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30 Cards in this Set

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The mosses:
are restricted to moist habitats
The dominant stge in the life cycle of a moss is the:
The spores produced within the sporangia of a moss are:
a. diploid
b. haploid
The process by which spores are produced in the sporangia of a miss is:
Which of the following is the most accurate descripiton of a moss?:
small land plants, depending on moist habitats for sexual reproduction
The dominant form in the life cycle of a fern is the:
Ferns are:
Antheridia produce:
sperm cells by mitosis
The archegonia and antheridia of ferns are found on the:
Ferns have true vascularissues and produce spores by homospory:
True or False
The meiotic prooduction of sores in the gymnosperms is an example of heterospory:
True of False
Ovules are found in the:
female cones of conifers
A pine tree groew from a:
Diploid embry that is protected within a seed.
The male gametophyte of a flowering plant is a:
Pollen Grain
Dr. Davis would appreciate students collecting__for him to use in ignition of wood stove fires.
Female pine cones.
What are plant organs?
Stems leaves and roots
The specialized plant tissue that functions in outer protective covering is:
Dermal tissues
The bulk of an annual flowering plant body would be:
Vascular tissues
The bulk of a 100 year old oak tree would be:
Vascular tissue
What plant tissue would be specialized for food production and food storage?
Ground tissue
The vascular bundles of a monocot stem are arranged:
Randomly throught the stem.
The veins of a pant leaf are primarily:
Vascular tissue
Plant cells have three structures not found in animal cells. They are:
Fluid-filled vacuoles, chloroplasts, and cell walls of cellulosse
TCell-to-cell communication is possible between plant cells as a result of
Parenchyma cells
Lack secondary cell walls
Are alive at maturity
Function in photosythesis and food storage.
WHich cells provide rigid suppor, conttain lignin, and are dead at maturity?
Vessel elements and tracheids are compnents of?
The lateral meristem that produces secondary xylem and phloem:
vascular cambium
Primary growth is a result of actively dividing:
apical meristems
Heartwood is:
Xylem that is dead, but still transporting water