chloroplast factories?

Solar powered chemical factories!

What do the thylakoids of chloroplasts do?

Form ATP and NADPH from light energy!

What is light a form of?

Electromagnetic energy!

What is electromagnetic energy also known as?

Electromagnetic radiation!

How does light travel?

In rhythmic waves!

What is wavelength?

The distance between the crests of waves!

What does the wavelength determine?

The type of electromagnetic energy!

What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

The entire wave of electromagnetic energy /radiation

What does visible light consist of?

Wavelengths that produce colours we can see!

Visible light wavelengths include..

Those in photosynthesis!

What does light also behave as though it contains?


What are photons?

Discrete particles!

Visible light?

Between 560/600nm

10 power 3nm

What are pigments?

Substances that absorb physical light!

Different pigments..

Absorb different wavelengths!

What happens to wavelengths that are not absorbed?

They are reflected or transmitted!

Why do leaves appear green?

Because chlorophyll reflects and transmits green light!

What does a spectrophotometer measure?

A pigments ability to absorb different wavelengths!

How does a spectrophotometer work?

Light is sent through pigments

A fraction of light is then transmitted at each wavelength!

Galvanometer - high transmittance ...

Low absorption

Chlorophyll absorbs little green light

Galvanometer - low transmittance

High absorption

Chlorophyll absorbs most blue light

What is an absorption spectrum?

A graph which plots light absorption vs wavelength!

What does the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a suggest?

Violet-blue and red light works best for photosynthesis!

What is an action spectrum?

It profiles the relative effectiveness of different wavelengths of radiation in a driving process!

When was the action spectrum first demonstrated?

In 1883 by Theodor W. Engelmann!

What did the experiment do?

Exposed different segments of a filamentous alga to different wavelengths!

What happened to areas favouring photosynthesis?

They produced excess o2!

How did he measure o2 production?

The growth of aerobic bacteria which was clustered along the alga!

What is the main photosynthetic pigment?

Chlorophyll a!

Accessory pigment example?

Chlorophyll b!

What do chlorophyll b do?

Broaden the spectrum used for photosynthesis!

What are carotenoids!

Accessory pigments!

What do carotenoids do?

Absorb accessible light that would damage chlorophyll!

What happens when a pigment absorbs light?

It goes from a ground state to an excited state!

An excited state is..


What happens when an excited state falls back to a ground state?

Photons are given off!

How does fluorescence occur?

Photons are given off!

The head of chlorophyll a is?


The head of chlorophyll b is?


What does the hydrocarbon chain do?

Interacts with hydrophobic regions of proteins.

It occurs in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts!

If illuminated what will happen to an isolated solution of chlorophyll?

Light and heat are given off!

What does a photo system consist of?

A reaction-centre complex!

What is a reaction centre complex?

A type of protein complex!

What USA reaction-centre surrounded by?

Light-harvesting complexes!

What are light harvesting complexes?

Pigment molecules bound to proteins!

What do light-harvesting complexes do?

Funnel the energy of the photons to the reaction centre!

What does a primary electron receptor do?

Accepts an excited electron from chlorophyll a!

What is the first step of the light reactions?

Solar-powered transfer of an electron from chlorophyll a molecule to the primary electron receptor!

Where is the thylakoid space?

The interior of the thylakoid!

How many types of photo systems are in the thylakoid membrane?


Photosystems two functions?


Photosystems two absorbs a wavelength of?


What is the reaction centre of chlorophyll a of ps2 called?


Photosystem one can absorb?


Photosystem ones reaction centre is called?


What are the two possible routes for electron flow during light reactions?

Cyclic and linear!

What is the linear electron flow?

The primary pathway!

What does the linear electron flow involve?

Ps1 and ps2!

What is produced in the linear electron flow by ps1 and ps2?

ATP and NADPH using light energy!

How does linear electron transport work? ( ps2 )

A photon hits a pigment

It's energy is then passed among pigment molecules

Until it excited p680

Where is the excited electron from p680 passed to?

