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14 Cards in this Set

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Chromosome segregation?

a process in which sister chromatids of a duplicated chromosome are separated (anaphase(s).


spindle apparatus



a chain of microtubules

a microtubule structure where microtubules are attached to centrosomes at the poles that control the microtubules during cell division to attach to the kinetochores of each chromatid for chromosome segregation in anaphase(s).


the transition process between prophase and metaphase where the spindle apparatus tries to attach to kinetochores of chromosomes

origin of replication eukaryotic and prokayotic differences

the point where DNA replications starts, occurs in only one point in prokaryotic cells and occurs in many points in eukaryotic cells


chromosomes are split apart by microtubules attached to each kinetochore. pulled to opposite ends of the cell by the motor proteins which depolymorize microtubulues attached to each pole resulting in the movement of chromosomes to each end.

Bacterial cell cycle stages

Birth(B) stage: normal cell activity

C period: replication of circular DNA at middle of cell(where DNA replication ezymes are) in both directions.

D period:each piece of DNA moves to opposite end of cell and invagination near the center splits the cell into two new identical daughter cells.

the process in which two pairs of homologous chromosomes in which crossing over may occur.
occurs in prophase 1 of meiosis

(process of synapsis)

synaptonemal complex


crossing over


the process of synapsis occurs when two pairs of homologous chromosomes pair together to form a synaptonemal complex resulting in the formation of a bivlanet/tetrad at this point crossing over may occur as a chromosome from each pair physically join and exchange genetic information. this crossing over can be seen in late prophase 1 and the point of crossing over is known as the chiasma

independent assortment

the possibilities that arise from the arrangement of bivalents in metaphase 1 and metaphase 2 of meiosis

genetic recombination

occurs when two DNA molecules exchange genetic material resulting in a new combination of alleles


germ cell



a gamete is mature germ cell and is a haploid male or female cell that can fuse with another gamete to fertilize into a zygote

maternal chromosomes

parental chromosomes

sex chromosomes


maternal: 23 mother chromosomes

parental: 23 father chromosomes

sex chromosomes:determine the sex of the fertilized zygote in humans the x chromosome is always in the egg and so the sperm with either the x or y will determine the sex x for girl and y for boy

autosomes are chromosomes that determine the characteristics of the zygote


this occurs when the sister chromatids of a homolgous chromosome does not split during anaphase 1 and anaphase 2 of meiosis resulting in more chromosomes in one gamete and less chromosomes in another gamete can also happen in mitosis anaphase


a sample of chromosomes in the cell of an individual listed from smallest to biggest in size with the sex chromosomes listed last.