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66 Cards in this Set

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genetic change in a population over time
Lyell's Principles of Geology
• Earth was very old and over time present day species have arisen from ancestral species by natural processes
looked at similarities in leg bones
inheritance of acquired traits
Alfred Wallace
also noted for the idea of Natural Selection
Natural Selection
• The primary mechanism of evolutionary change producing adaptation of organisms to their environment
Components of Natural Selection
1. Variation
2. Heritability
3. Competition
4. Differential Reproduction
Artificial Selection
selective breeding of domesticated plants and animals to promote the occurrence of desirable traits
Hardy-Weinberg Principle
• Shuffling of genes that occurs during sexual reproduction by itself cannot change the overall genetic makeup of a population
Components of the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
1. Large Population
2. No gene flow
3. No mutations
4. Random mating
5. No natural selection
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Equation
p² + 2pq + q² = 1

p = A
q = a
variation of life forms within a given ecosystem, biome, or for the entire Earth
Three Domains life is classified in
Domain Archae, Domain Bacteria, Domain Eukarya
Kingdoms of Domain Eukarya
Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
population or group of populations whose members possess similar characteristics and have the ability to interbreed in nature and produce fertile offspring
emergence of new species
Polyploid Speciation
multiplication of the chromosome number due to errors in cell division; common in plants
Evolutionary change on a grand scale
When was Earth formed?
4.6 billion years ago
Earth's early atmosphere was considered to be
Oparin-Haldane Hypothesis
proposed that organic molecules could have formed on the early Earth; early Earth likely had a reducing atmosphere, 'prebiotic soup’
inherited character that enhances an organisms ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment
Four Types of Adaptation
1. Behavioral
2. Structural
3. Biochemical
4. Physiological
population produces more offspring than can survive
traits within the population are different
individuals that survive better will reproduce and pass their superior genes to the next generation
Differential Reproduction
individuals with favorable traits leave behind more offspring (strong survive)
study fossils/layers of earth
similarity in characteristics that result from common ancestry
same function but didn't come from a common ancestor
Convergent Evolution
specific trait evolved independently from one another because they have no common ancestor
Comparative Embryology
comparison of early stages of development among different organisms
Gene flow
movement of individuals or gametes between populations; can alter allele frequency in a population
past and present geographic distribution of organisms
group of individuals of the same species living in the same place at the same time
change in the relative frequencies of alleles in a gene pool over time
ultimate source of variation
preserves the variation by "hiding" recessive alleles
Heterozygote advantage
heterozygotes have greater reproductive success than homozygotes
Frequency-dependent Selection
two different phenotypes are maintained in a population
Bottleneck effect
leads to a loss of genetic diversity when a population is greatly reduced
Founder effect
occurs when a few individuals become isolated from a larger population which results in composition of the new population's gene pool being different from the original one
Altering Variation
maintains stable frequency of two or more phenotypes in a population
Prezygotic barrier
prevents mating or fertilization
Types of Prezygotic barriers
1. temporal
2. habitat
3. behavioral
4. mechanical
5. gametic
Postzygotic barrier
prevents the development of fertile adults
Reduced hybrid viability
don't develop to sexual maturity; don't reproduce
Reduced hybrid fertility
sterile; no functional gametes
Hybrid breakdown
hybrids are weak and infertile
Ring species
single species encompasses a lot of phenotypes
Allopatric species
formation of new species in a population that are geographically isolated
Sympatric species
new species that develop that live in the same area
Punctuated equilibrium
long periods where species is static and a sudden change occurs
Gradualism model
species have intermediates as the become adapted; long term
Carolus Linnaeus
came up with Binomial Nomenclature to designate species
Hadean Eon
Formation of Earth
Archean Eon
origin of life; prokaryotes; 3.8 bya
Proterotoic Eon
Eukaryotes evolved and several animal phyla; 2.5 bya
Paleozoic Fauna
first animals to colonize land
Modern Fauna
contemporary animals we have now
Adaptive radiation
period of evolutionary change in which groups of organisms form many new species whose adaptations allow them to fill new or vacant ecological roles in their communities
440 mya, Large glaciation/sea level fall
Late Devonian
365 mya; Siljan crater
Worst Mass extinction; 250 mya; Bedout Crater and Flood Basalts; One continent, global warming, low oxygen conditions
End Triassic
210 mya, Manicouagan Crater and Flood basalts
65 mya, Chixculub crater and flood basalts