The primary electron receptor!

What is p680+?

P680 minus an electron!


Is a very strong oxidising agent!

What happens to h20?

It is split in hydrogen and oxygen!

What happens to h2o?

It is split by enzymes and the electrons are transferred!

After h2o splits what happens?

Electrons are transferred from the hydrogen atoms to p680+ thus reducing it to p680!

What is the by product of p680+ to p680?


Which way does each electron fall?

From ps2 to ps1 down the electron transport chain!

What happens to the energy released?

It drives the creation of a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane!

What drives ATP synthesis?

Diffusion of h+ protons!

What does transferred light energy excite in ps1?


What happens to p700 after it becomes excited?

It loses an electron to an electron acceptor!

What is p700+?

P700 minus an electron!

What does P700 do?

Accepts an electron passed down from ps2 via the electron transport chain!

Where do the electrons go when they fall down the electron transport chain from ps1?

To the protein ferredoxin! ( fd )

Where do the electrons go when they fall down the electron transport chain from ps1?

To the protein ferredoxin! ( fd )

Where do the proteins go after reaching the ferredoxin protein?

NADP+ and reduces to NADPH!

Where do the electrons go when they fall down the electron transport chain from ps1?

To the protein ferredoxin! ( fd )

Where do the proteins go after reaching the ferredoxin protein?

NADP+ and reduces to NADPH!

What happens to the electrons of NADPH?

They become available for the reactions of the Calvin cycle!

Where do the electrons go when they fall down the electron transport chain from ps1?

To the protein ferredoxin! ( fd )

Where do the proteins go after reaching the ferredoxin protein?

NADP+ and reduces to NADPH!

What happens to the electrons of NADPH?

They become available for the reactions of the Calvin cycle!

What does the cyclic electron flow use?

Only ps1!

Where do the electrons go when they fall down the electron transport chain from ps1?

To the protein ferredoxin! ( fd )

Where do the proteins go after reaching the ferredoxin protein?

NADP+ and reduces to NADPH!

What happens to the electrons of NADPH?

They become available for the reactions of the Calvin cycle!

What does the cyclic electron flow use?

Only ps1!

What does the cyclic electron flow produce?

ATP but not NADPH!

Where do the electrons go when they fall down the electron transport chain from ps1?

To the protein ferredoxin! ( fd )

Where do the proteins go after reaching the ferredoxin protein?

NADP+ and reduces to NADPH!

What happens to the electrons of NADPH?

They become available for the reactions of the Calvin cycle!

What does the cyclic electron flow use?

Only ps1!

What does the cyclic electron flow produce?

ATP but not NADPH!

What does the cyclic electron generate surplus of?


What does a surplus of ATP satisfy?

The higher demand in the Calvin cycle!

What does a surplus of ATP satisfy?

The higher demand in the Calvin cycle!

What organisms have ps1 but not ps2?

Purple surfur bacteria!

What evolved first the cyclic or linear electron flow?


What can the cyclic electron flow protect cells from?

Light damage!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

Where are protons pumped to in chloroplasts?

The thylakoid space!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

Where are protons pumped to in chloroplasts?

The thylakoid space!

What does this drive?

ATP as they diffuse back into the stroma!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


Where are ADP and NADPH produced?

The side facing the stroma, where the Calvin cycle takes place!

What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

Where are protons pumped to in chloroplasts?

The thylakoid space!

What does this drive?

ATP as they diffuse back into the stroma!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


Where are ADP and NADPH produced?

The side facing the stroma, where the Calvin cycle takes place!

What do light reactions generate?

ATP and increase the potential energy of electrons by moving them from h2o to NADPH!

What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

Where are protons pumped to in chloroplasts?

The thylakoid space!

What does this drive?

ATP as they diffuse back into the stroma!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


Where are ADP and NADPH produced?

The side facing the stroma, where the Calvin cycle takes place!

What do light reactions generate?

ATP and increase the potential energy of electrons by moving them from h2o to NADPH!

How is the Calvin cycle similar to the citric acid cycle?

It regenerates it's starting material after molecules enter and leave the cycle!

What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

Where are protons pumped to in chloroplasts?

The thylakoid space!

What does this drive?

ATP as they diffuse back into the stroma!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


Where are ADP and NADPH produced?

The side facing the stroma, where the Calvin cycle takes place!

What do light reactions generate?

ATP and increase the potential energy of electrons by moving them from h2o to NADPH!

How is the Calvin cycle similar to the citric acid cycle?

It regenerates it's starting material after molecules enter and leave the cycle!

How does the Calvin cycle build sugar?

From small molecules!

What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

Where are protons pumped to in chloroplasts?

The thylakoid space!

What does this drive?

ATP as they diffuse back into the stroma!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


Where are ADP and NADPH produced?

The side facing the stroma, where the Calvin cycle takes place!

What do light reactions generate?

ATP and increase the potential energy of electrons by moving them from h2o to NADPH!

How is the Calvin cycle similar to the citric acid cycle?

It regenerates it's starting material after molecules enter and leave the cycle!

How does the Calvin cycle build sugar?

From small molecules!

What does it use to build these small molecules?

ATP and the reducing power of electrons carried by NADPH!

What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

Where are protons pumped to in chloroplasts?

The thylakoid space!

What does this drive?

ATP as they diffuse back into the stroma!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


Where are ADP and NADPH produced?

The side facing the stroma, where the Calvin cycle takes place!

What do light reactions generate?

ATP and increase the potential energy of electrons by moving them from h2o to NADPH!

How is the Calvin cycle similar to the citric acid cycle?

It regenerates it's starting material after molecules enter and leave the cycle!

How does the Calvin cycle build sugar?

From small molecules!

What does it use to build these small molecules?

ATP and the reducing power of electrons carried by NADPH!

What happens when carbon enters the Calvin cycle as co2?

It leaves as a sugar!

What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

Where are protons pumped to in chloroplasts?

The thylakoid space!

What does this drive?

ATP as they diffuse back into the stroma!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


Where are ADP and NADPH produced?

The side facing the stroma, where the Calvin cycle takes place!

What do light reactions generate?

ATP and increase the potential energy of electrons by moving them from h2o to NADPH!

How is the Calvin cycle similar to the citric acid cycle?

It regenerates it's starting material after molecules enter and leave the cycle!

How does the Calvin cycle build sugar?

From small molecules!

What does it use to build these small molecules?

ATP and the reducing power of electrons carried by NADPH!

What happens when carbon enters the Calvin cycle as co2?

It leaves as a sugar!

What is this sugar called?

Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate ( g3p )

What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

Where are protons pumped to in chloroplasts?

The thylakoid space!

What does this drive?

ATP as they diffuse back into the stroma!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


Where are ADP and NADPH produced?

The side facing the stroma, where the Calvin cycle takes place!

What do light reactions generate?

ATP and increase the potential energy of electrons by moving them from h2o to NADPH!

How is the Calvin cycle similar to the citric acid cycle?

It regenerates it's starting material after molecules enter and leave the cycle!

How does the Calvin cycle build sugar?

From small molecules!

What does it use to build these small molecules?

ATP and the reducing power of electrons carried by NADPH!

What happens when carbon enters the Calvin cycle as co2?

It leaves as a sugar!

What is this sugar called?

Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate ( g3p )

How many cycles must the Calvin cycle do for one g3p?

3 ( fixing 3 molecules of co2 )

What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

Where are protons pumped to in chloroplasts?

The thylakoid space!

What does this drive?

ATP as they diffuse back into the stroma!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


Where are ADP and NADPH produced?

The side facing the stroma, where the Calvin cycle takes place!

What do light reactions generate?

ATP and increase the potential energy of electrons by moving them from h2o to NADPH!

How is the Calvin cycle similar to the citric acid cycle?

It regenerates it's starting material after molecules enter and leave the cycle!

How does the Calvin cycle build sugar?

From small molecules!

What does it use to build these small molecules?

ATP and the reducing power of electrons carried by NADPH!

What happens when carbon enters the Calvin cycle as co2?

It leaves as a sugar!

What is this sugar called?

Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate ( g3p )

How many cycles must the Calvin cycle do for one g3p?

3 ( fixing 3 molecules of co2 )

The Calvin cycle has how many phases?


What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

Where are protons pumped to in chloroplasts?

The thylakoid space!

What does this drive?

ATP as they diffuse back into the stroma!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


Where are ADP and NADPH produced?

The side facing the stroma, where the Calvin cycle takes place!

What do light reactions generate?

ATP and increase the potential energy of electrons by moving them from h2o to NADPH!

How is the Calvin cycle similar to the citric acid cycle?

It regenerates it's starting material after molecules enter and leave the cycle!

How does the Calvin cycle build sugar?

From small molecules!

What does it use to build these small molecules?

ATP and the reducing power of electrons carried by NADPH!

What happens when carbon enters the Calvin cycle as co2?

It leaves as a sugar!

What is this sugar called?

Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate ( g3p )

How many cycles must the Calvin cycle do for one g3p?

3 ( fixing 3 molecules of co2 )

The Calvin cycle has how many phases?


What are the three phases of the Calvin cycle?

1. Carbon fixation

2. Reduction

3. Regeneration of the co2 acceptor rubp

What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

Where are protons pumped to in chloroplasts?

The thylakoid space!

What does this drive?

ATP as they diffuse back into the stroma!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


Where are ADP and NADPH produced?

The side facing the stroma, where the Calvin cycle takes place!

What do light reactions generate?

ATP and increase the potential energy of electrons by moving them from h2o to NADPH!

How is the Calvin cycle similar to the citric acid cycle?

It regenerates it's starting material after molecules enter and leave the cycle!

How does the Calvin cycle build sugar?

From small molecules!

What does it use to build these small molecules?

ATP and the reducing power of electrons carried by NADPH!

What happens when carbon enters the Calvin cycle as co2?

It leaves as a sugar!

What is this sugar called?

Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate ( g3p )

How many cycles must the Calvin cycle do for one g3p?

3 ( fixing 3 molecules of co2 )

The Calvin cycle has how many phases?


What are the three phases of the Calvin cycle?

1. Carbon fixation

2. Reduction

3. Regeneration of the co2 acceptor rubp

What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What is carbon fixation catalysed by?


What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

Where are protons pumped to in chloroplasts?

The thylakoid space!

What does this drive?

ATP as they diffuse back into the stroma!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


Where are ADP and NADPH produced?

The side facing the stroma, where the Calvin cycle takes place!

What do light reactions generate?

ATP and increase the potential energy of electrons by moving them from h2o to NADPH!

How is the Calvin cycle similar to the citric acid cycle?

It regenerates it's starting material after molecules enter and leave the cycle!

How does the Calvin cycle build sugar?

From small molecules!

What does it use to build these small molecules?

ATP and the reducing power of electrons carried by NADPH!

What happens when carbon enters the Calvin cycle as co2?

It leaves as a sugar!

What is this sugar called?

Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate ( g3p )

How many cycles must the Calvin cycle do for one g3p?

3 ( fixing 3 molecules of co2 )

The Calvin cycle has how many phases?


What are the three phases of the Calvin cycle?

1. Carbon fixation

2. Reduction

3. Regeneration of the co2 acceptor rubp

What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What is carbon fixation catalysed by?


What can be used to determine the ( c3 ) Calvin cycle?

14Co2 " Pulse chase " experimental apparatus!

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

Where are protons pumped to in chloroplasts?

The thylakoid space!

What does this drive?

ATP as they diffuse back into the stroma!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


Where are ADP and NADPH produced?

The side facing the stroma, where the Calvin cycle takes place!

What do light reactions generate?

ATP and increase the potential energy of electrons by moving them from h2o to NADPH!

How is the Calvin cycle similar to the citric acid cycle?

It regenerates it's starting material after molecules enter and leave the cycle!

How does the Calvin cycle build sugar?

From small molecules!

What does it use to build these small molecules?

ATP and the reducing power of electrons carried by NADPH!

What happens when carbon enters the Calvin cycle as co2?

It leaves as a sugar!

What is this sugar called?

Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate ( g3p )

How many cycles must the Calvin cycle do for one g3p?

3 ( fixing 3 molecules of co2 )

The Calvin cycle has how many phases?


What are the three phases of the Calvin cycle?

1. Carbon fixation

2. Reduction

3. Regeneration of the co2 acceptor rubp

What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What is carbon fixation catalysed by?


What can be used to determine the ( c3 ) Calvin cycle?

14Co2 " Pulse chase " experimental apparatus!

Identification of c14 labelled products?

5 secs photosynthesis = 2 secs labelling

30 secs photosynthesis = 30 secs labelling

What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

Where are protons pumped to in chloroplasts?

The thylakoid space!

What does this drive?

ATP as they diffuse back into the stroma!

How do chloroplasts and mitochondria generate ATP?


Where are ADP and NADPH produced?

The side facing the stroma, where the Calvin cycle takes place!

What do light reactions generate?

ATP and increase the potential energy of electrons by moving them from h2o to NADPH!

How is the Calvin cycle similar to the citric acid cycle?

It regenerates it's starting material after molecules enter and leave the cycle!

How does the Calvin cycle build sugar?

From small molecules!

What does it use to build these small molecules?

ATP and the reducing power of electrons carried by NADPH!

What happens when carbon enters the Calvin cycle as co2?

It leaves as a sugar!

What is this sugar called?

Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate ( g3p )

How many cycles must the Calvin cycle do for one g3p?

3 ( fixing 3 molecules of co2 )

The Calvin cycle has how many phases?


What are the three phases of the Calvin cycle?

1. Carbon fixation

2. Reduction

3. Regeneration of the co2 acceptor rubp

What does chemiosmosis use?

Different sources of energy!

What is carbon fixation catalysed by?


What can be used to determine the ( c3 ) Calvin cycle?

14Co2 " Pulse chase " experimental apparatus!

Identification of c14 labelled products?

5 secs photosynthesis = 2 secs labelling

30 secs photosynthesis = 30 secs labelling

Plant problems?


What do mitochondria transfer?

Chemical energy from food to ATP!

What do chloroplasts transform light energy into?

The chemical energy of ATP!

Special organisation of chemiosmosis differs between?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria!

( these may also have similarities )

In mitochondria where are protons pumped to?

The intermembrane space!

What does it drive?

ATP synthase!

How does it drive it?

They diffuse back into the mitochondrial matrix!

Where are protons pumped to in chloroplasts?

The thylakoid space!

What does this drive?

ATP as they diffuse back into the stroma!

What happens if a plant becomes dehydrated?

It requires trade offs with other metabolic processes especially photosynthesis!

What may photo respiration be an evolutionary relic?

As rubisco first evolved at a time when the atmosphere had more co2 and less o2!

What may photo respiration be an evolutionary relic?

As rubisco first evolved at a time when the atmosphere had more co2 and less o2!

What does photorespiration limit?

Damaging products of light reactions that build up in the absence of the Calvin cycle!

What may photo respiration be an evolutionary relic?

As rubisco first evolved at a time when the atmosphere had more co2 and less o2!

What does photorespiration limit?

Damaging products of light reactions that build up in the absence of the Calvin cycle!

Why is photorespiration a problem in many plants?

Because on a hot/dry day it can drain as much as 50% of the carbon fixed by the Calvin cycle!

What may photo respiration be an evolutionary relic?

As rubisco first evolved at a time when the atmosphere had more co2 and less o2!

What does photorespiration limit?

Damaging products of light reactions that build up in the absence of the Calvin cycle!

Why is photorespiration a problem in many plants?

Because on a hot/dry day it can drain as much as 50% of the carbon fixed by the Calvin cycle!

What grows faster c3 or c4 plants?

C4 plants!

What may photo respiration be an evolutionary relic?

As rubisco first evolved at a time when the atmosphere had more co2 and less o2!

What does photorespiration limit?

Damaging products of light reactions that build up in the absence of the Calvin cycle!

Why is photorespiration a problem in many plants?

Because on a hot/dry day it can drain as much as 50% of the carbon fixed by the Calvin cycle!

What grows faster c3 or c4 plants?

C4 plants!

What do some plants use to fix carbon?

Crassulacean acid metabolism ( CAM )

What may photo respiration be an evolutionary relic?

As rubisco first evolved at a time when the atmosphere had more co2 and less o2!

What does photorespiration limit?

Damaging products of light reactions that build up in the absence of the Calvin cycle!

Why is photorespiration a problem in many plants?

Because on a hot/dry day it can drain as much as 50% of the carbon fixed by the Calvin cycle!

What grows faster c3 or c4 plants?

C4 plants!

What do some plants use to fix carbon?

Crassulacean acid metabolism ( CAM )

How do they do this?

They open their stomata at night, incorporating co2 into organic acids!

What may photo respiration be an evolutionary relic?

As rubisco first evolved at a time when the atmosphere had more co2 and less o2!

What does photorespiration limit?

Damaging products of light reactions that build up in the absence of the Calvin cycle!

Why is photorespiration a problem in many plants?

Because on a hot/dry day it can drain as much as 50% of the carbon fixed by the Calvin cycle!

What grows faster c3 or c4 plants?

C4 plants!

What do some plants use to fix carbon?

Crassulacean acid metabolism ( CAM )

How do they do this?

They open their stomata at night, incorporating co2 into organic acids!

What happens during the day to the stomata?

They close and co2 is released from organic acids and used in the Calvin cycle!

What may photo respiration be an evolutionary relic?

As rubisco first evolved at a time when the atmosphere had more co2 and less o2!

What does photorespiration limit?

Damaging products of light reactions that build up in the absence of the Calvin cycle!

Why is photorespiration a problem in many plants?

Because on a hot/dry day it can drain as much as 50% of the carbon fixed by the Calvin cycle!

What grows faster c3 or c4 plants?

C4 plants!

What do some plants use to fix carbon?

Crassulacean acid metabolism ( CAM )

How do they do this?

They open their stomata at night, incorporating co2 into organic acids!

What happens during the day to the stomata?

They close and co2 is released from organic acids and used in the Calvin cycle!

What do submerged aquatic macrophytes show?

CAM photosynthesis!

What happens to plants on hot dry days?

They close their stomata conserving their h2o

This however causes a build up of co2 and reduces photosynthesis!

What happens if photosynthesis is reduced?

The plant heats up!

What happens if photosynthesis is reduced?

The plant heats up!

What process do these conditions favour?

Photorespiration a wasteful process!

What happens if photosynthesis is reduced?

The plant heats up!

What process do these conditions favour?

Photorespiration a wasteful process!

What does initial fixation of co2 via rubisco add instead of co2 during photosynthesis?


What happens if photosynthesis is reduced?

The plant heats up!

What process do these conditions favour?

Photorespiration a wasteful process!

In the Calvin cycle what does rubisco add instead of co2 during photorespiration?


What does initial fixation of co2 via rubisco form?

A three carbon compound!

What does photorespiration consume?

O2 and organic fuel!

What does photorespiration consume?

O2 and organic fuel!

What does photorespiration release?

Co2 without producing ATP or sugar!